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Environmental Regulations for the Minerals Sector, 2012.

Sierra Leone
Western Africa

These Regulations, made by the Board of the Environment Protection Agency under section 62 of the Environment Protection Agency Act, 2008 as amended by the Environment Protection Agency (Amendment) Act, 2010, provide with respect to environmental protection in mining operations. They shall apply to body corporates and individuals applying for or issued minerals rights under the Mines and Minerals Act 2009.

Regional Law No. 279-Z N 563-III “On ensuring fertility of agricultural land”.

Eastern Europe

The scope of this Regional Law shall be to ensure fertility of agricultural land by owners, landlords, land tenants and leaseholders. The main arrangements for ensuring soil fertility shall be: (a) elaboration and realization of legislative acts under conditions of perpetually frozen soil; (b) investments in soil conservation and reproduction; and (c) state governance in the sphere of ensuring soil fertility of agricultural land.

Regional Law No. 47-ZRH “On delimitation of plenary powers between state bodies in the sphere of land relations”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law delimits plenary powers between state bodies in the sphere of land relations. Authorized regional state body in the sphere of land relations shall carry out the following plenary powers: (a) management of public land; (b) participation in implementation of state land policy; (c) decision-making related to purchase of land for public purposes; (d) imposition of use restrictions on land; (e) establishment of the amount of land charges and land lease fees; (f) establishment of the modalities of land survey; and (g) decision-making related to expropriation of land.

Loi n° 2015-537 du 20 juillet 2015 d'orientation agricole de Côte d'Ivoire.

Côte d'Ivoire
Western Africa

La présente loi vise à: préciser les actions pour la valorisation optimale du potentiel agro écologique et des savoir-faire agricoles du pays; créer un environnement propice au développement d'un secteur agricole structuré; créer les conditions de la modernisation de l'agriculture familiale et de l'entreprise agricole, pour favoriser l'émergence d'un secteur agro-industriel structuré, compétitif et intégré dans l'économie sous-régionale et internationale; développer un secteur agricole qui contribue è la souveraineté alimentaire, à la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle, à la lutte contr

Regional Law No. 708-5-ZKO “On terms and condition of location of objects on plots of land pertaining to public or municipal ownership without neither allotment of plots of land nor application of servitude”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law sets forth terms and conditions of location of objects on plots of land pertaining to public or municipal ownership without neither allotment of plots of land nor application of servitude. The aforesaid location shall be subject to prior issuance of authorization by regional executive body or by local government with the maximum period of validity three years.

District Land and Housing Tribunals Code of Conduct (G.N. 177 of 2016).

Eastern Africa

This Code is made for the The Codes are made for Chairman of the District Land and Housing Tribunal. District Land and Housing Tribunals established under the Land Disputes Courts Act. The Code addresses, among other things, impartiality, diligence, and sanctions for breach of the Code.

Implements: Land Disputes Courts Act (Cap. 216). (2002)

Loi n° 2008-010 du 27 juin 2008 portant coopération entre les collectivités territoriales.

Western Africa

La présente loi régit la coopération entre les collectivités territoriales qui peut se traduire par la création d'une structure de promotion et de coordination des actions de développement dans des domaines spécifiques intéressant les collectivités territoriales concernées.Par ailleurs, elle détermine les modes de coopération entre les collectivités territoriales, notamment la convention; le syndicat des communes; la communauté des communes; la communauté urbaines et l’entente.