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Land Use Planning and Building Ordinance.

Europa occidental

The present Ordinance implements the Land Use Planning and Construction Law of 7 March 1989. Article 3 establishes that the Construction, Environment and Economic Office provides the basis for the ecological planning and building. The text consists of 74 articles divided into 7 Parts as follows: Planning (I); Development (II); Land consolidation (III); Construction regulations (IV); Building permit and building permit proceedings (V); Costs (VI); Final provisions (VII). Four Annexes are enclosed.

Implements: Land Use Planning and Building Law. (2015-06-01)

Regulations for the implementation of the Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China.

Asia oriental

These Regulations issued in implementation of article 56 of the Land Management Law, provide for (a) registration of landownership and land-use rights; (b) the systematic surveying of lands, land-use planning, and other mechanisms to control land use; (c) procedures for the expropriation of land needed for public construction purposes; (d) restrictions on the use of agricultural land for housing purposes; and (e) criteria for the determination of the kind and amount of fines payable for offences committed under the principal Law.

Regional Law No. 1929-ZRK “On establishment of purchase price of plots of land within urban areas destined for agricultural production.

Europa oriental

This Regional Law establishes that the prices of plots of urban land destined for agricultural production in ownership by agricultural organizations or peasant farms allotted thereto on condition of permanent (open-ended) land tenure or as life-long hereditary possession shall be established with 15 percent reduction in relation to its cadastre value.

Ministerial Decree No. 273 of 2000 regarding validation of the Regulation on state geodetic survey over geodetic and cartographic activity.

Europa oriental

The Government decrees to validate the Regulation. State Geodetic Survey over Geodetic and Cartographic Activity is carried out for the purpose of ensuring observance of the Russian Legislation on geodesy and cartography by all the parties involved in the sphere of relationship of geodesy and cartography. The Federal Service of Geodesy and Cartography carry out state Geodetic Survey. The main tasks of State Geodetic Survey are: 1).

Surveying (Cadastral Surveys) Regulations, 2015.


The objectives of these Regulations, consisting of 17 sections and completed by four Schedules, are to: (a) prescribe standards for cadastral surveys; (b) regulate and control the making of cadastral surveys by licensed surveyors; and (c) prescribe forms and other matters relating to cadastral surveys. These Regulations are made under section 63 of the Surveying Act 2004.The Surveyors Board has powers and functions relating to the registration, training and certification of surveyors (sect. 8).

Acuerdo Nº 111 - Instructivo para la aplicación del Reglamento para otorgar el bono de titulación de predios.

América del Sur

El presente Acuerdo expide el instructivo para la aplicación del Reglamento del bono de titulación, destinado a financiar la formalización y perfeccionamiento de las escrituras de traspaso de dominio de inmuebles a favor de los beneficiarios del bono de titilación.

Implementa: Acuerdo Nº 13 - Reglamento para otorgar el bono de titulación de predios para beneficiarios del bono de vivienda. (2007-04-04)

Order No.28 of 1996 of the Federal Committee on Land Resources and Land Survey regarding validation of the form of the contract for carrying out projecting and prospecting work in the field of land survey, land cadastre, land monitoring and observance ...

Europa oriental

Chief of the Federal Committee on Land Resources and Land Survey, for the purpose of conformation of the contractual documentation to Civil Code and strengthening observance of contractual commitments within the Committee, orders to validate the subjoined form of the contract for carrying out projecting and prospecting work in the field of land survey, land cadastre and land monitoring with Annexes.

Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act, 2013 (No. 16 of 2013).

África austral

This Act concerns spatial planning in South Africa at national and local level. It provides for a uniform, effective and comprehensive system of spatial planning and land use management and development, and for the sustainable and efficient use of land. The Act consists of 62 sections divided into seven Chapters: Introductory Provisions (1); Development Principles and Norms and Standards (2); Intergovernmental Support (3); Spatial Development Frameworks (4); Land Use Management (5); Land Development Management (6); General Provisions (7).

Règlement d'application de la loi du 8 mai 2012 sur la géoinformation (RLGéo-VD).

Europa occidental

Le présent règlement a pour objet l'application de la loi du 8 mai 2012 sur la géoinformation. L'annexe 1 concrétise le catalogue des géodonnées de base de droit fédéral en désignant les services dont relèvent la saisie, la mise à jour et la gestion des géodonnées de base de droit fédéral au niveau cantonal. L'annexe 2 contient le catalogue des géodonnées de base de droit cantonal et désigne les services dont relèvent la saisie, la mise à jour et la gestion de ces géodonnées.

Décret N°2010-399/PRES/PM/MAHRH/MRA/MECV/MEF/MATD portant modalités d’organisation et de tenue des registres fonciers ruraux.

Burkina Faso
África occidental

Le présent décret, conformément aux dispositions des articles 46, 48 et 79 de la loi n°0342009/AN du 16 juin 2009 portant régime foncier rural, précise les modalités d’organisation et de tenue des registres fonciers ruraux.Les registres fonciers ruraux destinés à assurer la gestion des possessions foncières rurales sont les suivants: le registre des possessions foncières rurales; le registre des transactions foncières rurales; le registre des chartes foncières locales; le registre des conciliations foncières rurales.Par ailleurs, ce décret prévoit des dispositions spécifiques à la tenue des