Insect pests, diseases and other biotic agents have considerable impacts on forests and the forest sector. They can adversely affect tree growth and the yield of wood and non-wood products. Damage caused by forest pests can significantly reduce wildlife…
The main aim of this study is to facilitat e access to comprehensive and comparable information on the current and past extent of mangroves in the 124 countries and areas where they are known to exist, highlighting information gaps and providing updated information that may…
A Special Product (SP) is an agricultural product “out of the WTO” in that they are not subject to tariff reductions, i. e. Countries can keep the right to maintain protective tariffs on certain agricultural products that are essential for food security, rural development, and farmers’…
As an organisation, we look forward to ensuring continuity of professional services to our partners and ACP beneficiaries in the coming years as well as continuing with existing endeavours and embracing new opportunities as they may arise.
The World Trade Organization (WTO) hailed the recent Hong Kong Sixth Ministerial Meeting last December 2005 as a positive movement towards the conclusion of the Doha Development Round. The round was supposedly geared towards ensuring that trade contributes to the development objectives of least…
‘Poor soils make poor people, and poor people make soils worse’. This is a situation that can be seen in many ACP countries. What information support can be offered...
La población mundial crecerá de cerca de los 6 000 millones de habitantes de hoy día a más de 8 000 millones en el año 2030. Por consiguiente, en los próximos 30 años habrá que alimentar a 2 000 millones de personas más. La FAO estima que la producción mundial de alimentos deberá incrementarse…
This draft report prepared by an FAO - Investment Centre team upon request of the World Bank, is based on an extensive review of available information including technical papers and policy statements on OECS agriculture and on findings of short visits to the OECS countries to review development…
Situación de los bosques del mundo –que llega ahora a su sexta edición– presenta un panorama mundial del sector forestal en el que se ofrece la última informa-ción disponible sobre actividades y acontecimientos. Colaboraciones de organizaciones no gubernamen-tales (ONG), personas que actúan a…
The Global Forest Resources Assessment Update 2005 was specially mandated by the Committee on Forestry (COFO) during its meeting in 2003, where member countries endorsed recommendations from an Expert Consultation held in the Kotka, Finland in 2002 (Kotka IV). For this purpose all countries have…
A quarterly news bulletin dedicated to the exchange of information relating to wildlife and national resources management for the Asia-Pacific region.
La présente loi autorise la ratification de la réglementation commune aux Etats membres du CILSS sur l’homologation des pesticides, révisée et adoptée par le Conseil des Ministres du CILSS, le 16 décembre 1999 à N’Djaména (Tchad), dont le but est de mettre en commun (dans un cadre sous-régional…