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Displaying 1261 - 1272 of 2622

Order No. 704 on Land Inspection Board.

Maio, 2013
Europa Setentrional

The Order sets regulations on the formation of the Land Inspection Board (LIB), which consists of 3 members appointed by the Minister of Environment after recommendation by the Ministry of Justice, Geo Data Board and the Danish Association of Chartered Surveyors. The LBI deals with appeals from practicing surveyors following failure of fulfilling their duties.

Spatial Information Infrastrucutre Act.

Europa Ocidental

The purpose of the present Act is to establish a national spatial data infrastructure. The Act provides the legal framework for: 1) access to spatial data, spatial data and metadata services of spatial data holding agencies and 2) the use of such data and services, especially for measures which may have some impact on the environment.

Regional Law No. 73-OZ amending Regional Law No. 31-OZ “On turnover of agricultural land”.

Europa Oriental

Article 4 shall be amended to add the following wording: “1.1) provide for survey and cadastre registration of land parcels expropriated by court decision and public sale thereof in accordance with the modalities established by civil legislation”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 31-OZ “On turnover of agricultural land”. (2014-04-01)

Regional Law No. 99-OZ “On some issues of land tenure and land protection”.

Europa Oriental

This Regional Law regulates some issues of land tenure and land protection and, in particular, transfer of land from one category to another, land survey practices, cadastre registration of land and mapping of boundaries of land parcels transferred from one category to another. It also regulates establishment of public servitude by the regional administration and local government with the consideration of public hearing outcome and classification of land areas as protected areas.

Regional Law No. 315-ZKO “On transfer of land from one category to another”.

Europa Oriental

This Regional Law regulates transfer of land from one category to another, or classification of land plots by categories, including classification as agricultural land, municipal land or private land ownership. Request for transfer of land plot from one category to another must contain the following data: (a) land area; (b) cadastre number of land plot; (c) location of land plot; (d) actual land category and destination category; (e) substantiation of transfer request; and (f) land rights.

Ordonnance de l’Office fédéral de topographie sur la géoinformation (OGéo-swisstopo).

Europa Ocidental

La présente ordonnance met en exécution l’ordonnance du 21 mai 2008 sur la géoinformation. Notamment, l’ordonnance de l’Office fédéral de topographie concerne les références géodésiques. Le texte comprend 8 articles comme suit: Systèmes de référence géodésiques locaux (1er); Système de référence géodésique CH1903 (2); Système de référence géodésique CH1903+ (3); Transformations de coordonnées (4); Langage de description de modèles de géodonnées (5); Géométadonnées (6); Exigences minimales applicables aux géoservices (7); Entrée en vigueur (8).

Regional Law No. 142-KZ “On viticulture and enological practices”.

Europa Oriental

This Regional Law establishes legal grounds for regulation of social relations in the sphere of manufacturing and trade of grape, grape wine and derivates of grape processing. It classifies the types of wine obtained from grape as a result of processing thereof and enological practices. It determines areas of viticulture for the purpose of traceability of vineyards and products tracing. Vineyards shall be subject to mandatory state registration as a part of land cadastre registration. Vineyards shall be subject to zoning by types of grape.

Ordonnance sur les émoluments et indemnités à percevoir dans la procédure d’expropriation.

Europa Ocidental

La présente ordonnance porte la réglementation relative aux émoluments et indemnités à percevoir dans la procédure d’expropriation. Le texte est formé par 24 articles répartis en 4 chapitres comme suit: Emoluments (I); Indemnités journalières, autres indemnités et débours (II); Perception des émoluments et des indemnités (III); Dispositions finales (IV).

Met en oeuvre: Loi fédérale sur l’expropriation (LEx). (2012-01-01)
Abrogé par: Ordonnance sur les émoluments et indemnités à percevoir dans la procédure d’expropriation. (2013-02-13)

Land Survey Fees Ordinance.

Europa Ocidental

The present Ordinance implements the Law on fees and contribution of 22 May 1957. In particular, the Ordinance lays down provisions relating to fees to be paid for services rendered by competent authorities in the field of land survey. The text consists of 7 articles as follows: Levying of fees (1); Fees to be charged according to land value (2); Frame for fees(3); Fees in case of refusal or withdrawal of applicatino (4); Transitional provision s(5); Amendment of Administrative Fees Regulation (6); Entry into force (7). One Annexe is enclosed.

Ley Nº 30.065 - Ley de Fortalecimiento de la Superintendencia Nacional de los Registros Públicos.

América do Sul

La presente Ley tiene por objeto fortalecer la Superintendencia Nacional de los Registros Públicos (SUNARP), a fin de modernizar y mejorar la cobertura y calidad de sus servicios, implementando medidas efectivas de inclusión social, competitividad y eficiencia tecnológica en su prestación, de acuerdo a las nuevas demandas ciudadanas.

Decreto Nº 37.773/JP/H/MINAE/MICITT - Crea el Sistema Nacional de Información Territorial (SNIT).

Costa Rica
América Central

El presente Decreto crea el Sistema Nacional de Información Territorial (SNIT), como un sistema que publica en forma integral la información territorial temática debidamente georeferenciada, estandarizada y compatibilizada a la información territorial de base constituida por la cartografía catastral y topográfica oficial, generada en una primera etapa a partir de los levantamientos ortofotogramétricos, topográficos y cartográficos por el Programa de Regularización del Catastro y Registro a diferentes escalas, así como la ortofotografía aérea, la imagen de satélite, así como cualquier otro t