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Displaying 121 - 132 of 3161

On the Central Role of Small Farms in African Rural Development Strategies

July, 2016

Improving the productivity of
smallholder farms in Sub-Saharan Africa offers the best
chance to reduce poverty among this generation of rural
poor, by building on the limited resources farming
households already possess. It is also the best and shortest
path to meet rising food needs. Using examples from
farmers' maize and rice fields, and comparisons with
Asia, this paper examines why the set of technologies

Six Case Studies of Economically Successful Cities

January, 2016

The objective of this paper is to synthesize the findings of six individual case studies (Bucaramanga, Colombia; Coimbatore, India; Kigali, Rwanda; Gaziantep, Turkey; Changsha, China; and Tangier, Morocco) by analyzing the similarities and dissimilarities among them and identifying common, cross-cutting themes. The intent is to highlight what institutions and strategies successful cities have relied on to spur
economic development, under what conditions such success has occurred, and what lessons of this experience might be applicable to decision makers in other cities.

The Impact of a Community Development and Poverty Reduction Program on Early Childhood Development in Morocco

June, 2016

Participatory community development
programs are designed to match government investments with
local needs. In Morocco, where issues of inequality and
poverty are high on the national agenda, a community
development program, the National Initiative for Human
Development, targeted high-poverty areas for additional
investments. This paper examines whether, in addition to
reducing poverty, such programs can also promote human

Prioritizing Infrastructure Investment

June, 2016

Governments must decide how to allocate
limited resources for infrastructure development,
particularly since financing gaps have been projected for
the coming decades. Social cost-benefit analysis provides
sound project appraisal and, when systematically applied, a
basis for prioritization. In some instances, however,
capacity and resource limitations make extensive economic
analyses across all projects unfeasible in the immediate

Are Gender Differences in Performance Innate or Socially Mediated?

June, 2016

To explain persistent gender gaps in
market outcomes, a lab experimental literature explores
whether women and men have innate differences in ability (or
attitudes or preferences), and a separate field-based
literature studies discrimination against women in market
settings. This paper posits that even if women have
comparable innate ability, their relative performance may
suffer in the market if the task requires them to interact

Improved Nutrition through Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services

February, 2016

Even after several decades of green
revolution, malnutrition continues to be a major development
challenge in much of South Asia, and India has a major share
of the malnourished people in the region. For nutrition
goals to be integrated into extension the curricula provided
to current and future agricultural extension agents must be
revisited. As part of the South Asia Food and Nutrition
Security Initiative (SAFANSI), this paper focuses on

A Portfolio Review of World Bank Rice Projects

March, 2016

Rice is the world’s most heavily
consumed staple crop. Its production requires enormous
volumes of water and emits large quantities of atmospheric
methane, a greenhouse gas some many times more powerful than
carbon dioxide - particularly during a medium term period of
about seven years. In a global context of growing
population, increasingly scarce water resources, and climate
change, more productive, sustainable, and efficient rice

Paraiba State, Brazil

December, 2015

This report is comprised of two volumes:
(i) volume one: risk assessment; and (ii) volume two: risk
management strategy. Volume one continues with chapter one,
which characterizes the recent performance of the
agriculture sector, including agro-climatic and market
conditions. It also identifies the productive systems used
for this analysis. Chapter two describes the main risks in
the agricultural sector, capturing market, production, and

The Role of Regulation on Entry

May, 2016

This paper studies the effects of
differences in local administrative burdens in Italy in the
years 2005–2007 preceding a major reform that sped up firm
registration procedures. Combining regulatory data from a
survey on Italian provinces before the reform (costs and
time to start a business) with industry-level entry rates of
limited liability firms, it explores the effects of
regulatory barriers on the average of the annual entry rates

Bahia State, Brazil

December, 2015

The present study is part of an effort
by the World Bank and the State of Bahia to assess
agriculture sector risks as a contribution to the strategic
economic development and poverty reduction agenda of the
state government. It is composed of two phases: an
agricultural sector risk identification and prioritization
(volume one) and a risk management strategy and action plan
(volume two). The study provides practical elements for the

Malawi Agricultural Sector Risk Assessment

January, 2016

With more than three-quarters of its
workforce employed in agriculture, Malawi is highly
vulnerable to any adverse events affecting the agriculture
sector, and agricultural risks are ever present in the
country. Agricultural risks can obstruct development and
enforce poverty traps, particularly for a country as reliant
on agriculture as Malawi. Because of the size of the sector
in the economy and the importance of agricultural products