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O quadro legal e o investimento

Legislation & Policies
Septiembre, 2015

O objectivo último deste relatório é encorajar mais e maior investimento na terra, incluindo encontrando formas de tornar o acesso à terra mais fácil para os investidores privados. No seguimento de uma análise abrangente da lei da terra e de outras leis pertinentes, o relatório identifica problemas com o quadro jurídico existente e propõe “opções e recomendações para melhorar os instrumentos legais actuais, com vista a agilizar os procedimentos administrativos para obtenção fácil do aceso à terra (DUAT) e promover o investimento na terra”.

O quadro legal e o investimento

Legislation & Policies
Marzo, 2016

Este Road Map tem como objectivo propôr os aspectos principais e os passos a seguir para iniciar, acompanhar e contribuir para uma revisão da actual Lei de Terras (LT -Lei 19/97 de 199 de Outubro). A revisão da Lei implica também a subsequente revisão dos instrumentos implementadores, nomeadamente Decretos e Diplomas Ministeriais conexos aprovados desde 1997.

Road map : is there a space to review the land law?

Legislation & Policies
Septiembre, 2015

The objective of this Road Map is to propose the main aspects to consider and steps to take to initiate, monitor and contribute to the review of the current Land Law (LL – Law 19/97, of October 1). The review of this law entails the subsequent review of its implementing instruments, namely the associated Decrees and Ministerial Diplomas approved since 1997.

How to Respond to the Fundamental Changes in Mozambican Society as a Result of the Extractive Industries

Reports & Research
Enero, 2013

The mainstay of this report, however, is not so much an examination of the extractive industries themselves as an examination of the Mozambican government’s and society’s ability to handle the impacts of these industries and where capacity growth is most urgently needed. In this regard, this investigation looks at three principal areas. The first area is about maximizing the receipts that reach legitimate government coffers. This includes the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, which ensures that company and governmentpayments match.

Aspectos jurídicos do papel da administração pública na gestão da terra em Moçambique

Policy Papers & Briefs
Junio, 2017

A gestão directa ou indirecta da terra é realizada por actores diversos, como seja, aqueles que intervêm nas Comunidades Locais (artigo 24 da Lei de Terras de 1997), os titulares dos direitos sobre a terra (singulares, investidores) etc, para além da Administração Pública (AP). Contudo, o papel de gestão da terra reservado a AP é muito importante e estratégico.

Tracking Adaptation and Measuring Development in Mozambique

Reports & Research
Noviembre, 2014

Tracking adaptation and measuring development (TAMD) is a twin-track framework that evaluates adaptation success. Track 1 assesses how widely and how well countries or institutions manage climate risks, while Track 2 measures the success of adaptation interventions in reducing climate vulnerability and in keeping development on course. This twin-track approach means that TAMD can be used to assess whether climate change adaptation leads to effective development, and how development interventions can boost communities’ capacity to adaptation to climate change.

Défense des droits communautaires : enseignements tirés d’un projet de gaz naturel au Mozambique

Reports & Research
Noviembre, 2015

Ces dix dernières années, le Mozambique est devenu une cible privilégiée de la ruée mondiale vers les terres. Les investissements croissants dans les secteurs de l’exploitation minière, des hydrocarbures, des plantations de forêts et de l’agriculture industrielle visent le plus souvent des terres rurales qui, en vertu du droit coutumier, sont détenues par les communautés locales. En découlent de fréquents conflits entre les communautés et les investisseurs.

Community-based advocacy: Lessons from a natural gas project in Mozambique

Reports & Research
Noviembre, 2015

Mozambique has become a hot spot in the global rush for land in the last decade. Growing investments in sectors such as mining, hydrocarbons, forest plantations and industrial agriculture most often target rural land held by local communities under customary law, and conflicts between communities and investors often arise. Existing laws regulating land are poorly implemented and enforced, which is due to the power imbalances existing between the government, companies and local communities.

Sustainable agriculture for small-scale farmers in Mozambique

Reports & Research
Febrero, 2015

Sustainable agricultural approaches such as agroecology can help producers increase productivity while protecting the environment and strengthening resilience to climate change. Nonetheless, policymakers rarely support them on a large scale and take-up remains low. This report analyses the factors determining the adoption of sustainable practices in Mozambique, exploring whether a common understanding of ‘sustainable agriculture’ exists, how this is reflected in policy and practice, and what drives farmers (not) to adopt them.

Mudanças nas paisagens moçambicanas: a importância das políticas da terra em prol das populações pobres

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2016

As mudanças no acesso e uso da terra em Moçambique estão a criar novas paisagens, geralmente às custas das populações pobres. Apesar de haver uma legislação progressista da terra, grupos de elite e interesses privados estão a consolidar as suas propriedades de terra, enquanto que os camponeses perdem as suas terras e o acesso a terrenos férteis fica cada vez mais difícil.


Conference Papers & Reports
Febrero, 2017

The need to establish the link between land tenure and food security is increasingly gaining currency as governments and development organizations refocus their effort towards assisting farmers to move away from subsistence farming to commercial agriculture. It is argued that given how land plays a crucial role in the livelihoods of most Africans, food security and poverty reduction cannot be achieved unless issues of access to land, security of tenure and the capacity to use land productively and in a sustainable manner are addressed.

Recognizing Rights to Natural Resources in Mozambique

Reports & Research
Noviembre, 2010

After a number of constitutional amendments in 1990 had introduced the need to revise the legal framework for land and natural resources1, the government of Mozambique embarked upon a rather piecemeal process to develop a new policy and institutional framework for natural resource management. The main pillars of this framework consist of various pieces of legislation dealing with specific natural resources, such as the Land Law, the Forestry & Wildlife Law, the Mining Law and their related regulations and annexes.