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Bundling cash loans with agricultural input loans for farmers in Nigeria: A pilot study

December, 2022

Credit allows borrowers to access funds required to make an investment before returns materialize. For smallholder farmers, who must invest in agricultural inputs (i.e., seeds, chemicals, equipment, land, and labor) during the planting season before earning income from the sale of agricultural produce after harvest, credit helps alleviate liquidity constraints and promotes the ability of local agricultural production to support nutrition and food security. In rural Nigeria, access to credit—especially formal credit from financial institutions—is limited.

Rice subsector development and farmer efficiency in Nepal: implications for further transformation and food security

December, 2021

With economic development agricultural systems in the Global South transform from subsistence farming to higher productivity with market integration and increase in rural income and food security. In Nepal, agriculture continues to provide livelihoods for two-thirds of the predominantly rural population, largely at a subsistence-level. Rice is the staple food and covers the largest land area but yields are relatively low, with an annual import bill of USD 300 Million. The study uses data from 310 households from two distinct rice producing areas to assess farmers' rice production systems.

Increasing the benefits and sustainability of irrigation through the integration of fisheries: a guide for water planners, managers and engineers

December, 2019

There is increasing recognition of the need to bring about changes across the full spectrum of agricultural practices to ensure that, in future, food production systems are more diverse, sustainable and resilient. In this context, the objectives of irrigation need to be much more ambitious, shifting away from simply maximizing crop yields to maximizing net benefits across a range of uses of irrigation water, including ecosystems and nature-based solutions.

Pathways for food and land use systems to contribute to global biodiversity targets

December, 2021

Biodiversity flourishes in areas where natural processes, such as plant and animal reproduction and dispersion, take place without human interruption. At present, we estimate that such land where natural processes predominate (LNPP) covers 56% of terrestrial land. Here, the evolution of global biodiversity is modelled, as indicated by LNPP, for two scenarios for food and land-use systems change to 2050: a “Current Trends” pathway, based on current policies and historical trends, and a “Sustainable” pathway, depicting ambitious assumptions aimed at sustainable development.

Climate security mapping for targeted humanitarian and resilience WFP interventions in Mali: Climate security hotspots and food security insights

December, 2022

Like other land-locked countries in Africa’s Sahel region, Mali is experiencing population pressures, more intense and variable drought cycles, and rising insecurity. Extreme temperatures and episodic rainfall are not unfamiliar to Mali but are going to become even more variable and intense as climates shift. These changes in climate are likely to severely impact the Malian economy and society which is extremely dependent on climate-sensitive sectors such as agriculture, livestock, fisheries and forestry.

An assessment of Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) in the governance, policies and programs of Bangladesh’s agri-food systems

December, 2022

Agri-food system policies and programs in Bangladesh increasingly consider environmental challenges and intersections. Social and political dimensions of agri-food systems are of equal importance to sustainable food security. Is similar attention paid to these issues? The impacts of climate change and challenges from environmental pollution and degradation of natural resources have been shown to lead to declines in agricultural productivity, while at the same time further impacting sustainability and ecosystem services. These challenges can worsen food insecurity in Bangladesh.

Traditional crops for household food security and factors associated with on-farm diversity in the Mountains of Nepal

December, 2019

Traditional crops play an important role in household food security and livelihood needs of mountain communities, while at the same time safeguarding crop biodiversity for future generations. This study aims to analyse socioeconomic, farmspecificagro-ecological and market factors influencing cultivation and maintenance of crop diversity in Nepal. It used sample surveys of 328 households from mountains of Humla, Jumla, Lamjung and Dolakha districts in 2015. The sample survey was supplemented with participatory rural appraisals, field monitoring visits and local stakeholder consultations.

Review of policies and frameworks on climate change, agriculture, food and nutrition security in Ethiopia

December, 2019

Agriculture is the mainstay of Ethiopia’s economy, contributing over 50% of the gross domestic product (GDP), accounting for more than 85% of the labor force and over 90% of the foreign exchange earnings (Alemu et al. 2010). Consequently, the sector receives considerable attention from the government, investing 15% of its total budget over the decade and meeting the commitments by Africa’s heads of states to the African Union Maputo 2003 Declaration on Agriculture and Food Security (CAADP 2003).

Collection, genotyping and virus elimination of cassava landraces from Tanzania and documentation of farmer knowledge

December, 2020

Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz.) has been a vital staple and food security crop in Tanzania for several centuries, and it is likely that its resilience will play a key role in mitigating livelihood insecurities arising from climate change. The sector is dominated by smallholder farmers growing traditional landrace varieties. A recent surge in virus diseases and awareness in the commercial potential of cassava has prompted a drive to disseminate improved varieties in the country. These factors however also threaten the existence of landraces and associated farmer knowledge.