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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 686 - 690 of 2113

Amazon Business Alliance


This project focuses on climate change mitigation and biodiversity conservation in the Peruvian Amazon. The goal is to limit deforestation and forest degradation by restoring degraded ecosystems, while creating and strengthening bio-enterprises in the region that generate income for vulnerable populations, including women and indigenous peoples of the Amazon. Project activities include: (1) the creation of a public-private financing platform for bioenterprises; (2) technical assistance to producers in business and financial management, as well as in sustainable natural resource and land management; and (3) the development of national and regional laws, policies, regulations and programs conducive to bioenterprises.

Support of Natural Resources Governance and Peacebuilding in Mali


This project with Alert International focuses on peacebuilding and aims to improve natural resources governance to restore social cohesion by promoting local conflict resolution initiatives in the Koulikoro, Mopti, Ségou, Sikasso and Tombouctou regions of Mali. The initiative is based on the principle that building capacities, coupled with facilitation, and enhancing communities’ understanding of statutory instruments, primarily the legal framework for land governance, is critical and will inevitably help improve the target communities’ resilience to climate and environmental shocks with a view to efficient natural resources governance. Project activities include: (1) providing communities with guidance on identifying, developing and implementing local peace initiatives focused on natural resources governance; (2) ensuring broad awareness of land statutes and regulations in Mali; (3) providing support to build the capacities of community forums and village/commune land commissions regarding the provisions of the land code, conflict analysis, gender sensitivity and conflict sensitivity, advocacy, and how the effects of climate change make conflicts worse; and (4) organizing a national forum to capitalize on best practices in land governance and natural resources management. These activities will bring together representatives of commune, village and local land commissions, legal authorities and court officers, and state technical services.

Support of Natural Resources Governance and Peacebuilding in Mali


This project with Alert International focuses on peacebuilding and aims to improve natural resources governance to restore social cohesion by promoting local conflict resolution initiatives in the Koulikoro, Mopti, Ségou, Sikasso and Tombouctou regions of Mali. The initiative is based on the principle that building capacities, coupled with facilitation, and enhancing communities’ understanding of statutory instruments, primarily the legal framework for land governance, is critical and will inevitably help improve the target communities’ resilience to climate and environmental shocks with a view to efficient natural resources governance. Project activities include: (1) providing communities with guidance on identifying, developing and implementing local peace initiatives focused on natural resources governance; (2) ensuring broad awareness of land statutes and regulations in Mali; (3) providing support to build the capacities of community forums and village/commune land commissions regarding the provisions of the land code, conflict analysis, gender sensitivity and conflict sensitivity, advocacy, and how the effects of climate change make conflicts worse; and (4) organizing a national forum to capitalize on best practices in land governance and natural resources management. These activities will bring together representatives of commune, village and local land commissions, legal authorities and court officers, and state technical services.

Appui d’urgence en sécurité alimentaire aux déplacés, retournés et communautés d’accueil dans la zone de santé


Ce projet couvre un secteur prioritaire pour les ménages affectés par le mouvement des populations à savoir : la sécurité alimentaire. Il consiste à : Doter 2000 ménages vulnérables dont 800 ménages déplacés, 600 familles d’accueil, 600 ménages retournés, de moyens de production vivrière par la distribution des semences et d'outils aratoires, y compris la restructuration de 50 organisations paysannes Appuyer 2000 ménages en cash pour protection des semences. Ceci pour l’achat d’une demi-ration et la diversification de leurs moyens de subsistance en attendant la récolte En partenariat /conjointement avec l’IPAPEL, assurer les formations et l’accompagnement de bénéficiaires sur les techniques agroécologiques appropriées à la zone par la méthode de « learning by doing » dans les champs écoles paysans Le projet va aussi prévenir les différentes formes des violences et assurer la promotion de la cohabitation pacifique à travers les sensibilisations pendant la réalisation des activités, renforcer les mécanismes de gestion de plaintes dans le suivi et le Do No Harm dans tout le processus de mis en œuvre du projet. Un plaidoyer auprès des autorités locales et provinciales sera mené pour que les déplacés internes aient accès à la terre pour leurs activités agricoles et soient inclus socialement dans les zones où ils cherchent à s'installer dans un contexte de coexistence pacifique facilitant l'accès aux ressources communautaires telles que la terre. Christian Aid appuie dans la zone, le travail des comités locaux de gouvernance participative (CLGP) qui seront impliqués dans ce plaidoyer au niveau local.

Emergency WASH response to refugees affected by the compounded crisis in White Nile, Sudan.


ltpgtlt/pgtltpgtltspangtThe proposed interventions will target 3,000 HH (15,000 unique beneficiaries - 8,550F 6,450M) refugees in Alagaya, Dabat Bosin, and Alagaya extension camps in Aj Jabalain locality. lt/spangtltspangtThe project aims to have increased equal and sustained access to reliable, safe water, appropriate sanitation and hygiene services for the refugee women, men, boys and girls in the target locations. This will be achieved through improving access to secure gender-sensitive water and sanitation facilities. The facilities will conform to the cultural norms of users and through increased awareness of key public health risks and adoption of good Hygiene practices of the targeted population in the refugee camps. To ensure the inclusion of all population groups, NRC will identify people with special needs and measures undertaken in the execution of the interventions or refer them to specialized partners). This assessment will identify protection issues as well as land issues which will guide the implementation of planned infrastructures in this project. This will minimise disputes or tensions over land ownership thus fostering good co-existence in the target locations. lt/spangtltspangt lt/spangtlt/pgtltpgt lt/pgtltpgtltspangtThe main proposed activities to be implemented by NRC include:ltbrgt-Rehabilitation of 6 water distribution pointslt/spangtlt/pgtltpgtltspangt-Training of WASH committees on the management of the water pointslt/spangtlt/pgtltpgtltspangt-Rehabilitation of 10 blocks of emergency communal latrine infrastructure, each with 4 stances, including latrines cleaning tools and provision for disabled accesslt/spangtlt/pgtltpgtltspangtltspangtltspangtlt/spangtlt/spangtlt/spangtltspangt-Desludging of 30 blocks of emergency communal latrines and safe disposal of the excreta, including latrines cleaning of 20 hand washing stationslt/spangtlt/pgtltpgtltspangtltspangtltspangtlt/spangtlt/spangtlt/spangtltspangt-Provision of 20 sanitation kits for solid waste managementltbrgtlt/spangtlt/pgtltpgtltspangt-Undertaking hygiene awareness campaigns in the target locationslt/spangtlt/pgtltpgtltspangtltspangtlt/spangtlt/spangtltspangt-Provision of 15,000 pieces of soap (250g) for hand washing (in-kind, cash or voucher)lt/spangtlt/pgtltpgtltspangt-Provision of 1,000 menstrual hygiene kits (in-kind, cash or voucher)lt/spangtlt/pgtltpgtltspangtltspangtlt/spangtlt/spangtltspangt-Training of community hygiene promoters and WASH committees on positive hygiene practiceslt/spangtlt/pgtltpgt lt/pgtltpgtltspangtNRC will utilize a harmonized approach in close coordination and collaboration with the Commission for Refugees (COR), the WASH sector, line ministries at the state level, and other humanitarian partners. The implementation strategy by NRC will entail working closely with community structures to strengthen the community feedback and complaint mechanism, target persons with disabilities, and mainstream accountability to affected populations (AAP) principles throughout the ltbrgtlt/pgtltpgtltbrgtlt/pgtltpgtlt/pgtltpgtlt/pgt