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IssuescadastreLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 1549 - 1560 of 2623

Law on survey and real estate cadastre.

Europe méridionale

This Law defines the provisions regarding the land survey and the public real estate cadastre, including various administrative and technical issues, procedural matters, data collection and registration, additional mapping rules and financial aspects and requirements.The Law is divided into IX Chapters and 212 article, including the offences and related penalties.

Regional Law No. 667-OZ “On some issues related to turnover of agricultural land”.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

This Regional Law regulates relations concerning turnover of agricultural land within plenary powers pertaining to the jurisdictional competence of the regional administration. Agricultural organizations and peasant farms having agricultural land plots on condition of permanent (open-ended) or hereditary tenancy shall be granted the right of purchase in ownership thereof at the price of 5 percent of cadastre value of the aforesaid agricultural land plots.

Regional Law No. 174-ZP “On some issues related to turnover of agricultural land”.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

This Regional Law regulates relations concerning turnover of agricultural land, including land shares in common property, within plenary powers pertaining to the jurisdictional competence of the regional administration. Only agricultural land plots that have passed cadastre registration shall be authorized for purchase and sale. Local government shall have preferential terms for purchase of agricultural land in case of sale thereof at face value, except for sale through public tenders and except for expropriation of land plots for public and municipal needs.

Regional Law No. 1057-OZ “On some issues related to turnover of agricultural land”.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

This Regional Law regulates relations concerning turnover of agricultural land within plenary powers pertaining to the jurisdictional competence of the regional administration. Minimum land area of agricultural land plots authorized for transactions shall be equivalent to average district land share. Maximum agricultural land plot area that can be owned by a single household or by a single legal person within a single administrative unit shall be ten percent of total available agricultural land area within the boundaries of a single municipal unit.

Regional Law No. 22 "On some issues of turnover of agricultural land".

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

This Regional Law regulates some relations concerning turnover of agricultural land and land shares in common property. Minimum consolidated land plot shall be equal to 5, 0 ha. Maximum agricultural land plot area that can be owned by a single household or by a single legal person within a single administrative unit shall be twenty percent of total available agricultural land area within the boundaries of a single municipal unit.

Loi n° 57-12 complétant le dahir du 12 août 1913 sur l'immatriculation foncière.

Afrique septentrionale

La présente loi, en complément aux dispositions des articles 19, 20, 21, 25, 34,43 et 54 du dahir du 12 aout 1913 sur l’immatriculation foncière, autorise le conservateur de la propriété foncière de déléguer aux fins d'exécution des opérations de bornage, certaines charges à un géomètre topographe.

Regional Law No. 69-oz "On some issues of turnover of agricultural land".

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

This Regional Law regulates some relations concerning turnover of agricultural land and land shares in common property, and also classification of land plots as particularly precious productive agricultural land plots. Minimum consolidated land plot shall be equal to 1, 9 ha. Agricultural organizations and peasant farms having agricultural land plots on condition of permanent (open-ended) or hereditary tenancy shall be granted the right of purchase in ownership thereof at the price of 15 percent of cadastre value of the aforesaid agricultural land plots.

Cameroun Vision 2035

National Policies
Afrique centrale

Le Document Cameroun Vision 2035, élaboré en 2009, est composé de trois phases, notamment Phase I: 2010-2019, Phase II: 2010-2007, Phase III: 2028-2035, chaque phase ayant des objectifs spécifiques. Cameroun Vision 2035 a pour objectifs de: (i) réduire la pauvreté à un niveau socialement acceptable; (ii) atteindre le stade de pays à revenus intermédiaires, (iii) devenir un Nouveau Pays Industrialisé et (iv) consolider le processus démocratique et renforcer l’unité nationale.

Regional Law No. 340 – OZ “On public land valuation”.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

This Regional Law establishes the modalities of valuation of the price of public land plots or plots of land with undelimited ownership for the purpose of sale thereof to the owners of edifices and constructions located thereon. The price of the aforesaid plots of land shall be established at 7, 5 percent of cadastre value of the aforesaid land plots.

Resolución Nº 121 - Modifica la Resolución Nº 119, Procedimiento para la obtención de la certificación del valor catastral de un inmueble.

Amérique centrale

La presente Resolución modifica el procedimiento para la obtención de la certificación del valor catastral de un inmueble, en aspectos relacionados con la adopción de un nuevo procedimiento de entrega via Internet, para la obtención de la cerificación de valor catastral de un inmueble, en papel simple y sin costo alguno para el contribuyente; establece las excepciones al procedimiento en caso de certificación requerida por tribunales de justicia.

Enmienda: Resolución Nº 119 - Procedimiento para la obtención de la certificación del valor catastral de un inmueble. (2008-04-14)

Federal Law No. 251-FZ amending Federal Law No. 122-FZ on state registration of immovable property and its transactions.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

Article 16 shall be amended to add the following wording: «State registration of rights shall be performed in accordance with the request of legal holder of rights, parties to a contract, or authorized person thereby in the presence of notarially certified power of attorney, if not otherwise envisaged by the law, and also at request of judicial bailiff-executor».

Amends: Federal Law No. 122-FZ on state registration of immovable property and its transactions. (1997-07-21)

Federal Law No. 252-FZ amending Land Code (No. 136-FZ of 2001).

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

Article 87 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Legal holders of the plots of land inserted within the boundaries of areas with particular terms of land tenure must be informed of use restrictions related to the aforesaid land plots within 15 days from the date of insertion in state land cadastre of data on establishment of such area in accordance with the modalities set forth by the Government of the Russian Federation”.

Amends: Land Code (No. 136-FZ of 2001). (2001-10-25)