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Government of Ukraine
Ukraine was the center of the first eastern Slavic state, Kyivan Rus, which during the 10th and 11th centuries was the largest and most powerful state in Europe. Weakened by internecine quarrels and Mongol invasions, Kyivan Rus was incorporated into the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and eventually into the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
Government of United Arab Emirates
This is the profile for the Government of United Arab Emirates
Government of United States Minor Outlying Islands
This is the profile for the Government of United States Minor Outlying Islands
Government of United States Virgin Islands
This is the profile for the Government of United States Virgin Islands
Government of Uruguay
Montevideo, founded by the Spanish in 1726 as a military stronghold, soon took advantage of its natural harbor to become an important commercial center. Claimed by Argentina but annexed by Brazil in 1821, Uruguay declared its independence four years later and secured its freedom in 1828 after a three-year struggle.
Government of Uzbekistan
This is the profile for the Government of Uzbekistan
Government of Vanuatu
Multiple waves of colonizers, each speaking a distinct language, migrated to the New Hebrides in the millennia preceding European exploration in the 18th century. This settlement pattern accounts for the complex linguistic diversity found on the archipelago to this day.
Government of Vietnam
This is the profile for all Governmental Institutions in Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
Government of Wallis and Futuna Islands
This is the profile for the Government of Wallis and Futuna Islands
Government of Western Sahara
This is the profile for the Government of Western Sahara