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Resolución Nº 008/11/COFOPRI - Lineamientos para la Aplicación de las Disposiciones sobre Prevalencia de la Información Catastral, Tolerancias Catastrales y Registrales Permisibles, así como para la Expedición y Aprobación de Planos.

América del Sur

La presente Resolución aprueba los Lineamientos para la Aplicación de las Disposiciones sobre Prevalencia de la Información Catastral, Tolerancias Catastrales y Registrales Permisibles, así como para la Expedición y Aprobación de Planos, para la inscripción de predios rurales.

Acuerdo Nº 284 - Reglamenta la apertura del folio de matrícula inmobiliaria de terrenos baldíos abandonados por la violencia.

América del Sur

La presente Acuerdo reglamenta el trámite administrativo tendiente a la apertura del folio de matrícula inmobiliaria de terrenos baldíos abandonados por la violencia, con el propósito de habilitar el registro y la publicidad de las medidas de protección decretadas a favor de sus ocupantes.

Deeds Registration Rules (Cap. 58:02).

África oriental

These Rules, made under section 32 of the Deeds Registration Act, specify requirements for the presentation of documents for registration. The Deeds Registrar may refuse to register any document which does not comply with these requirements.

Implements: Deeds Registration Act (Cap. 58:02). (2002)

Exemption from requirement of registration (Cap. 58:02).

África oriental

This General Notice, made under section 6 of the Deeds Registration Act, exempts all leases, tenancy agreements or licences for the occupation of land granted by the Malawi Housing Corporation or the Capital City Development Corporation where the term granted does not exceed 364 days, from the requirement of registration as provided for in the Act.

Implements: Deeds Registration Act (Cap. 58:02). (2002)

Exemption from requirement of registration (Cap. 58:02).

África oriental

This General Notice, made under section 6 of the Deeds Registration Act, exempts all Licences for the occupation of land issued by the Minister under the powers conferred upon him or her by section 5 of the Land Act in connection with Agricultural Settlement or Re-Settlement in any part of Malawi, from the requirement of registration as provided for in the Deeds Registration Act.

Implements: Deeds Registration Act (Cap. 58:02). (2002)

Deeds Registration Act (Cap. 58:02).

África oriental

The Act provides that all deeds, conveyances, wills and instruments in writing whereby any land or interest in or affecting land other than land registered in accordance with the Registered Land Act, may be affected shall subject to compulsory registration in the Deeds Registry Office. The Minister may exempt certain leases from this requirement.

Décret n° 95/PR/683 portant répartition des attributions à la Direction du Cadastre et de la Cartographie.

África Central

Les attributions de la Direction du Cadastre et de la Cartographie sont réparties entre le Ministère des Finances et de l’Informatique et le Ministère des Travaux Publics, de l’Habitat et Transport de la façon suivante: les attributions de cadastre, se rapportant à la délimitation des propriétés foncières en vue de la définition et de la répartition des impôts grevant les droits propriétés; aux études, productions, éditions, conservations, exploitations et interprétation de tous les documents cartographiques et autres cadastraux relatifs à la propriété foncière, l’implantation des lotisseme

Adjudication of Title Regulations (Cap. 58:05).

África oriental

These Regulations set out, in the First Schedule, the form of any claim pursuant to sections 6 and 8 of the Adjudication of Title Act and the form of an Adjudication Record (in the Second Schedule). They also specify, in the Third Schedule, fees for purposes of the Act and grant the power to the Minister to suspend in respect of any adjudication area or a section of any adjudication area, and for a definite or an indefinite period, the payment of the fees.

Implements: Adjudication of Title Act (Cap. 58:05). (1988)