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IssuesagricultureLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 3697 - 3708 of 4983

Land suitability evaluation for agriculture around Timau area - Heru District

Reports & Research
October, 1994

A study was conducted of about 8000 ha around Timau area
in Meru District to evaluate its land suitability for
agriculture. A semi detailed soil survey was carried out to
classify and map the different soil units. Based on the
relevant land qualities of each Soil Unit and physiography
they were seperated in 15 Soil Mapping Units for the various
Land Utilization Types with land use recommendations given.
The following land qualities were rated and used to assess the
suitability of each Soil Mapping Unit: soil water retention,

Breathing Life into Dead Theories about Property Rights: de Soto and Land Relations in Rural Africa

Reports & Research
December, 2006

Presumption of a direct causal link between formalisation of property rights
and economic productivity is back on the international development agenda.
Belief in such a direct causal relationship had been abandoned in the early
1990s, following four decades of land tenure reform experiments that failed to
produce the anticipated efficiency results. The work of Hernando de Soto has
provided the springboard for this revival. De Soto argues that formal property
rights hold the key to poverty reduction by unlocking the capital potential of

Assessment of local stakeholders' preferences for foreign land lease design attributes in Kenya: A participatory choice-based survey approach.

Journal Articles & Books
November, 2019

Global land acquisition and lease investments in developing countries by foreign companies have elicited a lot of controversy and interest in recent literature. Well-structured foreign land leases and investments might offer development benefits to the host countries including opportunities for employment, provision of capital for improvement of infrastructure and stabilization of food prices. However, most foreign land lease deals in Africa are often characterized by secret negotiations and lack of local stakeholder consultations.

Carbon dynamics in slash-and-burn agriculture and land use alternatives of the humid forest zone in Cameroon

Journal Articles & Books
November, 1997

One of the environmental consequences of slash-and-burn farming is the loss of forest system carbon which in turn contributes to atmospheric change and impacts upon global climates. International attention has become focused upon the development of alternatives to slash-and-burn agriculture to alleviate poverty, protect biodiversity and reduce climate change. Before alternative land use systems can be evaluated in terms of carbon sequestration, baseline measurements of carbon dynamics resulting from current practices are required.

Webinar Report: Building a Land Information Ecosystem in India

Reports & Research
January, 2020

An information ecosystem is an extremely vast and cluttered space. What data exist? What data is up to date? What data is reliable? Who owns the data? Can I use the data without inflicting harm? Who are the data subjects? Many people across numerous sectors struggle with such questions and more. The land governance sector in India is no different. But somehow, it seems the land data ecosystem in India is more complex and controversial.


Policy Papers & Briefs
June, 2019
Latin America and the Caribbean

Gabriela Paredes Porras, Ecuador; Valeria García López, México/Colombia; Lina Ramírez Avendaño, Colombia; Héctor Jair Beltrán Vargas, Colombia; Wilfredo Rojas, Bolivia; Zulma Gareca, Bolivia; Margarita del Pilar Arriagada, Chile
Todos fueron integrantes del Curso Virtual: Leyes de semillas en los países andinos, enfoque de los bienes comunes (2018), coordinado por el Campo virtual por la tierra y el desarrollo rural del Instituto para el Desarrollo Rural de Sudamérica – IPDRS.

Rural in Town: Traditional Agriculture, Population Trends, and Long-Term Urban Expansion in Metropolitan Rome

Peer-reviewed publication
February, 2020
Southern Europe

Mediterranean regions have experienced a shift from accelerated urban growth typical of a post-industrial phase to a more recent spatial delocalization of population and economic activities reflecting discontinuous settlement expansion, land take, and the abandonment of cultivated areas around central cities. On the basis of a comprehensive analysis of land-use, settlement, and demographic indicators, the present study explores urban growth and population density over a sufficiently long time period in a metropolitan region of Southern Europe (Rome, Italy).

The need for proper attention to land tenure issues in investment planning and due diligence

Reports & Research
December, 2019
Sub-Saharan Africa

This paper is one of three thematic case studies resulting from a set of pilot projects undertaken jointly by civil society and private business partners from 2016–2019 in five countries in sub-Saharan Africa. These pilots sought to test how private companies could collaborate with civil society organisations and other stakeholders to implement responsible agribusiness investments that recognise and respect community land rights, and to develop innovative tools and approaches that could be adopted and implemented at greater scale.

Land use and cropping effects on carbon in black soils of semi-arid tropical India

Journal Articles & Books
May, 2016
Southern Asia

Soil organic carbon (SOC) and rainfall are generally
positively related, whereas a negative relationship
between soil inorganic carbon (SIC) and rainfall with
some exception is observed. Land use pattern in black
soil region (BSR) of the semi-arid tropical (SAT)
India, consists of 80% under agriculture, followed by
forest, horticulture, wasteland and permanent fallow.
For sustainable agriculture on these soils, there is a
concern about their low OC status, which warrants
fresh initiatives to enhance their OC status by suitable