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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 716 - 720 of 2116

Assessment of Chimpanzees and Other Large Mammals in South Sudan Forests and..Implementation of Rapid Action A


The purpose of this project is to improve the protection of chimpanzees and other large mammals in the remaining forest blocks of South Sudan. Specific activities include: (1) assessing the distribution and relative abundance of chimpanzees and other large mammals; (2) building local capacity to implement fieldwork and develop conservation strategies; (3) developing specific conservation strategies for chimpanzee protection and implementing rapid action activities; and (4) integrating the resulting data and recommendations into conservation and land-use planning processes.

Addressing cloud forest management limitations in Volcan Pacayita Biological Reserve to conserve this threaten


Project will support sustainable management of cloud forests within the Pacayita Volcano Biological Reserve and reduce agricultural encroachment by 1) completing a landscape level biological assessment and threat analysis of the area, 2) evaluating water ecosystem services provided by the reserve and establishing one community agreement for the Water Ecosystem Services Compensation program, 3) convening local communities to undertake land use planning and zoning, and 4) engaging at least 10 local coffee producers on pilot projects to increase productivity and reduce their impact and expansion into the Reserve. Project activities will contribute towards the development of a management plan for the Reserve.

Strengthening of the rural family economy, through the management of Rubber-Shiringa (Hevea Brasiliense), in a


Smallholder producers living in San Martins rainforest face high levels of poverty and social exclusion, a fragile ecosystem and severe land degradation and deforestation. The Centro de Promocin de la Equidad Mara Elena Moyano (Centro Moyano) helps small-scale producers from six organizations increase family incomes, diversify and add value to their products and protect the environment by cultivating agroforestry systems focused on native rubber species and associated crops. At the IAF, we support community-led solutions to expand economic opportunity in Peru. Centro Moyanos activities bolster efforts to counteract environmental degradation and protect the natural resources that communities depend on.