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Loi n°034-2002/an portant loi d’orientation relative au pastoralisme au Burkina Faso.

LandLibrary Resource
Burkina Faso
África occidental

La présente loi fixe les principes et les modalités d’un développement durable, paisible et intégré des activités pastorales, agropastorales et sylvopastorales. Sont concernées par les dispositions de la présente loi, les activités d’élevage des espèces bovine, ovine, caprine, caméline, asine et équine.

Law No. 1041-XIV on forest reclamation of degraded land.

LandLibrary Resource
Europa oriental

This Law establishes legal grounds for the forest reclamation of degraded land and the procedure of identification of the aforesaid land. This Law shall be applicable to degraded land irrespectively of the form of ownership that can be subject to forest reclamation for the purpose of soil improvement and hydrological and environmental re-balancing.

Provincial Act No. 21 laying down the legislative framework on forestry.

LandLibrary Resource
Europa meridional

This Provincial Act is divided into five Titles. The aims pursued are the protection of any kind of land falling within the provincial territory, giving particular regard to forests, mountain grasslands and pastures, in order to ensure their conservation and productivity and to guarantee their rational and sustainable use.

Law on pastures No. 4342.

LandLibrary Resource
Asia occidental

This Law sets forth basic procedures and rules for the defining and allocation of pasture areas to various villages and municipalities. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs is authorized to determine the boundaries of pastures and their allocation to relevant entities. The procedure for this application is clearly defined in the Law.

Loi n°44-2000 portant Code pastoral en Mauritanie.

LandLibrary Resource
África occidental

Les dispositions de la présente loi ont pour objet de définir les concepts et les principes d’une gestion rationnelle de l’espace pastoral et de déterminer les règles précises devant régir l’ensemble des aspects de l’activité pastorale de manière à assurer la préservation et la promotion du pastoralisme dans le cadre d’une évolution harmonieuse du développement rural.

Village Land Act, 1999.

LandLibrary Resource
África oriental

This Act consists of 66 sections divided into 6 Parts: Preliminary provisions (I); Application of fundamental principles of the National Land Policy (II); Transfers and hazard land (III); Village lands (IV); Dispute settlement (V); Miscellaneous provisions (VI). The President may transfer any area of village land to general or reserved land for public interest (sect. 4).

Range Law No. 442.

LandLibrary Resource
Asia occidental

The purpose of this Law is the determination, delimitation, allocation of areas such as ranges, pastures, wintersheds (winter range lands) or highlands to juridical entities like villages or municipalities and making use of them in a manner abiding by the rules, increasing or sustaining productivity through maintenance and improvement, controlling that use continuously, protecting them and chan

Law No. 8337 on giving ownership in agricultural lands, forests, pastures and meadows.

LandLibrary Resource
Europa meridional

The objective of this Law is giving in ownership agricultural lands, forests, pastures and meadows (art. 1). In the implementation of this Law are included all the lands within the Republic of Albania out of the border lines, which are treated as agricultural lands according to Law No. 7501 of 19 July 1991, on the Land, independently of their origin.

Regional Act No. 42 on forestry.

LandLibrary Resource
Europa meridional

This Act regulates interventions in matter of better exploitation of the soil, of the environment and of agri-sylvipastoral resources. For this purpose there shall be a rational selvicultural management, the improvement of biological balances and the prevention of hydrogeological disasters.