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Enhancing food security through forest landscape restoration

Reports & Research
December, 2014

The case studies from Brazil, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guatemala, the Philippines and Viet Nam highlight how forest landscape restoration (FLR) interventions enhance food security. They illustrate the ‘win-win’ solutions that can enhance land functionality and productivity, develop resilient food systems and explore the long-term potential outputs and enabling conditions for FLR interventions.

Report on measures to be taken to improve basic statistics on women in agriculture in Africa

Reports & Research
March, 1989

In Africa, agriculture is the most important sector in national economies. About 80 per cent of the active population works in agriculture. Further, apart from few exceptions, agriculture makes up more than 50 percent of gross national product. Nevertheless, Africa remains the only region in the world in which agricultural production declined between 1970 and 1980, when the growth rate was less than 2 per cent and moreover the gross national product (GNP) per head is one of the lowest in the world.

Report on a mission to Swaziland on measures for promoting collaborative agricultural research : 15 - 27 May 1995

Conference Papers & Reports
May, 1995

The mission was in accordance with Programme Element 20.48 of the approved United Nations Regular Programme for Technical Cooperation for the 1994-1995 Biennium which calls for the provision of advisory services and training to member countries and inter-governmental organizations in support of their efforts at developing their agricultural support services.

Industrialization and economic co-operation for the North African sub-region of the agricultural sector (1963 - 1980) : prepared by the ECA/FAO joint agriculture division

Conference Papers & Reports
March, 1969
Northern Africa

The ECA/FAO Joint Agriculture Division has been requested to collaborate with the Industry and Housing Division in the preparation of a study on "industrialization and Economic Co-operation for the North African sub-region” by providing the relevant part of the study concerning "The Agricultural Sector, 1963-1980".

Food and agriculture in Africa : ECA/FAO Agriculture Division

Reports & Research
December, 1986

This paper examines the role of the International Financial institutions in the formulation of African macro-economic policies with particular reference to efforts aimed at adjusting the agricultural sectors of African economies. The paper attempts to

assess the impact of Structural Adjustment Programs(SAP)on African agriculture and through an examination of the application of the programs in three African countries - Malawi,Tanzania and Zambia.

Rapport récapitulatif des principales activités du groupe conseil FAO/CEA pour le développement des industries alimentaires en Afrique 1980-1981

Conference Papers & Reports
October, 1981

Les activites entreprises par le Groupe conseil en application de la deuxième partie de la même résolution qui demande inventorier les précédes technologiques de production de farines composées, doivent en principe etre achèvées, en 1982.

Evaluation des stratégies alimentaires dans les pays Africains les moins avancés

Reports & Research
March, 1986

L'Afrique au sud du Sahara ou se situent les pays africains les moins avances a été décrite comme la seule grande région du monde ou le taux de croissance démographique continue à croître et ou la production alimentaire par habitant a baissé au cours des vingt-cinq dernières années. Il est tout a fait évident que les pays africains les moins avancés doivent faire face a un problème d'autosuffisance alimentaire. Les secteurs des exportations et de l'alimentation des pays africains les moins avancés ont cédé le pas a la crainte de l’avenir.

Sustainable agriculture and environmental rehabilitation in Tigray (SAERT) :statistical master-book of Tigray

Journal Articles & Books
September, 1996

This document focuses on the Statistical "Master Book" of Tigray and is the first attempt ofits kind to bring together into one major document all the statistical resources of Tigray, This effon was undertaken through the collaborative efforts ofthe Economic Commissionfor Africa (ECA.) andthe Tigray Development Association (IVA) under the joint programme, "Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Rehabilitation in Tigray (SAERT)".

Summary report of main activities of the FAO/ECA advisory group on Food and Agricultural Industries Development in Africa (AGFI) 1980-81

Reports & Research
October, 1981

With the goal of stimulating the production and utilisation of indigenous cereals, rootss tubers and legumes in particular sorghum in composite flours for bakery products in traditional, new and modified food products it will have the following objectives^

a) ensure better understanding of the importance and potential

for industrial application of sorghums etc. and the technologies

available for milling and baking coarse grains'

b) ascertain the status and plans of existing 'national composite

flour programmes or the possibilities of establishing such

Food and agriculture in Africa : Present situation and future prospect

Conference Papers & Reports
January, 1977

This document surveys the poor, performance and gloomy prospects for agriculture in Africa, which can be improved only if every country undertakes heavy investment to increase food production, storage, processing and distribution and 1mprove the over-all structure, institutions, research and training in the field of food and agriculture.