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IssuescadastreLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 1021 - 1032 of 2623

Ministerial Decree No. 715 validating the Regulation on land-use planning and the modalities of carrying out thereof.

Fédération de Russie
Asie central

This Ministerial Decree establishes the modalities and contents of land-use planning and shall have as is priority issue land-use planning at the national level. The purpose of land-use planning shall be to ensure enforcement of land legislation and observance thereof by all natural and legal persons irrespectively of the form of ownership and land tenure.

Resolución Nº 279/11/MINAM - Mapa de Vulnerabilidad Física del Perú.

Amérique du Sud

El presente Decreto Supremo aprueba el Mapa de Vulnerabilidad Física del Perú a escala 1:250,000, Primera Versión 2011, que permite incorpora en los procesos de ordenamiento territorial el análisis de riesgo natural y antrópico, así como las medidas de adaptación al cambio climático, impulsando mecanismos para prevenir el asentamiento de poblaciones en zonas con alto potencial de riesgos ante peligros naturales o antrópicos.

Implementa: Decreto Supremo Nº 012-2009-MINAM ─ Política Nacional del Ambiente. (2009-05-22)

National Development Bank Act 2007 (No. 5 of 2007).


This Act provides for the incorporation of the National Development Bank and defines functions and powers of the Bank. The Act also establishes the National Development Bank Board, which shall manage and administer the Bank's operations. The Act also deals with the registration of land that belonged to the previous Development Bank but is now vested in the Bank established under this Act.

Repeals: Rural Development Bank Act 1965. (2006)

Land Leases General Rules (Cap. 163).


There shall be maintained in Port Vila a Land Records Office in which shall be kept a register to be known as the Land Leases Register. These Regulations provide for matters of the land Records Office such as Hours of public business of the Office, amendments, corrections, erasures, etc. of register, lodgement for registration, fees, evidence of incorporation, execution of instruments by corporations, attestation of instrument, persons interested in instruments may not attest, deposit of deeds in archives.

Implements: Land Leases Act (Cap. 163). (1988)

Strata Title Regulations (Cap 266).


These Regulations implement the Strata Titles Act in respect of: preparation and registration of strata plans; strata plan, lot plan, location plan and re-subdivisions plan requirements; amendments to a strata plan; registration of plans intended to create an easement or restrictive agreement; matters affecting a body corporate; and valuation and fees. Only a surveyor registered under the Land Surveyors Act may prepare a strata plan.

Implements: Strata Titles Act (Cap. 266). (2006)

Decreto Nº 274/2012 - Apruébase la reglamentación de la Ley Nº 26.737 que estableció el régimen de protección al dominio nacional sobre la propiedad, posesión o tenencia de las tierras rurales.

Amérique du Sud

El presente Decreto tiene por objeto la reglamentación de la Ley Nº 26.737 en tema de protección del dominio nacional sobre la propiedad, posesión y tenencia de tierras rurales. El Decreto establece disposiciones detalladas en materia de determinación de la titularidad de las tierras, controles que puede ejercer el Registro Nacional de Tierras Rurales, acreditación de la residencia permanente en el país, certificado de habilitación para los actos de transferencia de derechos de propiedad o derechos posesorios.

Soil Valuation Implementating Ordinance.

Europe occidentale

The present Ordinance provides for the enactment of article 6 of the Soil Valuation Act (BGBl. I p. 3150, 3176). In particular, the areas listed in the Annex constitute the parameters for soil valuation being thus considered the basis for the assessment of land value in the Federal Republic of Germany. The text consists of 2 articles and 1 Annex.

Implements: Soil Valuation Act. (2015-08-31)

Federal Law No. 8-FZ amending Federal Law No. 93-FZ amending some legislative acts regarding land ownership.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

Article 12 shall be amended to add the following wording: “State executive bodies and local self-government shall carry out cadastre activity related to plots of agricultural land and plots of land destined for housing.”

Amends: Federal Law No. 93-FZ amending some legislative acts regarding land ownership. (2006-06-30)

Order No. 766 of the Ministry of Economic Development validating the Regulation on access to information related to immovable property.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

This Order establishes the modalities of access to information related to immovable property contained in state cadastre. Access to information shall be granted to the applicant in the form of access code to state cadastre of immovable property. The applicant shall have the right of research in the state cadastre of the information related to cadastre reference data related to plot of land, category of plots of land, authorized uses of plot of land and total land area of plot of land.

Decreto Nº 599 - Regula la coordinación local para la implementación del Registro de Tierras Despojadas y Abandonadas Forzosamente.

Amérique du Sud

La presente Decreto tiene por objeto regular la instancia de coordinación local para la micro focalización e implementación gradual y progresiva del Registro de Tierras Despojadas y Abandonadas Forzosamente.

Implementa: Decreto Nº 4.829 - Reglamenta la Ley Nº 1.448, en relación con la restitución de tierras. (2011-12-20)
Enmendado por: Decreto Nº 1.071 - Decreto Único Reglamentario del Sector Administrativo Agropecuario, Pesquero y de Desarrollo Rural. (2015-05-26)

Lower Saxony Geo-Data Infrastructure Law.

Europe occidentale

The present Law implements the directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 March 2007 establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE). In particular, the Law provides the legal framework for the development and running of a spatial data infrastructure system in Lower Saxony as part of the national spatial data infrastructure.

Lowers Saxony Survey Law.

Europe occidentale

The present Law makes provisions for official land surveys in Niedersachsen. The Law specifies details to be included in official surveys. The text consists of 12 articles as follows: Tasks, basic functions (1); Definition of terms (2); Land register (3); Boundary demarcation (4); Availability of data (5); Performance of duties (6);Special duties (7);Compensation (8); Penalties (9); Transfer of power (10); Amendment of provisions (11); Entry into force (12).