Decree establishing details on certification of fertilizers and acceptance of results of laboratory and vegetable tests of fertilizers.
Vyhlaska ktorou sa ustanovuju podrobnosti o certifikacii hnojiv a uznavani vysledkov laboratornych a vegetacnych skusok hnojiv.
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The Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture is composed of five articles and two Annexes. It sets out rules on the certification of fertilizers, soil additive substances and cultivating substrates. Requests for certification of fertilizers must be submitted to the Central Agricultural Control and Test Institute, according to the form specified in Annex 1. Annex 2 specifies indicators of quality of fertilizers, soil additive substances and cultivating substrates.
Implements: Fertilizers Act. (2000-03-17)
Repeals: Decree on the registration of fertilizers and acceptance of results of laboratory and vegetal testing of fertilizers. (2000-12-15)
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