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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 476 - 480 of 2116

Promotion de la participation citoyenne et du dialogue entre les acteurs communautaires et l'Etat pour un exer


Il s'agira de (i) promouvoir les bonnes pratiques et les outils efficients de gouvernance participative du foncier rural; (ii) consolider la participation citoyenne pour veiller à l'application des textes législatifs et réglementaires et au respect du droit d'accés à l'information foncière en faveur des femmes et des jeunes; (iii) promouvoir le dilogue entre l'état et les acteurs communautaires dans le cadre de la réforme foncière.

DISSO Ci SUUF- '' Concertation à la base''


Contribuer à une meilleure participation des acteurs non étatiques au dialogue politique sur la réforme foncière. Objecti spécifique: Renforcer les capacités de proposition et de plaidoyer du CNCR et de la société civile sur la réforme foncière, en sappuyant sur des capitalisations, consultations locales et concertations multi-acteurs

YE Farmers reclaiming land


The Department of Agrarian Reform launched the Support to Parcelization of Lands for Individual Titling Project (SPLIT) in October 2020, which will grant individual titles to collective CLOA holders as mandated under CARP within three years. But land rights groups, like ORKALEFF and KAISAHAN, caution DAR to first ensure that ARBs are not vulnerable to pawning or selling their land and are capable to make their land productive. In Leyte, SPLIT targets 3,000 collective CLOAs awarded to farmers now in their 60s or mid-50s ordeceased. Some may be unable to farm but with heirs who can continue farming their land. It is crucial that these ARBs retain land ownership, especially now with the economic pressures from the COVID-19 pandemic. How will the SPLIT project involve these ageing farmers and their heirs given COVID-19 restrictions for senior citizens and mass gatherings? ORKALEFF and KAISAHAN targets to influence DAR to ensure that ageing ARB members and their heirs are qualified to benefit from the SPLIT project, are not disenfranchised, and understand the repercussions of individual titling under SPLIT on their land rights. Specifically, it targets the following: 1. Local and national criteria and processes for the validation and prioritization of beneficiaries under the SPLIT project are influenced in favor of the qualified ageing ARBs and youth heirs. 2. Ageing ORKALEFF members and youth heirs are not disenfranchised or forced into parcelization by the SPLIT processes. 3. Clearer policies on ARB succession in collective EPs/CLOAs and policy or government directives on the provision of support services to ARB SPLIT beneficiaries are issued. The project will focus on ORKALEFF members in Ormoc City and Kananga and KAISAHAN partner ARB organizations in municipalities of Capoocan and Alangalang in Leyte. Other key actors are DAR, concerned agencies and CSO advocates.

OI - Securing Women Land Rights


The Oxfam Pan Africa Programme (PAP) works with African citizens through their civil society formations to realise a self-reliant Africa that is democratic, peaceful, and responsive to the rights and development needs of its citizens. Our partnerships vary from civil society organisations, coalitions, networks social movements to private sector entities and inter governmental pan African institutions amongst others. The PAP has been, and continue to be instrumental in the establishment of leading African coalitions and networks such as SOAWR, PACJA, PAFO, CCPAU among others. Further to this, Oxfam#s efforts in supporting CSOs have contributed directlyto African CSOs´ abilities in policy advocacy at the AU level. The most significant impact of the PAP has been at the level of influencing governments and African Union (AU) policies, processes and institutions. The PAP has been instrumental in raising the profile and significance of the AU organs and institutions and increasing the voice of African civil society, both in terms of strengthening their capacities to engage and facilitating the space for them to get involved with AU decision making institutions, organs and processes through programmes such as the State of the Union, partnerships with AU organs like the Land Policy Initiative among others. In 2012, the PAP received an Award from the NEPAD Agency as its partner of choice in recognition of the technical support and expertise the Oxfam PAP contributes to its work. In 2013, the PAP received an award from the African Union Commission (AUC) for its technical support, lobbying and campaigning towards the ratification and implementation of the African women#s protocol. The PAP take pride in its recognized power to convene citizens and its capacity to influence regional, continental and global institutions and leaders towards implementation of regional, continental and global instruments, policies and programmes. The PAP remains the point of reference within the Oxfam confederation on cross-regional programming in Africa. Impact Women in Africa will have secure rights toland through improved land laws, policies, and practices, including effective regulation of investment to prevent land rights violations at country and continental level. Long Term Outcome: Regional and Continental policies that secure women land rights are enacted, domesticated and implemented effectively. To realise this outcome, below are some of the indicators that will guide the implementation of this project - Increased pressure on AU-LPI platform to deliver on its mandate and secure women land rights - Number of country teams (Malawi, Uganda and Mozambique) facilitated to the AU spaces to advocate for secure women land rights - Evidence of women (including the rural women) effective participation and engagement in platforms of influence to ensure women land rights are secured.

Under priority (2): improve shelter living conditions for IDPs and returnees through provision of cash for ren


The proposed interventions will contribute to promoting IDPs dignity, host communities and improve living conditions of affected targeted groups to meet commonly acceptable humanitarian principles through the provision of cash for rental subsidies to 300 displaced households and host communities living in rented houses under risk of eviction due to their the inabilities to meet the rental charges in Ibb city,. Priority will be given for women/children headed households, elderly people, people with physical or mental disabilities, people with special needs, and people with multiple vulnerabilities. The cash transfer will conduct through a money transfer agency for 6 months after conducting market assessment by AOBWC to select the agency who have good access and experience in CTP programs in the targeted areas, Under long-term/transitional shelters solutions, AOBWC will provide returnees with conditional cash to rehabilitate their damaged houses and improve their tenure security the project will support 50 households of returned people through multi cash payments for rehabilitation houses which have been partially damaged due to the conflict in Al Mudhaffar district Taizz city, as well as the construction of 93 transitional shelters for IDPs living in substandard or emergency shelters within hosting sites in Ash Shamayatayn district, priority will be given for affected people with multiple vulnerabilities based on detail needs assessment and verifications by AOBWC team. The project team will conduct house-to-house technical needs assessment to develop BoQs per house then provide the cash to implement rehabilitation works under AOBWC technical engineer’s supervision with highly participation of targeted groups., also transitional shelter BoQs will be created at the start of project implementation to construct 93 transitional shelters through service provider in highly participation of targeted groups under AOBWC technical engineer’s supervision in line with shelter cluster guidance. AOBWC is a women lead organization mainly targeting women/girls with disabilities, it is has a good experience in Shelter/ SNFIs especially with YHF funds along five years ago through conducting of three Shelter/CCCM projects under YHF. AOBWC has sub -offices and ongoing presence in Taizz and Ibb governorate through two YHF shelter/NFIs and CCCM projects during 2022 and by other funds under protection and FSL. Under (P2) , AOBWC has carried out shelter need assessment in Ibb district, Ibb gov and Al Shamayteen and Al Mudhafer districts within Taiz gov showed facts of lack of access to services for the most vulnerable IDPs , Returns and HCs also as a result of the conflict in Yemen since 2015 leaded to the huge needs of basic life-saving in shelter interventions where this project will result into that the targeted most vulnerable beneficiaries of IDPs, Returnees and HCs to outcomes that improve their dignified access to shelter interventions through provide life-saving shelter solutions to 443 households, 3103 individuals (898 Men , 591 Women, 559 boys, 1055 girls) of the most vulnerable IDPs, host communities at risk of eviction and returnees including people with disabilities and people with special needs in Ibb and Taizz governorates. The project is aligned with YHF’s first standards allocations - 2022 strategy to achieve shelter/NFIs cluster objectives and activities.