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Chapter 3 of Title 42 of the Pohnpei State Code - Public Trust Lands Distribution Act of 1980.


This Act concerns the distribution of land held in the public trust. The purpose of this Act is to distribute lands held in trust for the people of Pohnpei to beneficiaries of the trust who have entered upon, developed, and possessed such lands for agricultural purposes pursuant to leasehold or other use agreements issued for that purpose by the government of Japan or the Trust Territory Government. The Act sets out criteria and procedures for transfer of title in land.

Chapter 4 of Title 42 of the Pohnpei State Code - Public Trust Lands Residential Leasehold Conveyance Act of 1999.


This Act aims at conveying title and other interest in land held by the Public Lands Trust Board of Trustees to residential lessees on eligible properties. Lessees eligible to receive title to a residential property shall apply to the Board for transfer. The Act sets out procedural requirements for the application and transfer. Land subject to transfer may not be alienated for a certain period. The Board shall establish Rules and Regulations for the proper administration of provisions of this Act.

Leasing Law.

Asia occidental

This Law governs lease agreements, including the rights, obligations and performance of the Parties. Leases shall comprise contracts for the temporary and paid tenure and use of land or other natural resources for the purpose of establishing an independent business, or for other purposes stipulated by law. Any owner of property or his representative may lease the property. Any natural person or group of persons or legal entity may be the lessee. Lease agreements shall determine the method of leasing the property, such as competition or auction.

Law No. ZR-295 on state registration of rights to property.

Asia occidental

This Law regulates state registration of property rights, the general principles of which shall be: (a) state protection of registered rights to property; and (b) the accessibility, objectivity, updating and centralization of cadastre data. State registration shall be implemented by a unified state cadastre system of real estate, which shall be a national public administration body authorized by the Government and its territorial branches.

Joint Regulation No. 1336 of the Ministry of Justice and No. 6/17 of the Central Bank regarding valuation of land leases.

Asia central

This Joint Regulation establishes the modalities for assigning values to long-term land leases held by farmers to ensure credit recovery by commercial banks. The Regulation applies only to land transferred to commercial banks as security for loans granted to farmers. Valuation of such leases shall be calculated as the average net profit for a land unit for the previous three years. If a farm has been operating for fewer than three years, the amount shall be calculated based on a similar plot of land located in the same area.

Ministerial Decree No. 240 validating the Regulation on the expropriation (redemption) of land to enlarge protected areas.

Asia central

This Ministerial Decree establishes the modalities for expropriating (redeeming) land to create or enlarge protected areas and for leasing land in protected areas for research, tourism or recreational purposes. Applicants shall submit the technical and financial documentation for the research, tourism or recreational project and a positive expert opinion of the environmental auditor.

Agricultural Holdings (Option to Purchase) Act.


This Act prescribes that it shall be a term or condition of every tenancy of an agricultural holding of a plantation specified in the First Schedule to this Act that a qualified tenant may purchase the freehold of that agricultural holding at a price to be agreed upon between the landlord and tenant. “Agricultural holding” is defined by the Security of Tenure of Small Holdings Act. A qualified tenant is a tenant that has been cultivating the holding for a specified number of years. An option to purchase shall be exercised in the form as set out in the Second Schedule to this Act.

Tenantries Control Act.


This Act provides for the control of tenantries, i.e. an area of land, including public land, subdivided before a specified date into lots for letting for specified purposes. Division or sale of a tenantry requires the permission of the Chief Town Planner. The Act also places restrictions on an order of ejectment of tenants to be made on application of an owner or lessee of a tenantry and defines powers of court in an ejectment proceeding.

Joint Regulation No. 1345 of the Ministry of Justice and No. 564 of the Central Bank on extending credit to farms secured by land lease rights.

Asia central

This Joint Regulation regulates commercial bank loans to farming enterprises secured by land lease rights. Credit shall be extended on condition of its recovery, security and intended use. Commercial banks shall extend credit on a contractual basis and shall have as collateral the rights to land leases. As such, the lease in question must have a term that extends at least five years beyond the loan repayment date.

Ministerial Decree No. 486 regarding agriculture cooperative leases.

Asia central

This Ministerial Decree validates the model contract on long-term leases allocated to agricultural cooperative (shirkat). The contract specifies the type of agricultural land (irrigated agricultural land, bogharic land, gardens, vineyards, mulberry, other perennial plants, hayfields and pastures, and derelict land). It also specifies encumbrances, servitudes and percentages of water used for irrigation. The contract establishes the amount of rent and the other terms and conditions of land tenure.

Coal Regulation (Y.O.I.C. 2003/54).

América Septentrional

The present Regulation enacts section 21 of the Territorial Lands (Yukon) Act. IN particular, the Regulations lay down provisions relating to coal mining in the Yukon Territory. Section 2 establishes that the Regulation applies only in respect of lands that become territorial lands on or after the date the Act comes into force. Furthermore, subject to subsection (2), no person shall mine coal on territorial lands except under the authority of this Regulation.