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Regional Act No. 11 on public uses.

LandLibrary Resource
Europa meridional

These provisions regulate the exercise of the functions entrusted to regional authorities as regards public uses of lands, with particular regard to agro-forestry and silvopastoralism uses. The Act also regulates the procedure for the designation of such public lands.

Chapter 8 of Title 11 of the Yap State Code - Miscellaneous Offenses.

LandLibrary Resource

This Chapter defines offences of a miscellaneous character including: unauthorized disposition of certain foods by a person who has any responsibility for disposition of any food commodity donated under any program of the United States government or the State or Federated States of Micronesia government, violation of business license provisions; violation of section 401 of Title 18 (Conservatio

Royal Decree Law No. 3267 re-arranging and reforming the legislation in matter of forests and mountain territories.

LandLibrary Resource
Europa meridional

This Decree Law represents the basic legal framework in matter of forestry. Since it was enacted in 1923, it must be coordinated with the Constitution, which entrusts particular legislative and administrative competences to the Regions in matter of forestry as well (art. 117). The Decree consists of seven Titles. Title I makes provision for the protection of the public interests.

Ley Nº 2.684 – Exoneración de contribución directa a los terrenos para descanso de hacienda.

LandLibrary Resource
América del Sur

En virtud de esta Ley se autoriza al Poder Ejecutivo a declarar exentos del pago de contribución directa a los propietarios que destinen la totalidad o una parte de sus terrenos al descanso y pastoreo o forrajes de los arreos de ganado que transiten por los caminos públicos.

Tribal Land Act (Chapter 32:02).

LandLibrary Resource
África austral

The Act is divided into 13 Parts: Introductory (I); Land Boards (II); Application (IIa); Administration and appointment to land board service (IIb); Termination of Appointments and Retirements (IIc); Land Board Officers (IId); Offences and penalties (IIe); Land Board Service Commission (IIf); Grant of customary land rights (III); Grant of land rights under common law (IV); Land required for pub

Dahir nº 1-69-171 relatif à la création de périmètres d'amélioration pastorale.

LandLibrary Resource
África septentrional

Ce dahir prévoit la délimitation de zones spéciales d'action rurale dites "périmètres d'amélioration pastorale" en vue d'assurer la régénération et l'enrichissement des pâturages au moyen de travaux de conservation et d'aménagement. Sont interdites les associations en vue de l'élevage de bétail dans les périmètres d'amélioration pastorale.

Land Husbandry Act, 1969 (No. 22 of 1969).

LandLibrary Resource
África austral

The Act provides for soil conservation and livestock control. It harmonizes soil conservation activities in agriculture, livestock management and proper management of water resources. The Act contains provisions on range management and grazing control for communities to manage range resources in a sustainable manner, guaranteeing equal access.The Act applies to agricultural land, i.e.