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Problèmes et perspective des systèmes d'irrigation à grande échelle en Afrique

Conference Papers & Reports
December, 1996

Les pays de l'Afrique du Sahel sont soumis, et particulièrement au cours des dernières décennies, aux à aléas climatiques et éprouvent de ce fait les plus grandes difficultés à assurer leur autosuffisance alimentaire. Les populations rurales confrontées à un milieu de plus en plus hostile délaissent les campagnes pour migrer et venir grossir les effectifs des populations urbaines non productives.

Report on a Mission to the African Farming Systems Research and Extension Network on Policies for Intensive Resource-Based Agriculture for Sub-Saharan Africa

Reports & Research
September, 1996
Sub-Saharan Africa

The President-Elect of the African Farming Systems Research and Extension Network sent a request to the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa inviting Mr. G.I. Abalu, the Commission's Senior Regional Adviser in Food and Agricultural Policy and Planning to attend the Second International Symposium of the African Farming Systems Research and Extension Research Network.

The state of agriculture in Africa

Reports & Research
April, 1970

The importance of the agriculture sector in Africa, considered "both at production and employment levels is generally fully appreciated; in most African countries, especially in the South of Sahara, the share of agriculture in the GDP accounts for almost 40 per cent, and it is to be pointed out that 80 per cent of the population is living on this activity.

Report on an advisory mission to swaziland on the impact of saps on agriculuture and trade in Southern Africa

Reports & Research
March, 1996

This paper focuses on report on an advisory mission to Swaziland on the impact of SAPs on agriculture and trade in Southern Africa. The main purpose of each of the country studies is to provide a general picture of the impact of SAPs on agriculture and trade in the country concerned.

La situation agricole en Afrique

Conference Papers & Reports
May, 1970

La production agricole africaine a enregistré une hausse continuelle, faible mais régulière; on rencontre des différences de pays à pays et de produit, mais dans l'ensemble, on peut avancer un taux de croissance annuel moyen de l'ordre de 3 pour cent.

Tanganyika commodity marketing and price stabilization

Conference Papers & Reports
July, 1962

The major agricultural products of Tanganyika are subject to a degree of control under the various commodity boards established for that purpose. The degree of control varies from direct participation in marketing in the case of cotton lint and' seed, to the control of production and intermediary arrangements for marketing in the case of pyrethrum and purely advisory capacity in the case of sisal. The general trend of Government policy is towards more direct participation.

Technical assistance in agricultural statistics : (note submitted by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization)

Conference Papers & Reports
October, 1967

During the past two years, FAO provided assistance to requesting countries in the form of agricultural statisticians and census experts to about 20 African countries for assisting with the planning and conduct of agricultural surveys, the organization of agricultural statistical services, the establishment of systems of compiling current agricultural statistics and the training of local personnel.

Report of the high level expert group meeting on agriculture and environment

Reports & Research
December, 1998

Food insecurity is expected to accelerate substantially in sub-Saharan Africa where available evidence suggests that environmental degradation such as soil erosion, desertification and deforestation is seriously depend for increasing their agricultural productivity. As a result, about 44 percent of Africa's population live below the poverty line earning an income of about $39 per month.

Report on the implementation of the comprehensive Africa agriculture development programme (CAADP) : input to the Ministers of Finance Meeting

Conference Papers & Reports
February, 2012

This progress, however, has exposed the critical constraints and experiences in CAADP implementation. Implementation of country plans for results and impact has now put CAADP on the spot to demonstrate that the good policy environment provided can be translated into clear results, impact with clear growth, food security and increased incomes.