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Chapter 1 of Title 24 of the Chuuk State Code - Tide Lands.


This Chapter concerns the procedures for the application for a permit “to excavate, fill or borrow” tidelands, defines traditional and customary rights of the people of the Chuuk State in respect of tidelands and the granting of (ownership) rights in respect of such land by the State to people of Chuuk. Tidelands within the meaning of the Chuuk Constitution are those marine lands from the shore to the face of the reef that are shallow enough for traditional fishing activity by women.

Chapter 4 of Title 67 of the Trust Territory Code - Subdivision of Public Land.


This Chapter lays down rules relative to the division of public lands. It specifies powers and duties of the Chief of Lands and Surveys regarding the subdivision of public land and in particular lands that are adjacent to the sea or tidal areas. Reasonable public access shall be secured in public areas to be subdivided or offered for sale.

Provincial Act No. 9 laying down provisions on land reclamation and preservation of farms, and amending certain provicial acts on agriculture.

Europa meridional

This Act sets out rules and principles governing the planning and management of land reclamation in the Autonomous Province of Trento, for purposes of ensuring the rational exploitation of natural resources and the environmental protection of rural areas. The Act provides for the subdivision of the provincial territory into delimited areas for purposes of land reclamation and soil rehabilitation. The Act also provides for the setting up of consortia engaged in the implementation of such interventions. Further provisions lay down some amendments to Provincial Act No.

Kerala Forest (Vesting and Management of Ecologically Fragile Lands) Act, 2003 (Act No. 21 of 2005).

Ásia Meridional

This Act aims at transferring to and vesting in the Government the ownership and possession of all ecologically fragile lands held by any person in order to minimize the degradation of these ecosystems and their biological diversity.The Government shall have the right to declare any land to be ecologically fragile land which shall be deemed to be reserved forests according to the provisions of this Act.The Act provides for the constitution and functions of an Advisory Committee which shall be responsible for identifying ecologically fragile lands which shall then be managed by Forest Depart

Regulation establishing the programme of agricultural activities for certain vulnerable areas.

Europa Oriental

The Regulation of the Ministry of Agriculture is composed of seven articles and one Annex. Agricultural lands in vulnerable areas are listed in the register of production blocks of agricultural sites identification system among groups with different level of restrictions of the application of fertilizers containing nitrogen.

Decree on agrochemical testing of soil and assessment of soil properties of forest lands.

Europa Oriental

This Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture, which is composed of nine articles and five Annexes, establishes provisions concerning sampling of soil as well as performance of agrochemical tests for assessing soil properties of forest lands. Annex 3 describes rules of chemical analysis of agricultural lands, whereas Annex 5 deals with chemical analysis of forest lands.

Implements: Fertilizers Act. (2000-03-17)

Fertilizers Act.

Europa Oriental

This Act lays down rules governing (i) the marketing of fertilizers, cultivating substrates and soil additive substances; (ii) registration of fertilizers; (iii) storage and use of fertilizers; (iv) agrochemical examination of agricultural lands and assessment of soil properties of forest areas. Only registered fertilizers may be placed on the market.

Decree establishing details on certification of fertilizers and acceptance of results of laboratory and vegetable tests of fertilizers.

Europa Oriental

The Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture is composed of five articles and two Annexes. It sets out rules on the certification of fertilizers, soil additive substances and cultivating substrates. Requests for certification of fertilizers must be submitted to the Central Agricultural Control and Test Institute, according to the form specified in Annex 1. Annex 2 specifies indicators of quality of fertilizers, soil additive substances and cultivating substrates.

Chapter 5 of Title 42 of the Pohnpei State Code - Planned Development Zone.


This Chapter concerns the development of a part of Pohnpei declared to be Planned Development Zone. It grants powers to the Public Lands Trust Board of Trustees to enter into lease and use agreements for development stated in line with the integrated development goals of the Pohnpei Government. Development shall be limited to coastal structures for fisheries and tourism.

Chapter 7 of Title 42 of the Pohnpei State Code - Public Access.


This Chapter establish rules for securing public access to areas that are public lands and that are subject to subdivision into smaller parcels, tracts or lots for sale, lease, homestead, exchange or allocated for any other purposes or any public land abutting the sea or tidal areas that is proposed to be sold, leased, homesteaded , exchanged or allocated. The Board of Trustees shall have the power to promulgate Rules and Regulations, subject to the approval of the Governor, to implement the provisions of this Chapter. Such Rules and Regulations will have the force and effect of law.