Nossa rede internacional de parceiros(as) abrange instituições acadêmicas, agregadores de dados, órgãos governamentais, editoras, associações de agricultores(as), ONGs e outros atores da sociedade civil. Explore a gama de organizações que utilizam o Land Portal abaixo e junte-se à rede hoje.
The Gordon Foundation
The Gordon Foundation is a charitable organization dedicated to protecting Canada's water and empowering Canada's North. We seek opportunities to amplify underrepresented voices, elevate emerging issues, and collaborate with like-minded organizations to drive powerful, sustainable outcomes.
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, founded in 1918 and opened officially in 1925, is Israel’s premier university as well as its leading research institution. The Hebrew University is ranked internationally among the 100 leading universities in the world and first among Israeli universities.
The Hollings Center
The Hollings Center for International Dialogue is a non-profit, non-governmental organization dedicated to fostering dialogue between the United States and countries with predominantly Muslim populations in the Middle East, North Africa, South Asia, Eurasia and Europe.
The International Growth Centre (IGC)
The International Growth Centre (IGC) aims to promote sustainable growth in developing countries by providing demand-led policy advice based on frontier research.
The Irrawaddy
The Irrawaddy (Burmese: ဧရာဝတီ; MLCTS: ei: ra wa. ti) is a website by the Irrawaddy Publishing Group (IPG), founded in 1990 by Burmese exiles living in Thailand. From its inception, The Irrawaddy has taken an independent stance on Burmese politics.
The Journal of Modern African Studies
The Journal of Modern African Studies offers a quarterly survey of developments in modern African politics and society. Its main emphasis is on current issues in African politics, economies, societies and international relations.
The Journal of Peasant Studies
A leading journal in the field of rural politics and development, The Journal of Peasant Studies ( JPS) provokes and promotes critical thinking about social structures, institutions, actors and processes of change in and in relation to the rural world.
The Land Claims Court of South Africa
The Land Claims Court was established in 1996.The Land Claims Court specialises in dealing with disputes that arise out of laws that underpin South Africa's land reform initiative. These include the Restitution of Land Rights Act, 1994, the Land Reform (Labour Tenants) Act, 1996 and the Extension of Security of Tenure Act, 1997. The Land Claims Court has the same status as any High Court.
The Law Library of Congress
The Library of Congress is the largest library in the world, with millions of books, recordings, photographs, newspapers, maps and manuscripts in its collections. The Library is the main research arm of the U.S. Congress and the home of the U.S. Copyright Office.
The League for Pastoral Peoples and Endogenous Livestock Development
The League for Pastoral Peoples was founded in 1992 to provide relief in an acute crisis experienced by Raika camel pastoralists in India. Its initial mandate was to support pastoral societies and other small-scale livestock keepers to pursue their own vision of development through research, technical support, advisory services and advocacy.
The Legal Services Facility
The Legal Services Facility, registered as a company limited by guarantee is a non-profit independent basket fund that strive to increase access to justice for all, in particular for women, through a legal empowerment approach.
The Lutheran World Federation
With passion for the church and for the world
We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition on a common journey of renewal. We strive to put our faith into action within and beyond the communion, and seek God’s Word and Spirit to guide us.