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Displaying 1309 - 1314 of 1314

Range-wide priority setting for the conservation and restoration of Asian rosewood species accounting for multiple threats and ecogeographic diversity

December, 2021

Understanding the impact of multiple anthropogenic threats on tree species is urgently needed for estimating population decline and enabling coordinated and efficient conservation actions. We applied a spatially explicit framework to assess the vulnerability of three highly valuable Asian rosewood species (Dalbergia cochinchinensis, D. cultrata, D. oliveri) to five key threats across their native ranges in six countries of the Greater Mekong Subregion.

Community-level incentive mechanisms for the conservation of crop wild relatives: A Malawi case study

December, 2022

Despite being an increasingly important source of genes for crop breeding aimed at improv-
ing food security and climate change adaptation, crop wild relatives (CWRs) are globally threatened.
A root cause of CWR conservation challenges is a lack of institutions and payment mechanisms by
which the beneficiaries of CWR conservation services (such as breeders) could compensate those
who can supply them. Given that CWR conservation generates important public good values, for the

Vulnérabilité des ptéridophytes au changement climatique et implications pour leur conservation au Togo (Afrique de l’Ouest)

December, 2019

Contexte et objectifs –
La conservation durable de la biodiversité requiert une bonne compréhension des causes de son déclin. Mis à part les activités humaines, les changements climatiques se révèlent comme la principale menace qui pèse sur la biodiversité au 21ème siècle. Notre étude vise à déterminer l’impact du changement climatique sur les Ptéridophytes au Togo.
Méthodologie –

How to halt deforestation in the Amazon? A Bayesian process-tracing approach

December, 2022

In this paper, we employ for the first time a Bayesian process-tracing approach to assess the role of different interventions designed to halt deforestation. We applied the methodology to six initiatives implemented between 2006 and 2019 in the municipality of São Felix do Xingu, namely: (i) institution of protected areas, (ii) environmental monitoring and enforcement, (iii) credit restrictions, (iv) commodity agreements, (v) multi-stakeholder processes, and (vi) value chain projects.

Effectiveness of the Yangambi biosphere reserve in reducing deforestation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

December, 2022

Establishing protected areas creates an opportunity to reduce deforestation. This study aims to inform the Congolese government’s efforts to promote forest and biodiversity conservation by assessing the effectiveness of the Yangambi Biosphere Reserve (YBR) in reducing deforestation. Group and individual interviews designed to understand the causes of pressure on forest cover in the Yangambi landscape complemented satellite imagery analyses. The results indicate that deforestation inside the YBR is not significantly different from outside the YBR.