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Decreto Nº 38.028/MTSS/MBSF - Modifica el Decreto Nº 29.531/MTSS, que reglamenta parcialmente la Ley Nº 4.760, que crea el Instituto Mixto de Ayuda Social (IMAS).

Costa Rica
América central

El presente Decreto modifica el que reglamenta la Ley que crea el Instituto Mixto de Ayuda Social (IMAS), respecto a la tasación o avalúo de las propiedades en orden al otorgamiento de escrituras de propiedad a los adjudicatarios de proyectos de vivienda, con el objeto de regular la titulación de los lotes y viviendas adjudicados por el IMAS.

Enmienda: Decreto Nº 29.531/MTSS - Reglamenta parcialmente la Ley Nº 4.760, que crea el Instituto Mixto de Ayuda Social (IMAS). (2001-07-31)

Ley Nº 1.788 - Ley orgánica del Instituto Nacional de Vivienda y Urbanismo (INVU).

Costa Rica
América central

La presente Ley crea el Instituto Nacional de Vivienda y Urbanismo (INVU), con la finalidad de planear el desarrollo y el crecimiento de las ciudades y de los otros centros menores, con el fin de promover el mejor uso de la tierra, localizar las áreas públicas para servicios comunales, establecer sistemas funcionales de calles y formular planes de inversión en obras de uso público, y proporcionar a las familias costarricense que carezcan de alojamiento adecuado de los medios necesarios para obtenerlo con sus propios recursos, la posibilidad de ocupar en propiedad o en arrendamiento, una viv

Ley Nº 9.246 - Ley de garantías mobiliarias.

Costa Rica
América central

La presente Ley tienen como propósito incrementar el acceso al crédito, ampliando las categorías de bienes que pueden ser dados en garantía y el alcance de los derechos sobre estos, creando un régimen unitario y simplificado para la constitución, publicidad, prelación y ejecución de garantías mobiliarias, y del Sistema de Garantías Mobiliarias que por ella se crea.

Enmienda: Ley Nº 5695 - Crea el Registro Nacional. (1999-09-13)

Westbank First Nation Land Registry Regulations (SOR/2007-232).

América Septentrional

The present Regulations are made under the Westbank First Nation Self-Government Act. In particular, the Regulations set up the Westbank First Nation Land Registry which is a sub registry under the Self-Governing First Nations Land Registry held in Ottawa. It is a public registry that is password protected and can be accessed at no charge through the Helpdesk on the systems login page. Section 2 establishes that the Register shall be maintained in an office located in the National Capital Region and known as the Westbank First Nation Land Registry. The text consists of 34 sections.

Cree-Naskapi (of Quebec) Act (S.C. 1984, c. 18).

América Septentrional

The present Act is made under the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement. In particular, the Act deals with Category IA and Category IA-N native lands and their local administration. Category IA lands are those that were transferred from the Province of Quebec to the Government of Canada for the exclusive use and profit of the Cree bands in the James Bay region.

Law No. 1325-VII amending Law No. 3613-VI "On state land cadastre".

Europa oriental

Article 41 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Making entries to state land cadastre and modification of entries shall be performed free of charge. Release of entries from state land cadastre shall require payment of fees, except for cases envisaged by this Law”.

Amends: Law No. 3613-VI "On state land cadastre". (2012-10-16)

Joint Order No. 1779/5/748 of the Ministry of Justice and of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food validating the Regulation on some issues of information interaction between State land cadastre and registration authority.

Europa oriental

This Joint Order establishes the modalities and proceedings of information interaction related to issuance of information on registered immovable rights to land plots by State registration authority to State land authority and submittal by the latter to the former information on registered land plots, forms of registers of received and submitted data. Information shall be compiled and submitted in accordance with the form contained in the Annex 1.

Regulation on the content and manner of keeping the register of performed geodetic inspections.

Europa meridional

This Regulation prescribe the form, content and method of keeping the official records on inspections performed and/or conducted by the Croatian geodetic inspection.The contents of the Register of performed geodetic inspections shows the pattern that is printed along with this Regulation; the register and its use and mandatory formatting are also responsibilities of the single inspectors; inspectors and/or person who performs the related geodetic inspection are authorized on the special basis (also under the provisions of the Law on on State survey and the real estate cadastre, Official Gaz

Regulation on parceling and other geodetic elaborate.

Europa meridional

This Regulation prescribes all necessary standards aimed to determine the contents and form of the correct parceling (zoning) and other geodetic surveys and/or studies, and the method of their production, inspecting and certification.Croatian land and geodetic elaborate (official surveys and/or studies) may be used for the purpose and for the purpose for which they are made when approved by the cadastral office.

Regulation on the content and form of official identification card geodetic inspector.

Europa meridional

This Regulation prescribes the correct form, content and manner of issuance and use of the official identification badge or card of higher surveying and geodetic inspector of the Croatian national geodetic inspectorate, and the manner of issuing and maintaining of official records.The Annex is an integral part of this Regulation.

Implements: Law on State survey and the real estate cadastre. (2007-01-26)

Regulation on the decision of the technical requalification of the terrain in the City of Knin for the cadastral municipality of Knin.

Europa meridional

This Regulation, for the purpose of the registration and requalification into the State real estate cadastre and land book (City of Knin, Knin county).This Regulation further defines various technical aspect and requirements for the official land requalification.

Implements: Law on State survey and the real estate cadastre. (2007-01-26)
Amended by: Regulation amending the Regulation on the decision of the technical requalification of the terrain in the City of Knin for the cadastral municipality of Knin. (2008-01-02)

Regulation amending the Regulation on the conditions and criteria for granting and revoking of the approval for state survey and real estate cadastre measurements.

Europa meridional

This Regulation amends certain provisions part of the rules and standards prescribed by the Regulation on the conditions and criteria for granting and revoking of the approval for state survey and real estate cadastre measurements (Official Gazette 105/2007).Changes are related to the general terms, definitions and denominations; and standards concerning the number and qualifications of employees, technical equipment (minimum geodetic equipment).