Nuestra red internacional de asociados(as) abarca instituciones académicas, agregadores de datos, organismos gubernamentales, editoriales, asociaciones de agricultores(as), ONGs y otros agentes de la sociedad civil. Explore la gama de organizaciones utilizando el Land Portal que figura a continuación y únase a la red hoy mismo.
Urban LandMark
"Urban LandMark" is short for the Urban Land Markets Programme Southern Africa. Based in Pretoria, the programme was set up in May 2006 with seven years of funding from the UK's Department for International Development until March 2013. The initiative is now hosted at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research in South Africa.
Urban Redevelopment Authority
At URA, we adopt a long-term and comprehensive planning approach to formulate strategic plans such as the Concept Plan and the Master Plan to guide the physical development of Singapo
Urban Training and Studies Institute
The Urban Training and Studies Institute- UTI was established via cooperation between the Housing and Building National Research Centre - HBRC in Cairo and the Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies- IHS in Rotterdam within the framework of the development cooperation between the Governments of the Netherlands and Egypt.
Desde 1997, cuando cobró fuerza, en ese momento dentro de la plataforma, de FiberTel, por entonces empresa de Cablevisión/TCI2, y luego en forma ya independiente, tiene la convicción de que en la internet el éxito sustentable es consecuencia directa del buen periodismo. Y, en el balance, los aciertos deben sumar más que los errores.
US Mission to the UN Agencies in Rome
About the USUN Mission
Rome, as headquarters of the three principal organizations dedicated to food and agriculture, is at the center of international efforts to promote sustainable development and combat world hunger.
We provide science about the natural hazards that threaten lives and livelihoods, the water, energy, minerals, and other natural resources we rely on, the health of our ecosystems and environment, and the impacts of climate and land-use change. Our scientists develop new methods and tools to enable timely, relevant, and useful information about the Earth and its processes.
Utrecht University
Utrecht University is a university in Utrecht, the Netherlands. It is one of the oldest universities in the Netherlands. Established March 26, 1636, it had an enrollment of 30,449 students in 2012, and employed 5,295 faculty and staff.
UzInvestigations is a civic initiative administered by Ulster University in partnership with the Uzbek Forum for Human Rights.
Van Oord
Royal Van Oord is a Dutch maritime contracting company that specializes in dredging, land reclamation and constructing man made islands. Royal Van Oord has undertaken many projects throughout the world, including land reclamation, dredging and beach nourishment. The company has one of the world's largest dredging fleets.
Van Vollenhoven Institute
The VVI seeks to develop and disseminate socio-legal knowledge and theory regarding the interaction between law, governance and society. More specifically, the Institute studies the emergence, functioning, and evolution of legal institutions.