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IssuescadastresLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 1021 - 1032 of 2807

Georgia land market development project

Reports & Research
December, 2004

A two-pronged agricultural land reform was devised in Georgia to move toward a market- oriented economy, one prong being the distribution of land parcels of up to 1.25 hectares in ownership to rural families (the “small parcel” approach), and the second being the leasing of the remaining state-owned land in larger allotments to physical and legal entities. The land reform program was intended to create a self-maintaining sector of subsistence-oriented small farmers and a market-oriented sector controlled by larger leaseholders.

Agricultural land market in Bulgaria

Reports & Research
December, 2004

The land fragmentation in Bulgaria is a big problem after the land restitution. As a result of the implementation of the activities according to the Law on Ownership and use of agricultural land, land reallocation plans by Territories Belonging to Settlements (TBSs) were drawn up and came into force for the entire territory of the country. There were established about 10 million land properties, belonging to approximate 2 million owners, which means that the average area of a property is about 0,6 ha, including perennial plantations, meadows, and pastures.

The state of cadastre, land market and real property development in Serbia and Montenegro

Reports & Research
December, 2004

The paper provides basic sharacteristics of Real Estate Cadastre as a unique record system of real estate and registration rights with overview regarding its implementation and ways of managing Land Cadastre and Land Books. The problems of unique record system have been emphasized due to its inclusive real estate date and registration of rights. In the paper there are also presented some other problems which has negative effects regarding the land reform process in Serbia.

First Cadastre Project

Reports & Research
December, 2005

Sida have supported a technical assistance to 1997. The fi rst stage of this assistance has been successfully completed in 2001. According to Sida’s decision from 2001-11-05 the technical assistance was extended through the project Cadastre Project – Fiscal Cadastre and Training”. gives recommendations for a possible continuation of Sida’s support. Most of the planned project activities were completed at the time for our evaluation.

Land market development in the Czech Republic

Reports & Research
December, 2004

Land market in the Czech Republic is monitored by Research Institute of Agricultural Economics on the sample of 24 districts (1/3 of the CR). Land prices depend on the area, culture and region of the plot. Sales of small plots (up to 1 ha) prevail. These plots are usually purchased for non-agricultural use and their prices are many times higher than prices of large plots (above 5 ha) which are usually bought for agricultural purpose. Land market is not well developed, only 0.2 - 0.4 % of monitored area are sold each year. But in the last years it is increasing.

Ley Nº 27.046 - Ley de acceso al crédito para la formalización de la propiedad.

South America

La presente Ley de acceso al crédito para la formalización de la propiedad crea el Programa de Apoyo Crediticio para la Formalización de la Propiedad para la adquisición de predios de propiedad privada ocupados.

Enmienda: Ley Nº 27046 - Ley complementaria de promoción del acceso a la propiedad formal. (1998-12-31)

Ley Nº 28.391 - Ley de formalización de la propiedad informal de terrenos ocupados por posesiones informales, centros urbanos informales y urbanizaciones populares.

South America

La presente Ley de formalización de la propiedad informal de terrenos ocupados por posesiones informales, centros urbanos informales y urbanizaciones populares, tiene por objeto la formalización de la propiedad informal con su respectiva inscripción registral.

Implementado por: Decreto Supremo Nº 005/05/JUS - Reglamento de formalización de la propiedad informal de terrenos. (2005-03-17)

Decreto Supremo Nº 010/00/MTC - Reglamento de formalización de la propiedad en programas de vivienda del Estado.

South America

El presente Decreto Supremo aprueba el Reglamento de formalización de la propiedad en programas de vivienda del Estado que realiza la Comisión de Formalización de la Propiedad Informal (COFOPRI).

Implementa: Ley Nº 27046 - Ley complementaria de promoción del acceso a la propiedad formal. (1998-12-31)

Ministerial Decree No. 715 validating the Regulation on land-use planning and the modalities of carrying out thereof.

Central Asia

This Ministerial Decree establishes the modalities and contents of land-use planning and shall have as is priority issue land-use planning at the national level. The purpose of land-use planning shall be to ensure enforcement of land legislation and observance thereof by all natural and legal persons irrespectively of the form of ownership and land tenure.

Resolución Nº 279/11/MINAM - Mapa de Vulnerabilidad Física del Perú.

South America

El presente Decreto Supremo aprueba el Mapa de Vulnerabilidad Física del Perú a escala 1:250,000, Primera Versión 2011, que permite incorpora en los procesos de ordenamiento territorial el análisis de riesgo natural y antrópico, así como las medidas de adaptación al cambio climático, impulsando mecanismos para prevenir el asentamiento de poblaciones en zonas con alto potencial de riesgos ante peligros naturales o antrópicos.

Implementa: Decreto Supremo Nº 012-2009-MINAM ─ Política Nacional del Ambiente. (2009-05-22)

National Development Bank Act 2007 (No. 5 of 2007).

Papua New Guinea

This Act provides for the incorporation of the National Development Bank and defines functions and powers of the Bank. The Act also establishes the National Development Bank Board, which shall manage and administer the Bank's operations. The Act also deals with the registration of land that belonged to the previous Development Bank but is now vested in the Bank established under this Act.

Repeals: Rural Development Bank Act 1965. (2006)