Réforme Agraire: Colonisation et coopératives agricoles 2003/1
Readers are invited to submit manuscripts in English, French or Spanish on research and analysis of issues related to land reform, land settlement or cooperatives. Submitted manuscripts are read by members of the Editorial Board and also by outside reviewers. Authors are requested to provide an alphabetical reference list at the end of the article.
Guião para a integração da perspectiva de género na legislação relativa a terra e águas em Angola, Cabo Verde e Moçambique
A terra, ao longo da história, simboliza poderio político, económico e sociocultural não só a nível dos Estados como também das comunidades e do indivíduo. No contexto actual, é um dos principais recursos para o desenvolvimento e qualidade da vida das pessoas, não só no meio rural, como também no urbano e/ou peri-urbano, caracterizando-se como factor de exclusão ou inclusão, emancipação ou marginalização social.
Corruption in the Land Sector
Unprecedented pressures on land have been created as new areas are cultivated, taken over by expanding urban centres or are abandoned due to degradation, climate change and conflict. These developments have strained the rules, processes and institutions that determine which land resources are used, by whom, for how long and under what conditions.
Abastecimiento de alimentos por el Estado como medida de protección social
Esta publicación ofrece una visión general sobre los principales temas debatidos durante el desarrollo y la aprobación de la Ley Nacional de Seguridad Alimentaria de la India (2013), que obliga jurídicamente a los Gobiernos nacional y estatales para ampliar el alcance de la protección social a la población del país.
Participatory Livelihoods Monitoring
This Livelihood Support Programme (LSP) Working Paper is the result of a follow-up on an extensive research study undertaken in Cambodia. Results of the study were the development of a participatory and results-oriented monitoring methodology and suggestions to overcome basic communication gaps between the rural population and decision makers on different administrative levels. The aim of this LSP Working Paper is to provide a simple and hands-on insight into the developed methodology and the suggested strategies to overcome the identified communication gaps.
Land tenure journal 1/2012 - Revue des questions fonciéres 1/2012
The Land Tenure Journal is a peer-reviewed, open-access flagship journal of the Climate, Energy and Tenure Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The Land Tenure Journal, launched in early 2010, is a successor to the Land Reform, Land Settlement and Co-operatives, which was published between 1964 and 2009. The Land Tenure Journal is a medium for the dissemination of quality information and diversified views on land and natural resources tenure.
Exploring the concept of water tenure
The purpose of this paper is examine the notion of tenure in connection with water resources and to explore whether the concept of water tenure has the potential to make a useful contribution towards resolving the world’s water resources challenges. It seeks to provide answers to the following questions: (a) What is water tenure? (b) Does water tenure really exist or is water simply too different from other natural resources? (c) Could the concept of water tenure be useful in terms of the development of natural resources policies and practices?
Revisión de la compatibilidad de leyes sectoriales con el derecho a la alimentación
Cuadernos de trabajo sobre el derecho a la alimentación 3. Este cuaderno presenta el procedimiento para realizar la revisión de la compatibilidad de la legislación sectorial que puede afectar a diversos aspectos del derecho a la alimentación con el fin de garantizar que el marco legislativo del país constituye un entorno jurídico favorable para la realización progresiva de este derecho. El contenido de este cuaderno de trabajo está basado en la “Guía para legislar sobre el derecho a la alimentación”.
La situation mondiale des pêches et de l'aquaculture - 2006
Il y a plusieurs décennies, les efforts des administrations consistaient essentiellement à développer la pêche et l’aquaculture et à veiller à ce que la production et la consommation augmentent. Lorsque, dans les années 80, de nombreuses ressources ont été exploitées complètement ou à l’excès, les décideurs ont commencé à être attentifs à la gestion des pêches, outre le développement de l’aquaculture. L’aquaculture continue à progresser, tandis que la pêche – pour l’ensemble du monde – semble plafonner.
FAO Policy on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples
Consistent with its mandate to pursue a world free from hunger and malnutrition, the following “FAO Policy on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples” has been formulated so as to ensure that FAO will make all due efforts to respect, include and promote indigenous issues in relevant work.
Good governance in land tenure and administration
This guide is written for people who work in land administration and all those with an interest in land, land tenure and their governance. Although much has been written about the importance of good governance in achieving development goals, there is comparatively little material on good governance in land tenure and administration. Failings in governance have adverse consequences for society as a whole. By contrast, good governance can help achieve economic development and the reduction of poverty. Good governance matters.