Land (ISSN 2073-445X) is an international, scholarly, open access journal of land use and land management published quarterly online by MDPI.
An academic or scholarly journal is a periodical publication in which scholarship relating to a particular academic discipline is published.
Land (ISSN 2073-445X) is an international, scholarly, open access journal of land use and land management published quarterly online by MDPI.
African Studies Review (ASR) is the principal academic and scholarly journal of the African Studies Association. ASR appears three times per year in April, September, and December, and is one of the many benefits of membership. The mission of theASR is to publish the highest quality articles, as well as book and film reviews in all academic disciplines that are of interest to the interdisciplinary audience of ASA members.
Science Target Inc. is a growing professional online academic publisher, headquartered and registered in Canada, with a diverse and global focus as appears in its online publications, authors, editors and reviewers. Science Target is committed to offer premier and scholarly publications that covers essential issues and promote professional development in the fields of Environment and Natural Resources, Engineering and Technology, Business and Management, Information Systems and Technology, Healthcare and Biosciences, Arts and Humanities, and Education and Learning.
The Pretoria University Law Press (PULP) is based at the Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria, South Africa. PULP endeavours to publish and make available innovative, high-quality scholarly texts on law in Africa. PULP also publishes a series of collections of legal documents related to public law in Africa, as well as text books from African countries other than South Africa.
ISSN: 0300-7839 (Print) 1572-9915 (Online)
Human Ecology: An Interdisciplinary Journal publishes papers probing the complex and varied systems of interaction between people and their environment.
Contributions examine the roles of social, cultural, and psychological factors in the maintenance or disruption of ecosystems and investigate the effects of population density on health, social organization, and environmental quality.
The mission of The World Bank Economic Review is to encourage and support research in the field of development economics. We seek to publish and disseminate innovative theoretical and empirical research that identifies, analyzes, measures, and evaluates the macro and micro-economic forces that promote or impede economic development with a view towards providing the knowledge necessary for designing, implementing, and sustaining effective development policies in low and middle income countries.
Journal of Refugee Studies provides a forum for exploration of the complex problems of forced migration and national, regional and international responses. The Journal covers all categories of forcibly displaced people. Contributions that develop theoretical understandings of forced migration, or advance knowledge of concepts, policies and practice are welcomed from both academics and practitioners. Journal of Refugee Studies is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal, and is published in association with the Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford.
African Affairs is published on behalf of the Royal African Society and is the top-ranked journal in African Studies. It is an interdisciplinary journal, with a focus on the politics and international relations of sub-Saharan Africa. It also includes sociology, anthropology, economics, and to the extent that articles inform debates on contemporary Africa, history, literature, art, music and more.
Small Wars & Insurgencies provides an international and interdisciplinary forum for the academic and scholarly discussion of the historical, political, social, economic and psychological aspects of insurgency, counter-insurgency, limited war and irregular warfare. Peer-reviewed and long-established, Small Wars & Insurgencies invites papers concerned with, but not limited to, the following areas:
Since the release of Volume 1 in 1990, the Journal has secured its place at the forefront of contemporary legal issues through the publication of articles, essays, notes, and reviews that enhance and maintain discourse on gender concerns. To this end, the Journal aims to expand feminist legal thought and inspire dialogue about legal, social, and political issues affecting women, ultimately enhancing the relationship between theoretical and practical perspectives of gender and law.