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Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2010 (S.I. No. 568 of 2010).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

This Order amends the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Regulations 1990 in regulations 5, 5A and 13, which require local planning authorities to publicize: applications for listed building and conservation area consent; planning applications which affect the setting of listed buildings or the character or appearance of a conservation area; and applications by the local planning authority for listed building and conservation area consent.

Amends: Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Regulations 1990 (S.I. No. 1519 of 1990). (1990-07-20)

Act on Nature Conservation (No. 884 of 2004).

Northern Europe

The purpose of this Act makes provision for the conservation of nature and its fauna and flora resources, and to protect natural and cultural monuments.It consists of 105 articles divided into 14 Chapters: Purpose of the Act (1); General protection provisions (2); Works, installations, etc. in the country side (3); Public access to nature (4); Protection of plant and animal species, etc. (5); Conservation measures (6); Management of natural areas and fighting of soil erosion (7); Management of natural resources (8); Monitoring, advising, etc.

Fish and Game Code - Chapter 4 of Division 2; Department of Fish and Wildlife - Wildlife Conservation Law of 1947 (secs. 1300 - 1375).

United States of America
Northern America

This Chapter of Division 2 of the Fish and Game Code of California, known as the Wildlife Conservation Law of 1947, establishes the Wildlife Conservation Board and a single and coordinated program for the acquisition of lands and facilities suitable for recreational purposes, and adaptable for conservation, propagation, and utilization of the fish and game resources of the State. The Chapter sets out conditions and procedures for land acquisition for wildlife purposes.

Fish and Game Code - Chapter 4.3 of Division 2; Inland Wetlands Conservation Program (secs. 1400 - 1431).

United States of America
Northern America

This Chapter of Division 2 of the Fish and Game Code of California creates within the Wildlife Conservation Board the Inland Wetlands Conservation Program. The purpose of the Program is to carry out the programs of the Central Valley Habitat Joint Venture. It is designated for use of the funds allocated pursuant to subdivision (f) of Section 2791, as enacted by the California Wildlife Protection Act of 1990. The Board shall administer the Program.

Loi portant modification 1. de la loi du 19 juillet 2004 concernant l’aménagement communal et le développement urbain; 2. de la loi communale modifiée du 13 décembre 1988; 3. de la loi du 21 mai 1999 concernant l’aménagement du territoire; 4. de la loi...

Western Europe

La présente loi modifie certains articles de la loi du 19 juillet 2004 concernant l’aménagement communal et le développement urbain; l’article 11 de la loi du 21 mai 1999 concernant l’aménagement du territoire; et l’article 5 de la loi du 19 janvier 2004 concernant la protection de la nature et des ressources naturelles.

Modifie: Loi concernant l’aménagement communal et le développement urbain. (2004-07-19)
Modifie: Loi concernant l'aménagement du territoire. (1999-05-21)
Modifie: Loi concernant la protection de la nature et des ressources naturelles. (2004-01-19)

Ley Nº 690 - Ley para el desarrollo de las zonas costeras.

Central America

La presente Ley tiene por objeto regular el uso y aprovechamiento sostenible y garantizar el acceso de la población a las zonas costeras marinas y lacustres, así como de las islas que tengan población permanente.

Implementado por: Decreto Nº78/09 - Reglamento de la Ley Nº 690, Ley para el desarrollo de las zonas costeras. (2009-09-22)
Enmendado por: Ley Nº 913 - Modifica la Ley Nº 690, Ley para el desarrollo de las zonas costeras. (2015-09-29)

Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 (2015 Asp 6).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

This Act provides a legal framework that will promote and encourage community empowerment and participation. It creates new rights for community bodies and places new duties on public authorities. The Act amends the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003, extending the community right to buy to all of Scotland, urban and rural, and improving procedures. It also introduces a new provision for community bodies to purchase land which is abandoned, neglected or causing harm to the environmental wellbeing of the community, where the owner is not willing to sell that land.

Regional Law No. 117-ZKO “On delimitation of plenary powers between state bodies in the sphere of land relations”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law delimits plenary powers between regional state bodies. Regional Legislative Assembly shall have the following competence: (a) law-making and enforcement of legislation in the sphere of land relations; (b) establishment of cases of allotment of land plots free of charge to citizens, grounds for refusal of such allotment and minimum and maximum dimensions of land area destined for such allotment; and (c) establishment of the modalities for transfer of land to the category of protected areas.

Arrêté n° 023-MERF-CAB du 22-11-2006 portant qualification du domaine rural en réserve de gestion des habitats ou des espèces.

Western Africa

Le présent arrêté érige en réserve de gestion des habitats ou des espèces, un domaine rural sis à Avévé dans la préfecture des Lacs, et soumis aux dispositions du protocole d'accord annexé au présent arrêté.Les objectifs de protection et de conservation de la réserve visent à: assurer la protection à long terme de la diversité biologique de la zone en y maintenant les conditions d'habitat nécessaires à la préservation d’espèces, de groupes d'espèces, de communautés biologiques ou d'éléments physiques importants du milieu naturel; promouvoir la mise en valeur de la réserve, les activités de

Regional Law No. 839-Z “On organization, establishment of boundaries and management regime of historical and cultural reserve of regional significance”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes the modalities of organization, establishment of boundaries and management regime of historical and cultural reserve of regional significance. It specifies that integral historical, cultural and natural complex requiring particular protection can be classified as historical and cultural reserve of regional significance. The grounds for such classification shall be expert opinion and its substantiation.

Regional Law No. 3619-OZ amending Regional Law No. 3361-OZ “On protected areas”.

Eastern Europe

Article 12 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Regional executive bodies shall be responsible for decision-making related to land reservation for protected areas, with subsequent expropriation thereof and use restrictions imposed on economic activities”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 3361-OZ “On protected areas”. (2015-01-19)