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Presidential Decree No. 31 on intensification of liability for the infringement of land legislation.

Europa Oriental

The President establishes administrative liability for unauthorized occupation of land, non-purposeful use of the plot of land, illegal destruction or damage of urban forests or shrubbery, and destruction of the fertile layer of soil or soil pollution. The officials of the Committee on Land Resources, of the State Sanitary Supervision and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection shall be authorized to draw reports on the infringement of land legislation.

Ministerial Decree No. 182 validating the Regulation on the state supervision over land use and land protection.

Europa Oriental

The state supervision over land use and land protection shall have as its purpose to ensure the observance of land legislation by landowners and land tenants with a view of more efficient land use and land protection. The state supervision shall be carried out by the local self-government and land use planning organizations.

Order No. 01-4/78 of the Committee on Land Resources, Geodesy and Cartography validating the Regulation on removal, use and conservation of the fertile soil layer in the process of carrying out activities related to soil disturbance.

Europa Oriental

This Order establishes requirements for the conservation of fertile soil layer and subsequent use thereof for the improvement of low productive land, restoration of soil fertility of recultivated land and land improvement. It shall be applicable to the project documentation and work related to soil disturbance and recultivation of land and it shall be compulsory for landowners and lessees carrying out activities related to soil disturbance. Removal of the fertile soil layer shall be carried out during earthwork on land of all categories.

Lower Austria Land Use Planning Law 1976.

Europa Ocidental

The underlying principle of the present Law is that regional interests prevail over local interests. The purpose of the Act is the economic and expedient use of the soil; the protection and care of the environment and, in particular the conservation or reinstatement of the sustainable purity of the air, water and soil, as well as the avoidance of noise; the conservation or reinstatement of a healthy nature, the protection of the indigenous fauna and flora and their natural living spaces, of the cultural heritage and, finally, in particular that of housing and recreational areas.

Lower Austria Sewage Sludge Ordinance.

Europa Ocidental

The present Ordinance lays down provisions relating to sewage sludge. The soil on which for the first time sewage sludge is applied has to be classified according to Annex A laying down soil suitability according to certain classes. Moreover, the soil on which sewage sludge is to be applied must be previously analyzed as to its composition. Seven Annexes are enclosed.

Décret exécutif nº 07-206 du 30 juin 2007 fixant les conditions et les modalités de construction et d’occupation du sol sur la bande littorale, de l’occupation des parties naturelles bordant les plages et de l’extension de la zone objet de non-ædificandi.

Norte de África

Le présent décret a pour objet de fixer: les conditions et les modalités de construction et d’occupation du sol liées directement aux fonctions des activités économiques autorisées sur une bande littorale de trois (3) kilomètres; les conditions d’occupation des parties naturelles bordant les plages et participant au maintien de leur dynamique et de leur équilibre sédimentaire, ainsi que celle des dunes bordières et des cordons sableux des parties hautes des plages non atteints par les hautes mers; les conditions et les modalités d’extension de la zone objet de non-ædificandi à trois cents (

Ministerial Decree No. 830 validating the Regulation on soil conservation.

Europa Oriental

This Ministerial Decree establishes the modalities of soil conservation of for the purpose of prevention soil degradation, restoration of soil fertility and rehabilitation of the polluted soil. Soil conservation shall be authorized in the following cases: (a) water and soil erosion, siltation, desertification and reindeer pastures; (b) land affected by subsidence as a result of subsoil management; and (c) land affected by radioactive and oil pollution.

Ministerial Decree No. 689 on state land control.

Europa Oriental

This Ministerial Decree establishes the modalities of state land control carried out by the Federal Agency of Immovable Property, Federal Supervision Service on Nature Management and by Federal Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision Service. The purpose of state land control shall be the enforcement of land legislation and requirements on soil conservation and land tenancy.

An Act to authorize the Department of Public Safety to close public beaches; and for other purposes (P.L. No. 14-48).

Marianas Setentrionais

This Act authorizes the Department of Public Safety to close public beaches during potentially hazardous circumstances. Beaches can be closed in case of natural disasters such as typhoons and other tropical storms and abnormal tidal waves and other extreme climatic or environmental conditions. No person shall use any public beach when a notice of closure has been published.

Ministerial Decree No. 318 amending Ministerial Decree No.294 of 1997 regarding validation of the Regulation on state control over use and protection of land.

Ásia Central

Item 1.3 shall acquire a new wording: “State control over use and protection of land shall be carried out by the Committee on Land Resources and Land Survey, its territorial bodies and by the Ministry of Environmental Protection. The aforesaid bodies shall carry out their functions through mutual cooperation.” Item 3.1 shall be supplemented with the following paragraphs: “4. irregular decisions on expropriation and allotment of the plots of land shall be suspended until the examination of claims by economic court”; “5.

Order No. 231 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry validating the Regulation on utilization of phytosanitary means for the improvement of soil fertility.

Europa Oriental

This Order establishes sanitary and hygienic requirements for processes related to storage, transport and utilization of phytosanitary means for the improvement of soil fertility that shall be compulsory for all legal and natural persons using pesticides and fertilizers. Purchase of phytosanitary means from private persons or companies operating without licence shall be prohibited.

Water Association Law.

Europa Ocidental

The present Law implements article 3 of the Brandenburg Water Law of 8 December 2004. In order to keep the waters as indicated in article 3 of the Brandenburg Water Law, the present Law establishes water and soil associations as listed in article 1. The text deals with the following issues: provisions to be applied, statutes, composition, functions, and financing of the associations.

Implements: Brandenburg Water Law. (2011-12-19)