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IssuescadastresLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 2761 - 2772 of 2807

Преобразование земельных отношений в Республике Молдова (1989-2019 гг.).

Journal Articles & Books
November, 2020

Преобразование земельных отношений в 1989-2019 гг. в Республике Молдова не было случайным явлением. Настоятельная необходимость в социально-
экономических реформах явилась объективной необходимостью, вызванной
самим ходом истории развития общественных и экономических отношений.
Особенно остро отставание ощущалось в области сельского хозяйства, где
большинство стран всё с большим трудом обеспечивало своё население про-
довольствием, а промышленность сырьём на уровне современных требований.

Particularitățile metodologice ale reglementării relaţiilor funciare agrare în Republica Moldova

Reports & Research
November, 2020

Relațiile funciare, începând cu etapa inițială a dezvoltării statului, reprezintă un product al societății. În istoria statalității Republicii Moldova se vor găsi mai multe etape inițiale. Este important a sublinia că, indiferent de acest fapt, relațiile funciare au fost printre primele și cele mai importante în dezvoltarea societății. Prin aceasta, se constată și conținutul social al relațiilor funciare. Perioada vizată în prezentul studiu, include etapa stabilirii statalității Republicii Moldova, anii 1991-2018 – perioadă în care are loc formarea unor relații funciare evidente.

The influence of land relations on the legal forms of organization

Journal Articles & Books
November, 2018

The paper addresses a current issue related to the agricultural land relations of the Republic of Moldova. The analysis of the current stage of situation proves the priority of the private property in the agricultural land belonging to the legal forms of organization in comparison with the areas of the leased agricultural lands. Land relations reform in agriculture aimed at the privatization of land and other agricultural goods and implementation of market land relations.

Land Administration System In Pakistan – Current Situation And Stakeholders’ Perception

Conference Papers & Reports
March, 2010

The current land administration system in Pakistan aims at land revenue assessment and tax collection for the fiscal purposes. This system is organised or structured on the traditional land registers and cadastral maps in paper formats, and their maintenance is mainly dependent on the hard works of the local land administrator so called “Patwari” at the grass-root level within his jurisdiction.

The Land Administration Domain Model

Peer-reviewed publication
November, 2015

Societal drivers including poverty eradication, gender equality, indigenous recognition, adequate housing, sustainable agriculture, food security, climate change response, and good governance, influence contemporary land administration design. Equally, the opportunities provided by technological development also influence design approaches. The Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) attempts to align both: the data model provides a standardised global vocabulary for land administration.

Cadastral data as a source for 3D indoor modelling

Peer-reviewed publication
October, 2020

Despite the rapid development of indoor spatial data acquisition technology, there are currently no solutions that enable large-scale indoor spatial data acquisition due to several limiting factors that characterize the indoor space. This fact, together with the rapidly growing need for indoor models, is the main motivation for our research. The focus is on the study of the appropriateness of existing cadastral data for 3D indoor modelling.

A proposition to solve the land cadaster system in Brazil: the role of CNIR and a new institutionalization

Conference Papers & Reports
February, 2016
Latin America and the Caribbean
South America

Brazil has, on the one hand, strong institutions in various areas, improved social situation and, on the other, the rural land situation is still very precarious, with basic unresolved questions, such as for example, knowledge of what is public and private land, due to the absence of cadaster. The legislation moved forward in an attempt to link the cadasters of INCRA, the Internal Revenue Service, with information from the Registry of Real Estate with the enactment of Law No. 10,267 / 2001, creating the National Register of Rural Properties – CNIR.

The role of open data in fighting land corruption

Reports & Research
December, 2020

The rapid progress in digital information and communication technologies  (ICTs) comes with both fresh opportunities and new challenges for different sectors and actors adopting the new solutions that become available over time. Since the mid-2000s, the global land governance community has piloted a series of open data and transparency initiatives largely based on such digital innovations, aiming at increasing accountability and counteracting corruption in the land sector, both at the local and global level.

The Role of Open Data in the Fight against Land Corruption

Reports & Research
February, 2021

Opening up land-related administrative data, combining it with data from other sources  and processing and making this data available as easily accessible information for women and men equally could be a means to counteracting land corruption in land management, land administration and land allocation. But does open data and enhanced data transparency indeed help to counteract land corruption?

Advances in the Coordination between the Cadastre and Land Registry

Peer-reviewed publication
January, 2021
United States of America

A necessary and effective coordination between cadastre and land registry has always existed in Spain, but the difficulties have only been specifically addressed in the last few years. The aim of this study is to illustrate, analyse, and evaluate advances in this coordination in Spain from the beginnings of the current system in the early twentieth century, with the cadastre and land registry operating as separate organisations. A preliminary study was made in 2002 of the difficulties that needed to be overcome to achieve an ideal coordination of mainly mapped information.