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Displaying 157 - 168 of 3161

Investigating the Gender Gap in Agricultural Productivity

June, 2015

Women comprise 50 percent of the
agricultural labor force in Sub-Saharan Africa, but manage
plots that are reportedly on average 20 to 30 percent less
productive. As a source of income inequality and aggregate
productivity loss, the country-specific magnitude and
drivers of this gender gap are of great interest. Using
national data from the Uganda National Panel Survey for
2009/10 and 2010/11, the gap before controlling for

Botswana Agriculture Public Expenditure Review 2000-2013

June, 2015

This Botswana Agriculture Public
Expenditure Review (AgPER) is one of a series of similar
studies undertaken in over a dozen countries in sub-Saharan
Africa under the framework of a program coordinated by
CAADP, supported by the Bill Melinda Gates Foundation and
the CAADP Multi-Donor Trust Fund, and implemented by the
World Bank. The AgPER presents data about actual expenditure
for the period 2000 to 2013, with an outlook on the

Agriculture Production and Transport Infrastructure in East Africa

July, 2015

Africa is estimated to have great
potential for agricultural production, but there are a
number of constraints inhibiting the development of that
potential. Spatial data are increasingly important in the
realization of potential as well as the associated
constraints. With crop production data generated at 5-minute
spatial resolution, the paper applies the spatial tobit
regression model to estimate the possible impacts of

Linking Risk Models to Microeconomic Indicators

July, 2015

Catastrophe risk models are quantitative
models used to estimate probabilistic loss distributions for
a specified range of assets subject to a baseline level of
disaster risk. While cat risk models are used extensively by
the insurance and reinsurance industry to estimate expected
losses to insured assets, their ability to estimate damages
outside of a narrow range of physical assets such as
buildings or infrastructure is still limited. This paper

Women and Trade in Africa : Realizing the Potential

January, 2014

Regional trade in Africa can play a
vital role in diversifying economies and reducing dependence
on the export of a few mineral products, in delivering food
and energy security, in generating jobs for the increasing
numbers of young people, and in alleviating poverty and
promoting a shared prosperity. Women play a key role in
trade in Africa and will be essential to Africa's
success in exploiting its trade potential. In many countries

The Fruit of Her Labor

August, 2015

The overall goal of this report is to
assist the World Bank Group (WBG) to achieve greater impact
for women from its current activities in agribusiness in
Papua New Guinea (PNG), and to provide clear recommendations
on additional interventions aimed at improving outcomes for
women. The report focuses on the supply chains for coffee,
cocoa, and horticultural products (fresh produce), as there
is a wealth of knowledge on these supply chains and on

Aquaculture Sector Review

November, 2015

This aquaculture sector review (with
supply chain mapping) has been implemented within the
framework of the International Finance Corporation (IFC)
Armenia investment climate reform project implemented by the
World Bank Group trade and competitiveness global practice,
in partnership with Austria’s federal ministry of finance
and Hungarian partnership funding and Hungary Export Import
(EXIM) Bank. This project aims to contribute to improving

Value of Improved Information about Forest Protection Values, with Application to Rainforest Valuation

November, 2015

What is the utility from obtaining more
precise values of natural resource objects (rainforests),
through surveys or other similar information gathering? In
the value of information problems studied here, a principal
who wishes to preserve a resource sets a price to offer to a
seller without knowing precisely the protection value or
opportunity value, to the seller. The value of information
related to more precise information about the protection

Water Resources Management in the Ganges Basin

April, 2016

The most difficult water resources management challenge in the Ganges Basin is the imbalance between water demand and seasonal availability. More than 80 % of the annual flow in the Ganges River occurs during the 4-month monsoon, resulting in widespread flooding. During the rest of the year, irrigation, navigation, and ecosystems suffer because of water scarcity. Storage of monsoonal flow for utilization during the dry season is one approach to mitigating these problems.

Opening Up the Markets for Seed Trade in Africa

January, 2014

Despite its vast agriculture potential,
Africa is increasingly dependent on food imports from the
rest of the world to satisfy its consumption needs. Food
output has not kept pace with population growth, and more
than 80 percent of production gains since 1980 have come
from the expansion of cropped areas rather than from greater
productivity of areas already cultivated. This paper looks
at the current requirements for seed trade in Africa, the

A New Scenario Framework for Climate Change Research

December, 2015

The new scenario framework facilitates the coupling of multiple socioeconomic reference pathways with climate model products using the representative concentration pathways. This will allow for improved assessment of climate impacts, adaptation and mitigation. Assumptions about climate policy play a major role in linking socioeconomic futures with forcing and climate outcomes. The paper presents the concept of shared climate policy assumptions as an important element of the new scenario framework.

Developing Independent Media as An
Institution of Accountable Governance : A How-To Guide

March, 2012

The World Bank's Communication for
Governance and Accountability Program (CommGAP) has spent
several years exploring the linkages between the media and
governance reform. The first stage of this process produced
public sentinel: news media and governance reform, an edited
volume that explored key issues surrounding the role of the
media in democratic governance and the policy interventions
that might enable this role. This how-to guide represents