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NOM-150-SEMARNAT-2006: Especificaciones técnicas de protección ambiental que deben observarse en las actividades de construcción y evaluación preliminar de pozos geotérmicos para exploración.

América central

La presente Norma Oficial Mexicana establece las especificaciones técnicas de protección al ambiente que deben observar los responsables de realizar actividades de construcción de pozos geotérmicos para exploración, que se ubiquen en zonas agrícolas, ganaderas y eriales, fuera de áreas naturales protegidas y terrenos forestales. Las disposiciones se refieren en particular a la perforación y evaluación de pozos geotérmicos, así como a la fase de terminación de actividades y abandono del sitio.

Beach Control (Licensing) Regulations, 1956.


This Order concerns licences granted under section 11 of the Beach Control Act. A licence under section 11 is granted for the use of foreshore or floor of the sea. The Order contains rules relative to an application for licences, payment of fees and powers of authorized officers to inspect protected areas to check compliance with terms of a licence. The Order further prescribes fees and forms in relation with an application for a licence and notice of an application.

Beach Control (Crown Licences) Regulations, 1956.


This Order concerns licences granted under section 9 of the Beach Control Act. The Order contains rules relative to an application for licences, payment of fees and prescribes provisions included in a licence. Every licence shall contain a provision giving the competent authorities to take specified corrective action in case of encroachment not permitted by the licence.

Implements: Beach Control Act. (2005)

Loi sur les améliorations structurelles dans l'agriculture (LASA).

Europa occidental

La présente loi a pour but de favoriser et d'encourager les entreprises collectives et individuelles agricoles visant à: a) améliorer les conditions de vie et les conditions économiques du monde rural, notamment en région de montagne, et maintenir l'occupation décentralisée du territoire; b) améliorer la fertilité du sol, en assurer l'utilisation judicieuse, en faciliter l'exploitation et le préserver de l'érosion et des dégâts que pourraient causer les phénomènes naturels; d) promouvoir une agriculture rationnelle et économiquement saine en encourageant et en favorisant une exploitation du

Règlement d'exécution de la loi sur les améliorations structurelles dans l'agriculture (RELASA).

Europa occidental

Le présent règlement met en exécution la loi sur les améliorations structurelles dans l'agriculture du 10 novembre 1999. Le texte comprend 85 articles répartis en 6 chapitres comme suit: Autorités compétentes (1); Entreprises réalisées par des syndicats de propriétaires (2); Entreprises réalisées par des collectivités de droit privé ou par des particuliers (3); Registre foncier (4); Mesures conservatoires (5); Dispositions transitoires et finales (6)

Met en oeuvre: Loi sur les améliorations structurelles dans l'agriculture (LASA). (2015-01-01)

Land Code.

Asia central

Land is the public property and it shall not be liable to sale, exchange, donation, mortgage except for cases envisaged by the national legislation. Legal persons can manage land parcels on condition of land usufruct, permanent use, temporary use, and lease, while natural persons can manage land parcels on condition of lifelong hereditary land tenure, temporary land tenure and lease. Sublease of the plots of land conceded on lease shall be prohibited.

Ministerial Decree No. 1307 validating Regulation on the state testing and approbation of phytosanitary means of soil improvement for agriculture and forestry.

Europa oriental

Import, manufacturing, transport storage and trade of phytosanitary means for the improvement of soil fertility tested, approved and registered by the National Approbation Council shall be authorized on the national territory. The state testing and approbation include expertise, field testing, registration and issuance of the approbation certificate. Phytosanitary means shall include chemicals, biological agents, biotechnology and pesticides used for the purpose of soil improvement. The state testing shall be the basis for the approbation practices.

Resolución de 6 de octubre de 2006 - Acuerdo de encomienda de gestión para la implementación del proyecto europeo BIOSOIL.

Europa meridional

La presente Resolución dispone la publicación del acuerdo de encomienda de gestión entre el Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y el Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, para la implementación en España del proyecto europeo de investigación denominado BIOSOIL.

Regulation of the Minister of Trade No. 02/M-DAG/PER/1/2007 on prohibition of export of sand, soil and top soil (including humus).

Asia sudoriental

The purpose of this Regulation is to prohibit the export of sand, soil and top soil (including humus) in order to avoid environmental damage as a result of uncontrollable mining of these types of soil.

Regulation of the Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia No. 03/M-DAG/PER/1/2007 on verification or technical examination of export of excavated materials category C other than sand, soil and top soil (including humus).

Asia sudoriental

The purpose of this Regulation is to prevent the illegal export of excavated materials category C by conducting verification or technical examination into the export of these materials before the loading of the goods. Verification or technical examination shall be preformed by a surveyor who shall have specific qualifications. Excavated materials category C are listed in the attachment to this Regulation.