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Forestry Commissioners (Climate Change Functions) (Scotland) Order 2012 (S.S.I. No. 77 of 2012).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

This Order amends section 1 of the Forestry Act 1967 by modifying, in accordance with section 59 of the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009, the functions of the Forestry Commissioners, to enable and require them to use land in Scotland placed at their disposal in the such a way as to contribute to the delivery of the climate change targets which are set in or under that Act.

Implements: Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 (2009 Asp 12). (2009-08-04)
Amends: Forestry Act 1967 (Chapter 10). (1991-07-25)

Ley Nº 2/2012 - Modifica la Ley Nº 7/2002, Ley de Ordenación Urbanística de Andalucía.

Southern Europe

La presente Ley modifica la que tiene por objeto la regulación de la actividad urbanística y el régimen de utilización del suelo en la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía, en relación a distintas cuestiones que afectan a las edificaciones que se sitúan en el suelo no urbanizable.

Enmienda: Ley Nº 7/2002 - Ley de Ordenación Urbanística de Andalucía. (2002-12-17)

Ley Nº 4/1990 - Ley de Ordenación del Territorio del País Vasco.

Southern Europe

La presente Ley de Ordenación del Territorio del País Vasco, tiene por objeto la definición y regulación de los instrumentos de ordenación territorial del País Vasco, así como el establecimiento de los criterios y procedimientos necesarios para asegurar la coordinación de las acciones con incidencia territorial que corresponda desarrollar a las diferentes Administraciones Públicas en ejercicio de sus respectivas competencias.

Law Amending the Law on Fertilizers and Soil Improvers.

Southern Europe

This Law changes various provisions of the Law on fertilizers and soil improvers (Official Gazette 163/03).The provisions of articles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 13, 14, 18, 20, 23, 24, 26 and 27 are been changed.Major changes are related to: monitoring and data collection, processing and handling, import and export requirements and quality standards.Article 6 is been deleted.

Amends: Law on Fertilizers and Soil Improvers. (2003-10-01)

Fisheries (Berthing) (Amendment) Regulations (S.R.O. 18 of 2005).


These Regulations amend the Fisheries (Berthing) Regulations in regulations 5 and 7 and Schedules I and II. Regulation 5 (on use of public structures at landing areas) is amended by defining “public structure or facility” as any structure erected or facility established for fisheries purposes at a designated fish landing site. Regulation 7 (on the payment of fees) of the Principal Regulations is amended in paragraph (a) by inserting after the word “Chief Fisheries Officer” the following: “or the designated authority.”

Fisheries (Berthing) Regulations (S.R.O. 23 of 2001).


These Regulations provides rules for the berthing of fishing vessels. The Regulations, among other things: designate landing areas; prohibit hauling or berthing of fishing vessels outside such sites and construction of structures within sites without a permission of the Chief Fisheries Officer; prescribes fees for the use of structures and prohibits damaging of such structures.

Implements: Fisheries Act 1987. (1991)
Amended by: Fisheries (Berthing) (Amendment) Regulations (S.R.O. 18 of 2005). (2005-08-16)

Sludge (Use in Agriculture) Regulations.

Southern Europe

These Regulations concern the use of sewage sludge in agriculture. The aim of these provisions in to prevent harmful effects on soil, vegetation, animals and human beings by encouraging the correct use of such sewage sludge. The Department of for Environment Protection shall ensure that the sludge shall be tested in accordance with Schedule 1. Specific provisions concern precautions to be taken after sludge is used. Regulation 8 concerns penalties.

Law amending the Tyrol Land Use Planning Law 2006.

Western Europe

The present Law introduces some amendments to the Tyrol Land Use Planning Law (LGBl. No. 27). In particular, the Ordinance amends, inter alia, article 1 on Tasks and objectives of the supra-regional land use planning; article 2 on Principles of supra-regional land use planning; article 4 on Coordination; article 7 on Land use plan programmes; article 10 on Modifications of land use programmes; article 12 on Land use plans; article 29a on Costs.

Amends: Tyrol Land Use Planning Law 2011. (2014)

Decreto Nº 3.516 - Reglamento para la Prevención y Control de la Contaminación Ambiental (Título IV, Libro VI: De la Calidad Ambiental, del Texto Unificado de la Legislación Secundaria del Ministerio del Ambiente).

South America

El presente Decreto expide el Texto Unificado de la Legislación Secundaria del Ministerio del Ambiente, en lo referente al Libro VI: Calidad ambiental, Título IV: Reglamento para la Prevención y Control de la Contaminación Ambiental, que tiene como objetivo determinar los límites permisibles para las descargas en cuerpos de aguas o sistemas de alcantarillado, emisiones al aire incluyendo ruido, vibraciones y otras formas de energía, vertidos, aplicación o disposición de líquidos, sólidos o combinación, en el suelo; y establecer los criterios de calidad de un recurso y criterios u objetivos

Conservation and Land Management Regulations 2002.


These Regulations implement provisions of the Conservation and Land Management Act 1984.The Regulations provide for the protection and conservation of fauna and flora and restrictions on fishing, taking or approaching certain marine fauna in marine parks or marine management areas, marine reserves and other land to which these regulations apply (CALM land).The Regulations provide for restrictions on the access to CALM land, on camping, on offensive and dangerous behavior, etc.

Land Act, 2012 (No. 6 of 2012).

Eastern Africa

This Act makes provision for a wide variety of matters regarding public and private land and community land (as defined respectively by Articles 62, 63, 64 and 260 of the Constitution), and in particular provides of the sustainable administration and management of land and land-based resources. It also provides for (compulsory) acquisition of land.