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Situation de l'alimentation et de l'agriculture en Afrique

Reports & Research
February, 1986

La FAO effectue également une étude approfondie de l’agriculture en Afrique afin de créer la base du développement futur du secteur de l'agriculture. Les trois dernières années ont offert une occasion unique d'étudier dans le détail les problèmes et les potentialités (ou l'absence de potentialités) de l’agriculture. Les pays africains à développer leur agriculture grâce a une méthode bien planifiée et intégrée, de manière à Jeter des bases solides et à éviter à l'avenir des tragédies humaines comme celles de ces dernières années.

Regional and subregional intergovernmental organizations in Africa for the development of food and agriculture (including fisheries and forestry)

Conference Papers & Reports
July, 1977

This document focuses on the regional and sub regional intergovernmental organizations in Africa for the development of food and agriculture. There are about 50 sub regional and regional African intergovernmental organizations engaged wholly or partially in the development of food and agriculture. Some of these organizations have in turn sponsored interstate enterprises or organizations, which are run either under their own jurisdiction or independently.

The food and agricultural situation in Africa

Reports & Research
November, 1961

In Kenya drought sharply reduced the maize crop, causing famine

conditions in some areas, towards the relief of which surplus maize

was donated by the United States. In the rest of east Africa the effects

of the drought were less servere, but some food products wera in short

supply in Uganda and thera were crop failures in parts of Tanganyika. ^

Coffee and sisal production increased substantially in Kenya, reflecting

the progress of 'African production under the Swynnerton Plan. In Uganda

A preliminary study of quantities and unit values of agricultural commodities at producer prices used in the compliation of national accounts in Africa

Reports & Research
September, 1969

Agriculture occupies a predominant place in the economies of the African countries. The survey- of Economic Conditions in Africa 1/ reveals that in 1966 -agriculture supported- three-quarters of the- population- contributed 36 per cent of the Gross Domestic Product and accounted for at least 60 per cent of the total export earnings received by the developing African countries.

Improvement of marketing policies and programmes with emphasis on agricultural inputs, rural savings and credit facilities for small farmers and livestock producers, particularly women

Reports & Research
February, 1989

The purpose of this paper is to examine the progress that has been achieved, identify innovatory experience and provide a frame for discussion on where to go next. Particular attention will be given to the benefits accruing to small farmers and livestock producers, particularly women. It will deal with policies and programmes in input supply and the provision of credit subject to the continuing constraints on the use of foreign exchange and government finance still prevailing m most African countries.

Measures for improving agricultural produce marketing extension services in North Africa : ECA/FAO workshop on strenghtening agricultural marketing services in North Africa

Conference Papers & Reports
November, 1990

The purpose of this review is to discuss major measures for improving agricultural marketing extension in North Africa. In view of the special conditions of each individual country in the sub-region, the recommended measures are by necessity of general nature and are meant as general guidelines for discussions, The review is divided into four parts. The first part is introductory, giving a brief review of the economic and agricultural situation. The second part is an over view of the agriculture marketing and extension situation.

Rapport sur la mise en œuvre du programme intégré pour le développement de l'agriculture en Afrique (CAADP)

Reports & Research
August, 2009

Après avoir été largement négligée pendant plus de deux décennies, l’agriculture figure désormais au premier rang des priorités de développement en Afrique. Étant donné l’importance cruciale de ce secteur dans la plupart des pays du continent, les chefs d’État et de gouvernement de l’Union africaine ont choisi, en juillet 2001, de l’incorporer en tant que seul productif parmi les cinq priorités sectorielles du Nouveau Partenariat pour le développement de l’Afrique. Ce choix a été plus tard renforcé par l’initiative du Secrétaire général de l’ONU en faveur de la révolution verte africaine.

Report of the first meeting of the advisory board on population, agriculture and environment

Reports & Research
November, 1999

The first Meeting of the Advisory Board on Population, Agriculture and Environment was held in the United Nations Conference Center (UNCC), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 20-21 September 1999. The Meeting was formally opened by Ms. P. K. Makinwa Adebusoye, Director of the Food Security and Sustainable Development Division of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA).

Government measures to promote the transition form subsistence to market agriculture

Conference Papers & Reports
November, 1964

The FAO/ECA Expert Meeting on Government Measures to Promote the Transition from Subsistence to Market Agriculture in Africa was held at Addis Ababa from 27 April to 7 May 1964. The attached paper summarizing the main findings and recommendations of the meeting was prepared as a working document for the Third FAO Regional Conference for Africa, held at Addis Ababa from 3 to 15 September 1964.

Report on measures to harmonize livestock development policies in Africa: the performance of the sector and the impact of structural adjustment programmes

Conference Papers & Reports
January, 1989

The present paper was prepared as part of the work programme of food and agriculture for the 1988-1989 biennium. It constitutes element 2.4 on multinational co-operation on livestock development in Africa and it focuses on the performance of the sector in the face of government intervention and the structural adjustment programmes (SAP). The effect of the SAP on the achievement of increased collective self-sufficiency and self-reliance in animal food production and supply was given particular attention.