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Statute of the Land Affairs Organization.

Western Asia
Southern Asia

The Act is the Statute of the Land Affairs Organization which is a state institute part of the Ministry of Agriculture. The Act consists of 9 articles, divided into 4 Chapters; General Provisions (I); Objectives and Essential Duties (II); Responsibilities and Authorities of the Chairman (III); Miscellaneous Provisions (IV).The main duties of this Organization include planning, policy making and organizing the implementation of all rules and regulations regarding lands and land affairs.

Decreto Supremo Nº 002/16/MINAGRI - Aprueba la Política Nacional Agraria.

South America

La Política Nacional Agraria es un instrumento multisectorial, de alcance nacional, cuyo objetivo general es conseguir el incremento sostenido de los ingresos y medios de vida de los productores y productoras agrarios, priorizando la agricultura familiar, sobre la base de mayores capacidades y activos más productivos, y con un uso sostenible de los recursos agrarios en el marco de procesos de creciente inclusión social y económica de la población rural, contribuyendo a la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional.

Decree No. 21/2013/ND-CP defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.

South-Eastern Asia

This Circular, consisting of 6 articles, establishes the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment as a governmental agency performing the state management of land; water resources; minerals and geology; environment; hydro-meteorology; climate change; survey and cartography; integrated and unified management of sea areas and islands; and public services in the sectors and fields under its management.

Zimbabwe Agriculture Investment Plan (ZAIP) 2013-2017.

National Policies
Eastern Africa

Given the provision of the Medium Term Plan (MTP 2011-2015), the ZAIP recognizes that the Zimbabwean agricultural sector has undergone massive changes in the farm size leading to increased number of farmers and relatively smaller sizes of farms.The overall goal of ZAIP is to facilitate sustainable increase in production, productivity and competitiveness of Zimbabwean agriculture through building capacity of farmers and institutions, and improving the quantity and quality of public, private and development partner investment and policy alignment’’.The overall programme objective of ZAIP is t

Local Courts Act, 2011 (No. 10 of 2011).

Sierra Leone
Western Africa

This Act provides with respect to constitution, administration and jurisdiction of local courts and related matters. It also provides for appeal against decisions of local courts to the District Appeal Courts or to Customary Appeals Division of High Court. There is hereby established for each Chiefdom of Sierra Leone a Local Court which shall consist of a Chairman, Vice Chairman and such other members as the Minister may determine.

National Strategy and Action Plan to Combat Desertification.

National Policies
Western Asia

The Jordan National Strategy and Action Plan (NAP) outlines the basis for performing the relevant tasks, objectives, activities and methodology to combat desertification in Jordan.The NAP was prepared in accordance with the UNCCD directives and articles and includes detailed survey of environment and the most affected areas in Jordan.The overall objective of the NAP is to provide integrated development programmes targeting local communities and environmental components in areas under threat of desertification.The specific objectives are: (i) to highlight desertification as a national priori

Plan Nacional de Políticas Públicas para el Ejercicio Pleno de los Derechos de las Mujeres (2004-2007).

National Policies
South America

El presente documento tiene por objeto el Plan Nacional de Políticas Públicas para el Ejercicio Pleno de los Derechos de las Mujeres, de carácter multisectorial y alcance nacional, relativo al período 2004-2007. El Plan busca disminuir las brechas de inequidad de género en los ámbitos económico, social, político y cultural. Se declara como objetivo general alcanzar en Bolivia el pleno ejercicio de los derechos de la mujer, para que éstas accedan y controlen los beneficios del desarrollo sostenible.

Regional Law No. 2282-ZTO amending Regional Law No. 997-ZTO “On regulation of some issues in the sphere of protected areas”.

Eastern Europe

Article 2 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Regional Administration shall be responsible for decision-making related to organization of natural parks of regional significance in conformity with the requirements envisaged by the legislation of the Russian Federation”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 997-ZTO “On regulation of some issues in the sphere of protected areas”. (2008-05-08)