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Loi sur les sites pollués (LSites).

Western Europe

La présente loi met en exécution l’ordonnance fédérale du 26 août 1998 sur l’assainissement des sites pollués (OSites). L’article 1er établit que la présente loi fixe les modalités d’application de la législation fédérale sur les sites pollués et règle le financement cantonal des mesures d’investigation, de surveillance et d’assainissement de ces sites.

Loi sur les forêts et la protection contre les catastrophes naturelles (LFCN).

Western Europe

La présente loi a pour buts d’exécuter la législation forestière fédérale, de désigner les autorités d’application et de fixer leurs compétences. Elle vise également: a) à favoriser une gestion optimale des forêts; b) à promouvoir l’utilisation du bois d’origine indigène; c) à assurer un traitement sylvicole adapté aux conditions naturelles et aux fonctions de la forêt.

Règlement sur les forêts et la protection contre les catastrophes naturelles (RFCN).

Western Europe

Le présent règlement met en exécution la loi du 2 mars 1999 sur les forêts et la protection contre les catastrophes naturelles. Le texte comprend 92 articles répartis en 9 chapitres comme suit: Dispositions générales (1er); Protection des forêts contre les atteintes de l’homme (2); Protection contre les catastrophes naturelles (3); Entretien et exploitation des forêts (4); Formation professionnelle, vulgarisation et information (5); Mesures d’encouragement (6); Forêts domaniales (7); Dispositions pénales (8); Dispositions finales (9).

Decision No. 221/QD-TTg approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Bac Lieu province through 2020.

South-Eastern Asia

This Decision approves the master plan on the socio-economic development of Bac Lieu province.The main purposes of the plan include: agricultural, forestry and fishery development; sustainable exploitation and use of natural resources; development of water supply, irrigation and drainage systems; intensify environmental management; waste treatment; and urban space development.

Decision No. 195/QD-TTg approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Vinh Long province through 2020.

South-Eastern Asia

This Decision approves the master plan on the socio-economic development of Vinh Long province.The main objectives of the plan include: agricultural, forestry and fishery development; sustainable exploitation and use of natural resources; development of water supply, irrigation and drainage systems; intensify environmental pollution management; biodiversity protection and recovery; waste treatment facilities; and urban space development.

Regional Act No. 4 laying down provisions on integral bonification and rearranging bonification consortia.

Southern Europe

This Regional Act sets out the legislative framework for the integral bonification of land with a view to ensuring land conservation, water safety, environmental protection and preservation of rural areas. It provides for the rearrangement of bonification consortia operating in the regional territory and further provides for the adoption of plans in the different districts.

European Communities (Conservation of Wild Birds (Slyne Head to Ardmore Point Islands Special Protection Area 004159)) Regulations 2012 (S.I. No. 177 of 2012).

Northern Europe

These Regulations designate a coastal area as a Special Protection Area in accordance with Article 4 of Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Conservation of Wild Birds. The purpose is to ensure survival and reproduction of all species of birds to which Article 4 relates and in particular those listed in Schedule 3 to these Regulations. Schedule 4 lists activities that require the consent of the Minister and may cause disturbance or damage to birds protected under Schedule 3.

Upper Austria Soil Protection Amendment 2012.

Western Europe

The present Law introduces some substantial amendments to the Upper Austria Soil Protection Law 1991. In particular, the Law amends, inter alia, article 2 on Definition of terms; article 18 on Use; article 21a on Plan of actions; article 21b on Transmission of information; article 16b on Access to information is added. The text consists of 2 articles.

Amends: Upper Austria Soil Protection Law 1991. (2014)

Resolución Nº 629 - Requisitos y procedimiento para la sustracción de áreas de reserva forestal para programas de reforma agraria y desarrollo rural.

South America

La presente Resolución tiene como objeto establecer los requisitos y el procedimiento para la sustracción de zonas de reserva forestal, de conformidad con los estudios realizados por el Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible, para su utilización en explotación diferente a la forestal, con el propósito de adelantar los programas de reforma agraria y desarrollo rural, así como también para los fines de atención, asistencia y reparación integral a las víctimas del conflicto armado interno.

Regional Law No. 31-GD “On hunting and conservation of hunting resources”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law regulates relations in the sphere of hunting and conservation of hunting resources. Common use hunting grounds shall comprise at least 20 percent of the total regional hunting areas (Art. 9). In order to use land areas for hunting purpose can be established public servitude (Art. 11).

Regional Development Plan Law

Western Europe

The present Law implements the Federal Land Use Planning Act (BGBl. I p. 2081, p. 2102) and the Land Use Planning Law of 28 April 1998 of Sachsen-Anhalt. The Law lays down provisions relating to the regional development plan of Sachsen-Anhalt. In particular, the purpose of the Law is to maintain the perfect functioning of the ecosystem in the populated and unpopulated area of the Land. In all parts of Sachsen-Anhalt balanced economic, infrastructural, social, environmental and cultural conditions shall be ensured. The text consists of 7 Parts.