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Decreto Nº 7.205 - Ley que divide los bienes pertenecientes al Estado en bienes de dominio público y bienes de dominio privado.

América central

La presente Ley fija la clasificación de los bienes del Estado de Jalisco en bienes de dominio público y bienes de dominio privado. Se estiman bienes de dominio público: a) los de uso común; b) los inmuebles que el Estado destine para servicio del público o los que hubiere declarado por leyes especiales inalienables e imprescriptibles; c) las servidumbres en el caso de que el predio dominante sea alguno de los enunciados anteriormente.

Décret 01-379/PR/PM/MTPTHV du 19 juillet 2001 portant classement dans le domaine public des parcelles situées sur l'emprise des travaux du projet de drainage des eaux pluviales des zones Est de la ville de N'Djaména.

África Central

Le présent décret classe dans le domaine public de l'État les parcelles situées sur l'emprise des travaux du projet de Drainage des eaux fluviales des zones Est de N'Djaména.Les parcelles qui ne seront pas effectivement touchées par l'emprise des travaux du projet de drainage des eaux pluviales des zones Est de N'Djaména seront déclassées et restituées aux anciens détenteurs.

Décret 11-448 PR/PM/MATUH/2011 du 13 mai 2011 portant déclassement des réserves situées dans l'emprise du projet de drainage des eaux pluviales de la zone Nord-est de N'Djamena.

África Central

Le présent décret classe dans le domaine privé de l'Etat les parcelles situées hors de l'emprise du Projet de drainage des eaux fluviales de la zone Nord Est de la Ville de N'Djaména.Ces parcelles sont classées dans le domaine privé de L'Etat et restituées à leurs attributaires conformément à l'article 2 du Décret n° 379/PR/MPTHU/DG/DU/2001 portant classement dans le domaine public des parcelles situées sur l'emprise des travaux du projet de drainage des eaux pluviales de la zone Nord Est de N'Djaména.

Rural Soil Legislation Ordinance.

Europa occidental

The present Ordinance implements the Agricultural Adaptation Act in its version of 3 July 1991 (BGBl. I p. 1418), the Land Parcel Act (BGBl. I p. 1091), the Land Lease Contract Act (BGBl. I p. 2075) and the German Land Settlement Act (BGBl. III 2331-1). In particular, the Ordinance lays down provisions relating to the efficient and correction enforcement of the afore-mentioned Federal Acts. The text consists of 8 articles.

Decree No. 495 of the Cabinet of Ministers validating the Regulation on application of the Law on immovable tax.

Europa septentrional

This Decree establishes the modalities of calculation and payment of immovable tax, specifying that public land and land of local government that is not allotted in lease or let on hire shall not be subject to application of immovable property tax. Local government shall register payers of immovable property tax.

Implements: Law on immovable property tax. (2003-06-20)

Decree No. 313 of the Cabinet of Ministers validating the Regulation on application of legislation on expropriation of public property and property of local government.

Europa septentrional

This Decree establishes that proposals for expropriation of public property and property of local government shall be accompanied by certification by State Land Service related to ownership of public land plots and cadastre registration thereof.

Gwich’in Comprehensive Agreement.

América Septentrional

The Gwich’in of the North West Territories and Canada have negotiated the present Agreement in order to meet these objectives: 1) To provide for certainty and clarity of rights to ownership and use of land and resources; 2) To provide the specific rights and benefits in this Agreement in exchange for the relinquishment by the Gwich’in of certain rights claimed in any part of Canada by treaty or otherwise; 3) To recognize and encourage the Gwich’in way of life which is based on the cultural and economic relationship between the Gwich’in and the land; 4) To encourage the self-sufficiency of t

Gwich'in Land Claim Settlement Act (S.C. 1992, c. 53).

América Septentrional

The present Act declares valid the Agreement between Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada and the Gwich’in, as represented by the Gwich’in Tribal Council, signed on 12 April 1992. Section 5 establishes that for the purposes of carrying out its objectives, the Renewable Resources Board established by the afore-mentioned Agreement has the capacity,rights, powers and privileges of a natural person. The text consists of 11 sections.

Implements: Gwich’in Comprehensive Agreement. (1992-04-22)

Law on the Acquisition of Land for Development in the Public Interest (No. 2 of 2012).

Asia sudoriental

The Act establishes that the right to administer soil, water and air is vested in the State. The State, therefore, has the authority to: (a) regulate the allotment, use, supply and maintenance of soil, water and air; (b) regulate the legal relations between persons and soil, water and air; (c) regulate the legal relations between persons and legal acts concerning soil, water and air. The exploitation of these resources both by individuals or corporate bodies is to be performed within the objective of the national interest and by guaranteeing the protection of economically-weak groups.

Ancient Monuments Preservation Act, 2002 (No. 11 of 2002).

África oriental

This Act makes provision with respect to the protection and conservation of ancient monuments and related matters such as the acquisition of land by the Government for purposes of this Act. The Minister may, by notice in the Gazette, declare any monument or antiquity to be a protected monument or antiquity within the meaning of this Act and shall establish an Authority to manage and supervise the ancient moments or antiquity. Land shall be aquired for a public purpose within the meaning of the Land Acquisition Act.

Decreto Legislativo Nº 632 - Modifica la Ley del Régimen especial de la tierra en propiedad de las asociaciones cooperativas, comunales y comunitarias campesinas, y beneficiarios de la reforma agraria.

El Salvador
América central

El presente Decreto introduce reformas a la Ley del Régimen especial de la tierra en propiedad de las asociaciones cooperativas, comunales y comunitarias campesinas, en relación a la transferencia de tierras y demás bienes agrarios a favor de los adjudicatarios del Instituto Salvadoreño de Transformación Agraria, que se realizará por escritura pública de compraventa, y si el precio se paga a plazos, la venta deberá efectuarse con garantía hipotecaria.