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Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2009 (W.S.I. No. 1026 (W.88) of 2009).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

This Order amends the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Regulations 1990, for Wales only, by making provision for design and access statements which are required to accompany applications for listed building consent.

Amends: Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Regulations 1990 (S.I. No. 1519 of 1990). (1990-07-20)
Repealed by: Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Wales) Regulations 2012 (S.I. No. 793 (W.108) (W.88) of 2012). (2012-03-10)

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 53/2010 approving the Regional Land Use Planning of Alentejo.

Southern Europe

This Resolution of the Council of Ministers, consisting of 21 articles, approves the Regional Land Use Planning of Alentejo (in the Annex), which specifies terms and conditions to be satisfied in order to perform any activity related with environmental planning, disaster preparedness, touristic areas, waste disposal, protected areas, etc.

National Museums (Open Spaces and Areas of National Heritage) (Protection and Management) Rules, 2009 (L.N. No. 35 of 2009).

Eastern Africa

These Rules concern access and activities in all open spaces, protected areas, national monuments, protected buildings and areas of cultural, natural or national heritage declared as such by the Minister for the purposes of the Act. They prohibit the picking of fruit, damaging of trees, disorderly behaviour, lighting of fires, etc. in protected areas. The Rules also provide for appointment of Guardians for protected areas.

Implements: National Museums and Heritage Act (Cap. 216). (2006)

National Conservation and Environment Protection Act, 1987 (Act No. 5).

Saint Kitts and Nevis

This Act is a compendium of various matters related to conservation and environmental protection and management and preservation of historic sites. It empowers the Minister responsible for managing the environment to designate certain land or marine sites as "protected areas". Areas that may be designated as such include national parks, nature reserves, botanical gardens, marine reserves, historic sites, scenic sites, or areas of special interest.

Décret n° 2-93-487 du 19 rabii Il 1415 (26 septembre 1994) portant création d'une zone spéciale d'action rurale dite périmètre d'amélioration pastorale d'AI-Maâdar-el-kébir, sise dans la commune rurale d'AI-Maâdar-el-kébir, cercle de Tiznit (province d...

Northern Africa

Le présent décret crée une zone spéciale d'action rurale dite périmètre d'amélioration pastorale d'AI-Maâdar-el-kébir, sise dans la commune rurale d'AI-Maâdar-el-kébir, cercle de Tiznit (province de Tiznit).La création de cette zone a pour objectif de limiter la dégradation des pâturages et en assurer la reconstitution en vue d’une exploitation rationnelle.

Decision No. 129/2009/QD-TTg approving the Scheme on investment promotion mechanisms and policies for natural resource and environmental protection.

South-Eastern Asia

This Decision approves the Scheme on investment promotion mechanisms and policies for natural resource and environmental protection.The Decision aims at building a system of comprehensive, specific and uniform mechanisms and policies on land finance, investment capital, human resources and science and technology to promote investment in natural resource and environmental protection and sustainable development.

Public Rights of Way (Combined Orders) (England) Regulations 2008 (S.I. No. 442 of 2008).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

These Regulations apply section 53A of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 to Orders regarding footpaths, bridleways and restricted byways listed in regulation 3. Those Orders are made by local authorities for the purpose of creating, stopping up or diverting public rights of way, and pursuant of section 53A.

Implements: Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (Chapter 69). (1981-10-30)
Amended by: Public Rights of Way (Combined Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2010 (S.I. No. 2127 of 2010). (2010-08-24)

Regional Law No. 152-ZZK “On regulation of land relations”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law regulates land tenure and land protection. It establishes minimum and maximum area of agricultural land that can be allotted to citizens out of the stock of public and municipal land: (a) for peasant farms – from 0.04 ha to 0.50 ha; (b) for gardening - from 0.04 ha to 0.50 ha; (c) for horticulture - from 0.04 ha to 0.50 ha; (d) for stockbreeding - from 0.04 ha to 30 ha; and (e) for construction of suburban cottages - from 0.04 ha to 0.50 ha.

Law amending the Law declaring the western part of Medvednica as nature Park.

Southern Europe

This Law amends the provisions established and provided by the Law declaring the western part of Medvednica as nature Park (Official Gazette 24/1981).Changes are related to the: official surface of the nature park Medvednica is reduced from 22,826 ha to 17,938 ha; other information and official boundaries that are modified.

Amends: Law declaring the western part of Medvednica as nature Park. (1981-05-29)

Decreto Supremo Nº 008/16/MINAM - Estrategia Nacional de Lucha contra la Desertificación y la Sequía 2016-2030.

South America

El presente Decreto Supremo aprueba la Estrategia Nacional de Lucha contra la Desertificación y la Sequía (ENLCDS), un instrumento de gestión multisectorial, de alcance nacional cuyo objetivo general es el de prevenir y reducir la desertificación, la degradación de la tierra y el impacto de la sequía en el territorio nacional, considerando un horizonte de planificación de 15 años (2016-2030).

Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2010 (S.I. No. 568 of 2010).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

This Order amends the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Regulations 1990 in regulations 5, 5A and 13, which require local planning authorities to publicize: applications for listed building and conservation area consent; planning applications which affect the setting of listed buildings or the character or appearance of a conservation area; and applications by the local planning authority for listed building and conservation area consent.

Amends: Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Regulations 1990 (S.I. No. 1519 of 1990). (1990-07-20)

Act on Nature Conservation (No. 884 of 2004).

Northern Europe

The purpose of this Act makes provision for the conservation of nature and its fauna and flora resources, and to protect natural and cultural monuments.It consists of 105 articles divided into 14 Chapters: Purpose of the Act (1); General protection provisions (2); Works, installations, etc. in the country side (3); Public access to nature (4); Protection of plant and animal species, etc. (5); Conservation measures (6); Management of natural areas and fighting of soil erosion (7); Management of natural resources (8); Monitoring, advising, etc.