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Temáticas / Degradación y Tenencia de la Tierra

Degradación y Tenencia de la Tierra

Un tercio de los suelos del mundo -incluyendo las tierras de cultivo, los bosques, los pastizales y las tierras urbanas- ya están degradados y se estima que esta cifra podría aumentar hasta casi el 90% en 2050. En general, la erosión del suelo se entiende como la eliminación acelerada de la capa superior del suelo por el agua, el viento o el cultivo, lo que da lugar a la degradación de la tierra. Además, la degradación de la tierra también incluye el deterioro de las propiedades biofísicas y químicas del suelo, el agua y la biodiversidad. La degradación de la tierra se produce de forma natural, pero las investigaciones muestran que la degradación de la tierra es causada cada vez más directa o indirectamente por actividades humanas no sostenibles, en particular la deforestación, el pastoreo excesivo, la minería o la agricultura intensiva . Esto ha provocado la pérdida de biodiversidad y la desertificación, y ha dado lugar a un aumento significativo de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero.

Resources for Degradación y Tenencia de la Tierra


Darfur Land Administration Assessment Report - Arabic Brief -

Journal Articles & Books
Peer-reviewed publication
Reports & Research
Octubre, 2024

In August 2020, the UN-Habitat Sudan Country Programme and the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) published the “Darfur Land Administration Assessment: Analysis and Recommendations” report, developed in close cooperation with the United Nations Country Team of Sudan, the United Nations - African Union Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID) and the Darfur Land Commission.

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16 Julio 2024

Se calcula que el 45% de la superficie terrestre está afectada por la pérdida de tierras, y expertos en la materia aseguran que la inversión en la restauración, al igual que la energía sostenible, son opciones rentables para ayudar a mitigar la desertificación, que se ha convertido en un…

5 Junio 2024
En vísperas del Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente, el titular de la ONU advierte sobre la pérdida de cosechas, la desaparición de fuentes de agua y el debilitamiento de las economías debido a la degradación de la tierra. Por su parte, la agencia para las migraciones advierte que más de 216 millones de…
3 Octubre 2023
La noche del 29 de septiembre de 2023 se realizó la presentación del libro “Acceso a la tierra y territorio. Una oportunidad para superar las desigualdades en Bolivia”, en un auditorio que sumó a más de cien personas interesadas en la temática. Ante la ausencia de Eulogio Núñez, director nacional…


Noviembre 2013 to Abril 2019

United States dollar

United States dollar
ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:
Australian dollar

Ecosystem services in productive and protected land/seascapes conserved by improved land use and marine spatial planning policies and land/seascape level management in Gambia.

Project duration:
United States dollar


The programme will address the challenges of deforestation and peat land degradation through investments to increase transparency and accountability, building capacity for spatial (land-use) planning, and engaging and mobilising the private sector in support of sustainable economic development. It does this by focusing on overcoming the critical governance failures for the sustainable management of forests and land-use

Project duration:
United States dollar


World Bank Group


To reduce land degradation and improve land productivity in selected watersheds in targeted regions in Ethiopia, the project support several land tenure related acitivities. First, it supports the review, harmonization and revision of the legislative, policy and

Marzo 2015 to Septiembre 2020

United States dollar

United States dollar
ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:
Australian dollar

Ecosystem services in productive and protected land/seascapes conserved by improved land use and marine spatial planning policies and land/seascape level management in Gambia.

Project duration:
United States dollar


The programme will address the challenges of deforestation and peat land degradation through investments to increase transparency and accountability, building capacity for spatial (land-use) planning, and engaging and mobilising the private sector in support of sustainable economic development. It does this by focusing on overcoming the critical governance failures for the sustainable management of forests and land-use

Project duration:
United States dollar


Government of the United Kingdom, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office


The programme will address the challenges of deforestation and peat land degradation through investments to increase transparency and accountability, building capacity for spatial (land-use) planning, and engaging and mobilising the private sector in support of

Octubre 2022

Australian dollar

Australian dollar
ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:
Australian dollar

Ecosystem services in productive and protected land/seascapes conserved by improved land use and marine spatial planning policies and land/seascape level management in Gambia.

Project duration:
United States dollar


The programme will address the challenges of deforestation and peat land degradation through investments to increase transparency and accountability, building capacity for spatial (land-use) planning, and engaging and mobilising the private sector in support of sustainable economic development. It does this by focusing on overcoming the critical governance failures for the sustainable management of forests and land-use

Project duration:
United States dollar



Ecosystem services in productive and protected land/seascapes conserved by improved land use and marine spatial planning policies and land/seascape level management in Gambia.

Noviembre 2013 to Abril 2019

United States dollar

United States dollar
ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:
Australian dollar

Ecosystem services in productive and protected land/seascapes conserved by improved land use and marine spatial planning policies and land/seascape level management in Gambia.

Project duration:
United States dollar


The programme will address the challenges of deforestation and peat land degradation through investments to increase transparency and accountability, building capacity for spatial (land-use) planning, and engaging and mobilising the private sector in support of sustainable economic development. It does this by focusing on overcoming the critical governance failures for the sustainable management of forests and land-use

Project duration:
United States dollar


World Bank Group


To reduce land degradation and improve land productivity in selected watersheds in targeted regions in Ethiopia, the project support several land tenure related acitivities. First, it supports the review, harmonization and revision of the legislative, policy and

Marzo 2015 to Septiembre 2020

United States dollar

United States dollar
ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:
Australian dollar

Ecosystem services in productive and protected land/seascapes conserved by improved land use and marine spatial planning policies and land/seascape level management in Gambia.

Project duration:
United States dollar


The programme will address the challenges of deforestation and peat land degradation through investments to increase transparency and accountability, building capacity for spatial (land-use) planning, and engaging and mobilising the private sector in support of sustainable economic development. It does this by focusing on overcoming the critical governance failures for the sustainable management of forests and land-use

Project duration:
United States dollar


Government of the United Kingdom, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office


The programme will address the challenges of deforestation and peat land degradation through investments to increase transparency and accountability, building capacity for spatial (land-use) planning, and engaging and mobilising the private sector in support of

Octubre 2022

Australian dollar

Australian dollar
ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:
Australian dollar

Ecosystem services in productive and protected land/seascapes conserved by improved land use and marine spatial planning policies and land/seascape level management in Gambia.

Project duration:
United States dollar


The programme will address the challenges of deforestation and peat land degradation through investments to increase transparency and accountability, building capacity for spatial (land-use) planning, and engaging and mobilising the private sector in support of sustainable economic development. It does this by focusing on overcoming the critical governance failures for the sustainable management of forests and land-use

Project duration:
United States dollar



Ecosystem services in productive and protected land/seascapes conserved by improved land use and marine spatial planning policies and land/seascape level management in Gambia.

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27 Octubre 2023
Por Gonzalo Colque, investigador de F.Tierra   Esta semana, los cruceños sufrieron la peor crisis climática y ambiental. La alta contaminación del aire por el humo de los incendios obligó a las autoridades a suspender las clases en más de 3.600 escuelas y colegios. Durante tres días consecutivos…