Nossa rede internacional de parceiros(as) abrange instituições acadêmicas, agregadores de dados, órgãos governamentais, editoras, associações de agricultores(as), ONGs e outros atores da sociedade civil. Explore a gama de organizações que utilizam o Land Portal abaixo e junte-se à rede hoje.
Territorio Italia
Territorio Italia - Governo del territorio, catasto, mercato immobiliare è una rivista scientifica open access peer-reviewed, edita dall'Agenzia delle Entrate, che intende porsi come ponte tra la ricerca scientifica, che si svolge nel mondo universitario, e la Pubblica Amministrazione, che ha un ruolo di fondamentale importanza nel processo di ammodernamento del Paese.
Teto Brasil
Somos TETO, uma organização sem fins lucrativos que trabalha por uma sociedade justa e sem pobreza, onde todas as pessoas tenham as oportunidades para desenvolver suas capacidades e exercer plenamente seus direitos.
The Age of Human Rights Journal
The Human Rights Age Journal is a scientific journal of international relevance, published in English, peer-reviewed and open-access, containing papers concerning Human Rights from different approaches.
The Asia Foundation
The Asia Foundation improves lives, expands opportunities, and helps societies flourish across a dynamic and developing Asia. We work with innovative leaders and communities to build effective institutions and advance pathbreaking reforms. Together with our partners, we are committed to Asia’s continued development as a peaceful, just, and thriving region of the world.
Kenya hosts a wealth of data and information on its biodiversity and natural resources however the vast majority of these information is scattered across various institutions, with that do not lend themselves to sharing and integration. This hampers any efforts to give consolidated access to the information for purposes of further analysis and dissemination.
The Border Consortium
The Border Consortium (TBC), a non-profit, non-governmental organisation, is an alliance of partners working together with displaced and conflict-affected people of Burma/Myanmar to address humanitarian needs and to support community-driven solutions in pursuit of peace and development.
The Centre for Internet and Society
The Centre for Internet and Society (CIS) is a non-profit organisation that undertakes interdisciplinary research on internet and digital technologies from policy and academic perspectives.
The Danish Institute for Human Rights
The Danish Institute for Human Rights is an independent state-funded institution. Our mandate is to promote and protect human rights and equal treatment in Denmark and abroad.
The Diplomat
Since its launch in 2002, The Diplomat has been dedicated to quality analysis and commentary on events occurring in Asia and around the world. The Diplomat reaches an influential audience of commentators, policymakers and academics with its in-depth treatment of regional issues.
The Diplomat provides expert coverage on: