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IssuescadastresLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 961 - 972 of 2807

Registration of Titles (Forms) (Amendment) Rules, 2011 (L.N. No. 124 of 2011).

Eastern Africa

These Rules amend the Registration of Titles (Forms) Rules by deleting Form Y and substituting therefor the form set out in these Rules. The Form concerns an application for an official search of the register of titles to be kept in each registration district under the Registration of Titles Act.

Amends: Registration of Titles (Forms) Rules (Cap. 281). (2012-12-31)

Registration of Documents (Forms) (Amendment) Regulations, 2011 (L.N. No. 126 of 2011).

Eastern Africa

These Regulations amend the Registration of Documents (Forms) Regulations by deleting Form C and substituting therefor the form set out in these Rules. The Form concerns an application for an official search of the register to be kept by the Commissioner of Land under the Registration of Documents Act.

Amends: Registration of Documents (Forms) Regulations (Cap. 285). (2010)

Burgenland Geo-Data Infrastructure Law.

Western Europe

The purpose of the present Law is to lay down rules aimed at the establishment of the infrastructure for spatial information in Burgenland with a view to environmental policies and activities which may have an impact on the environment. For the purpose of the present Law “Iinfrastructure for spatial information” means metadata, spatial data sets and spatial data services; network services and technologies; agreements on sharing, access and use.

Resolución Nº 342/11 - Procedimiento para la actualización de los títulos de propiedad y su inscripción en los registros de la propiedad.


La presente Resolución aprueba el procedimiento para la actualización de los títulos de propiedad y su inscripción en los registros de la propiedad, cuando existan errores u omisiones relativos a los elementos de la descripción y tasación, no se establezcan las medidas y linderos, o sea necesaria su rectificación o ajuste; se realicen acciones constructivas internas que modifiquen la descripción de la vivienda; y no coincida la realidad física con la reflejada en el título de propiedad.

Ordonnance sur le registre foncier (ORF).

Western Europe

La présente ordonnance règle:a) l’organisation de la tenue du registre foncier; b) la structure, le contenu et les effets juridiques du registre foncier; c) les communications et les transactions électroniques avec l’office du registre foncier; d) la procédure à suivre pour l’inscription, la modification et la radiation des droits réels immobiliers, de même que celle pour l’inscription, la modification et la radiation des annotations et des mentions; e) la délivrance des renseignements et la consultation du registre foncier.

Measures for the investigation and handling of disputes over land title.

Eastern Asia

These Measures are made to improve the investigation and handling of disputes over land title, protect the legitimate rights and interests of the parties concerned and to safeguard the public ownership of land.The land and resources administrative department at or above the county level shall be responsible for investigating and mediating the cases on disputes over land title.

Law No. 420-IV amending some legislative acts.

Central Asia

Item 6 of the Article 97 of Land Code shall be amended to add the following wording: “6. Agricultural land shall be allotted: 1) on condition of ownership to the citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan for subsidiary smallholding, gardening and country housing; 2) on condition of private ownership to or in lease to natural and legal persons of the Republic of Kazakhstan for farming, agricultural production, forest growing, scientific research, experimental and educational purposes, subsidiary smallholding, vegetable gardening and stockbreeding purposes.” Article 2 of the Law No.

Circular No. 16/2011/TT-BTNMT amending and supplementing a number of provisions concerning land-related administrative procedures.

South-Eastern Asia

This Circular amends and supplements a number of provisions of various Decrees and Circulars concerning: procedures for the grant of land use right or house and land-attached asset ownership certificates; re-grant of certificates due to loss; registration of transfer, inheritance, donation, lease, sublease, mortgage, or contribution of land use rights or land-attached assets as capital; grant of certificates in case of separation or consolidation of land lots; land use extension; change of land use purposes; and re-allocation and rent of land in hi-tech parks and economic zones.

Resolución Nº 3 - Auditoria de todas las titulaciones otorgadas bajo el amparo de la Ley Nº 80 de 2009.

Central America

La presente Resolución aprueba una auditoria de todas las titulaciones otorgadas bajo el amparo de la Ley Nº 80 de 2009, solicitada por el Consejo Nacional de Tierras, con la finalidad de evaluar los derechos posesorios y la titulación en las zonas costeras y el territorio insular.

Implementa: Ley Nº 80 - Derechos posesorios y titulación de predios en las zonas costeras. (2009-12-31)