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IssuescadastresLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 1909 - 1920 of 2807

Decreto Supremo Nº 014/10/JUS - Medidas de promoción para garantizar la seguridad jurídica de predios en zonas de extrema pobreza.

South America

El presente Decreto Supremo aprueba medidas de promoción para garantizar la seguridad jurídica de predios ubicados en determinados distritos ubicados en zonas de extrema pobreza, mediante la inscripción de titularidades en el Registro de Predios.

Resolución Nº 227 - Reglamenta la Ley Nº 1.152 de 2007, en lo relacionado con el procedimiento para dar trámite a las solicitudes de protección a los predios y territorios abandonados.

South America

El presente Decreto reglamenta la Ley Nº 1.152 de 2007 en lo relativo al procedimiento para dar trámite a las solicitudes de protección a los predios y territorios abandonados a causa de la violencia, previa calificación que los registradores efectúen a las solicitudes de inscripción de la medida de prohibición de enajenación o transferencia.

Implementa: Ley Nº 1.152 - Dicta el Estatuto de Desarrollo Rural y reforma el Instituto Colombiano de Desarrollo Rural (INCODER). (2007-07-25)

Ordinance on spatial information (Spatial Information Ordinance),

Western Europe

The present Ordinance lays down provisions relating to the enforcement of federal legislation in the field of geographic information and the collection, management and use of spatial data for the area of the canton Aargau. Furthermore, the Law creates conditions for a cantonal spatial data infrastructure. The text consists of 35 articles divided into 6 Parts as follows: General provisions (A); Organization (B); Collection, traceability and management (C); Access and use (D); Financing (E); Final provisions (F). Two Annexes are enclosed.

Regulation of the Head of the National Land Affairs Agency No. 1/2011 on delegation of authority to grant land title and specified land registration activities.

South-Eastern Asia

This Regulation specifies the authorities responsible for granting land title and specified land registration activities.The Heads of Land Affairs Office and the Heads of Regional Offices of the National Land Affairs Agency shall be the authorities responsible for granting proprietary rights, rights to use land for erecting buildings, and rights for exploiting land. The Head of Survey, Measuring and Mapping Section shall sign measuring documents while the Head of Land Affairs Office shall sign land book, land certificate and land registration certificates in the registration of land.

Décret exécutif n° 15-19 du 4 Rabie Ethani 1436 correspondant au 25 janvier 2015 fixant les modalités d’instruction et de délivrance des actes d’urbanisme.

Northern Africa

Le présent décret fixe les modalités d’instruction et de délivrance des actes d’urbanisme. Il s’agit notamment du certificat d’urbanisme instruction et délivrance; du permis de lotir; du permis de construire; du permis de démolir instruction et délivrance; et des dispositions particulières aux bâtiments menaçant ruine.

Land Titles Regulations, 2002.


These Regulations implement provisions of the Land Titles Act 1980 by providing procedures for bringing land under the Act, the contents of folios of Register and certificates of titles and prescribes the manner in which dealings are to be lodged for registration and the circumstances in which the Recorder may refuse to accept dealings for lodgment.

Implemented by: Land Titles Regulations 2012. (2012-11-19)
Implements: Land Titles Act 1980. (2014-10-01)
Repealed by: Land Titles Regulations 2012. (2012-11-19)

Barbuda Land Act, 2007 (No. 23 of 2007).

Antigua and Barbuda

This Act makes provision for rights in land of the Crown and citizens of Barbuda and related matters such as registration and provides rules relative to the development of land in Barbuda.The Act states that all land shall be owned in common by the people of Barbuda and that the land shall vest in the Crown on behalf of the people of Barbuda. No land in Barbuda shall be sold and no person shall acquire the ownership of any land. The Council of Barbuda may grant leases of land for major developments.

Government Lands Act (Cap. 280).

Eastern Africa

This Act: confers powers upon the President of Kenya to grant title or other rights in Government lands; provides for the appointment of a Commissioner of Lands and such other officers as may be necessary for the administration of this Act; and defines procedures and other requirements such as registration in respect to grant of title or other rights in Government land.The Act consists of 146 sections divided into 11 Parts.The President may make grants or dispositions of any estates, interests or rights in or over unalienated Government land in accordance with section 3.

Ministerial Decree No. 418 validating the Regulation on the Federal Registration Agency of Immovable Property.

Eastern Europe

This Ministerial Decree stipulates that the Federal Registration Agency of Immovable Property shall be the authorized Federal institution regarding matters of land cadastre, planning, valuation, inventory and monitoring, and shall have the following plenary powers: (a) keep the state land cadastre; (b) carry out land use planning at the local level; (c) delimit national borders and administrative boundaries of municipal units; (d) evaluate land for cadastre purposes; (e) carry out monitoring and supervision of state land; and (f) undertake land surveys and mapping activities.

Decreto Nº 1.175 - Aprueba la reglamentación del artículo 7º de la Ley 11.078, Creación del Registro de Comunidades Aborígenes de la Provincia de Santa Fe.

South America

Este Decreto reglamenta la Ley Nº 11.078 (sobre tratamiento integral de la situación política, social, económica, jurídica colectiva e individual de las comuniaddes aborígenes) en lo relativo a la creación del Registro Especial de Comunidades Aborígenes de la Provincia Santa Fe (R.E.C.A.).

Décret nº 2009-432/PRES/PM/MEF/MATD/MHU/MID portant définition et modalités d’identification des entités du plan cadastral.

Burkina Faso
Western Africa

Le présent décret définit le plan cadastral et ses entités, qui sont les sections, les lots et les parcelles, ainsi que les modalités de leur identification.

Abrogé par: Décret 2012-1006/PRES/PM/MEF/MATDS/MHU/MID du 20 décembre 2012 portant définition et modalité d'indentification des entités du plan cadastral . (2012-12-20)