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Issuesland governanceLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 1153 - 1164 of 3789

Tlicho Land Claims and Self-government Agreement Act (S.N.W.T. 2003, c. 28).

Northern America

The present Act establishes that the Land Claims and Self-Government Agreement among the Tlicho and the Government of the Northwest Territories and the Government of Canada is approved, given effect and declared valid, and has the force of law. The Act also approves the Tlicho Tax Treatment Agreement. Section 7 establishes that sums required to meet the monetary obligations of the Government of the Northwest Territories under the Tlicho Agreement shall be paid from money appropriated for that purpose out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund. The text consists of 13 sections.

Sahtu Dene and Metis Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement.

Northern America

The Sahtu Dene and Metis and Canada have negotiated this Agreement in order to meet the following objectives: a) to provide for certainty and clarity of rights to ownership and use of land and resources; b) to provide the specific rights and benefits in this agreement in exchange for the relinquishment by the Sahtu Dene and Metis of certain rights claimed in any part of Canada by treaty or otherwise; c) to recognize and encourage the way of life of the Sahtu Dene and Metis which is based on the cultural and economic relationship between them and the land; d) to encourage the self-sufficienc

Philippine Development Program. Integrated Environmental and Social Safeguards Framework.

National Policies
South-Eastern Asia

The Philippine Rural Development Program (PRDP) is a six-year national government development platform with a multi-sectoral approach. It aims at contributing towards achieving an inclusive, value-chain oriented, and climate resilient agriculture and fisheries sector.

Regional Law No. 154-ZO “On land relations”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes plenary powers of the regional Legislative Assembly, Governor, Regional Government and authorized regional state executive body in the sphere of land relations. It also establishes maximum agricultural land area (150 ha) and minimum agricultural land area (0, 5 ha) of public and municipal land that can be allotted in ownership for farming. The aforesaid plots of land can be allotted once-only.

Agreement with respect to Kanesatake governance of the interim land base.

Northern America

The purpose of this Agreement is to: a) record the Agreement of the parties for Canada to act on its intention to recommend to Parliament that the Kanesatake Mohawk Lands be reserved as lands reserved for the Mohawks of Kanesatake within the meaning of section 91(24) of the Constitution Act, 1867; b) provide for the exercise of jurisdiction by Kanesatake over the use and regulation of Kanesatake Mohawk Lands for the benefit and use of the Mohawks of Kanesatake; and c) establish the principles by which Kanesatake will strive to develop Kanesatake Mohawk Lands adjacent to lands within the nei

Reglamento de la Ley de catastro del Estado de Quintana Roo.

Central America

El presente Reglamento tiene por objeto regular en lo específico las disposiciones de la Ley de Catastro del Estado de Quintana Roo, fijar las normas de funcionamiento de la actividad catastral en el Estado, establecer los mecanismos de coordinación necesarios con los ayuntamientos cuando así lo soliciten o en los términos de los convenios que al efecto se celebren para proporcionar a éstos, así como establecer los flujos de información necesaria para la consolidación y conservación del Sistema de Información Catastral del Estado.

Local Government (Wales) Act 2015 (2015 anaw 6).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

The Act concerns local government in Wales. It mainly concerns reform (merger) of local authorities in Wales and amends existing legislative provision in the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011 and the Local Government (Democracy) (Wales) Act 2013. This Act makes provision for, and in connection with, the merger of two or more existing principal areas into a single new principal area, with a new principal local authority.

General (R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 178).

Northern America

The present Regulations enforces provisions of the Ontario Co-operative Corporations Act by prescribing forms and by regulating more in detail various matters mainly relating to internal organization and procedures of cooperative societies including registration; records of a co-operative society; membership and meeting of members; management and financial matters; and arbitration and other dispute resolution. The text consists of 24 sections.

Implements: Co-operative Corporations Act (R.S.O. 1990, c. C.35). (2016)

Décret n° 2015-1970 du 21 décembre 2015 portant création et fixant les règles d’organisation et de fonctionnement de la Commission nationale du Dialogue des Territoires (CNDT).

Western Africa

Le présent décret crée la Commission nationale du Dialogue des Territoires (CNDT) et en fixe les règles d’organisation et de fonctionnement.La CNDT est chargée de: assister le Président de la République dans la définition de mécanismes de coopération territoriale; accompagner le Gouvernement dans la Promotion des groupements d’intérêt communautaire; aider les collectivités locales à la mise en place de groupements d’intérêt communal et à la création d’Etablissements publics territoriaux; faciliter la constitution des groupements territoriaux ou pôles territoires; faciliter les relations ent