Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs, research organizations etc.
Displaying 716 - 720 of 2113Addressing cloud forest management limitations in Volcan Pacayita Biological Reserve to conserve this threaten
Project will support sustainable management of cloud forests within the Pacayita Volcano Biological Reserve and reduce agricultural encroachment by 1) completing a landscape level biological assessment and threat analysis of the area, 2) evaluating water ecosystem services provided by the reserve and establishing one community agreement for the Water Ecosystem Services Compensation program, 3) convening local communities to undertake land use planning and zoning, and 4) engaging at least 10 local coffee producers on pilot projects to increase productivity and reduce their impact and expansion into the Reserve. Project activities will contribute towards the development of a management plan for the Reserve.
Land degradation neutrality of mountain landscapes
Land degradation neutrality of mountain landscapes in Lebanon through integrated landscape management
Benin II - LAND TenURE PROJECT: Due Diligence funding is used to obtain sufficient information to evaluate, assess and appraise projects during program development, effectively oversee and monitor program implementation, conduct quality assurance, and then evaluate the results of the project once complete.
Strengthening of the rural family economy, through the management of Rubber-Shiringa (Hevea Brasiliense), in a
Smallholder producers living in San Martins rainforest face high levels of poverty and social exclusion, a fragile ecosystem and severe land degradation and deforestation. The Centro de Promocin de la Equidad Mara Elena Moyano (Centro Moyano) helps small-scale producers from six organizations increase family incomes, diversify and add value to their products and protect the environment by cultivating agroforestry systems focused on native rubber species and associated crops. At the IAF, we support community-led solutions to expand economic opportunity in Peru. Centro Moyanos activities bolster efforts to counteract environmental degradation and protect the natural resources that communities depend on.
Implementation of Armenia’s LDN commitments through sustainable land management and restoration of degraded
To support the national efforts to implement the LDN targets of Armenia through sustainable land management and restoration of degraded landscapes
Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency.
Target Groups
Degraded lands in Armenia, including forest land, pastures and cropland provide many important ecosystem goods and services important for food and water security as well as for conservation and recreation. These lands provide not only economic benefits, but also quality of life and heritage values cherished by many people. Global environmental benefits related to the establishment of an effective Land Degradation Neutrality system that balances gains and losses of productive land and supports resilient and productive landscapes with a mosaic of land uses and diverse livelihood opportunities will also generate socio-economic benefits for the local communities in the pilot districts of Lori and Syunik related to: · Strengthening of value chains and improvement of market access for revenue and income generation, with improved employment opportunities for rural women and youth in particular · Improved food, nutritional and water security for vulnerable rural households that are often headed by women, strengthening their human rights to access to food and water · More resilient and equitable livelihoods for both women and men · Reduced risk (natural disasters, market volatility, access to information and finance) related to investing in value-chain development, restoration and SLM on degraded lands · Improved access to finance for smallholders and small-scale livestock owners for investing in new business plans related to restoration and SLM for achieving LDN