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IssuesenvironnementLandLibrary Resource
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Décret n°2013-41 du 30 janvier 2013 relatif à l'évaluation environnementale stratégique des politiques, plans et programmes.

Côte d'Ivoire
Afrique occidentale

Le présent décret détermine les modalités de mise en œuvre de l'Evaluation Environnementale stratégique dans la conception des politiques, plans et programmes au niveau national, régional et sous régional élaborés par une autorité publique ou privée.En outre, il dresse la liste des secteurs dont les politiques, plans et programmes sont soumis à l'évaluation environnementale stratégique.

Ministerial Joint Decree No. 110/1205322 setting forth technical specifications for the development of studies for the delimitation of land areas falling under the “NATURA 2000” network − updating, description and delimitation of land habitat types in ...

Europe méridionale

The exact description and delimitation of habitat types are an important tool and a basic condition for the protection and effective management of the natural environment and biodiversity in Greece. It is also a bounding obligation towards the competent EU bodies. Previously registered habitats (period 1999−2001) concerned in total 237 land areas totaling roughly 2 millions hectares of land. This work was the first and only mapping of habitat types in protected areas, resulting in the production of thematic maps (habitat type maps).

Planning and Development Regulation 2008.


This Regulation implements the Act making provision for the planning of the Australian Capital Territory and the management of land in the Territory. The text of this Regulation consists of 410sections which are divided into 10 Chapters, i.e.: Preliminary (I); Strategic environmental assessments(II); Development approvals (III); Environmental impact statements and inquiries (IV); Leases generally (V); Concessional leases (VI); Controlled activities(VII); Reviewable decisions (VIII); Bushfire emergency rebuilding (IX); Miscellaneous(X).;

Law No. 8934 on environmental protection.

Europe méridionale

This Law establishes the framework on environmental protection, which aims at: (a) the rational use of natural resources; (b) the prevention of environmental damage and, when necessary, the rehabilitation and restoration of damaged environment; and (c) the international cooperation in the field of environmental protection.

Ley Nº 41 - Ley General de Ambiente. Texto refundido.

Amérique centrale

La presente Ley establece que la administración del ambiente es una obligación del Estado y, por lo tanto, define los principios y normas básicas para la protección, conservación y recuperación del ambiente, promoviendo el uso sostenible de los recursos naturales. Además, ordena la gestión ambiental y la integra a los objetivos sociales y económicos, a efecto de lograr el desarrollo humano sostenible en el país.

Décret n° 2012-006-PR du 07-03-2012 portant organisation des départements ministériels.

Afrique occidentale

Le présent décret définit l'organisation des départements ministériels et détermine les institutions et organismes qui leur sont rattachés.Ce sont notamment, entre autres, le Ministère de la santé; le Ministère de l'eau, de l'assainissement et de l'hydraulique villageoise; le Ministère de l'administration territoriale, de la décentralisation et des collectivités locales; le Ministère de l'agriculture, de l'élevage et de la pêche; le Ministère de l'environnement et de ressources forestières; le Ministère du commerce et de la promotion du secteur privé; le Ministère de l'urbanisme et de l'hab

Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania regarding the delimitation of jurisdictional subjects and plenary powers between the State Bodies of the Russian Federation and the State Bodies of the Republic of North ...

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

The authorized representatives of the state bodies of state power of the Russian Federation and the bodies of state power of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania have agreed on the following: 1)The relations between State Bodies of the Russian Federation and State Bodies of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania shall be governed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Constitution of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania and the present Treaty.

Uganda National Land Policy.

National Policies
Afrique orientale

The Uganda National Land Policy is a national policy of the Republic of Uganda whose main goal is to ensure an efficient, equitable and optimal utilization and management of Uganda’s land resources for poverty reduction, wealth creation and overall socio-economic development.To this end, the document provides for a set of goals, including in the area of environment.

Regulation on the incineration of waste.

Europe méridionale

This Regulation of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, which is composed of 27 articles and one Annex, establishes measures, prohibitions and other conditions for co-firing and waste incineration and the conditions and measures of operational co-incineration of waste and incineration of waste. The aim of this Regulation is to prevent or reduce negative effects on the environment, particularly emissions into air, soil, surface water, as well as the resulting risks to human health which might arise from incineration and coincineration of waste.