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Law No. 4 of 1994 on Environment.

LandLibrary Resource
Asia occidental
África septentrional

This Law consisting of 65 articles divided in IV Parts and 10 Annexes aims at protecting the environment (land, air and water) from pollution. To achieve the objective the Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA) is established for the protection and promotion of the environment.

Administrative measures for the examination and approval of the use of forest land for construction projects.

LandLibrary Resource
Asia oriental

The purpose of these Measures is to strengthen the protection and management of forest lands, rationally develop and utilize forest land resources and promote the development of ecological forestry. The Measures consist of 29 articles.The Measures provide for the procedures and requirements for the use of forest land for construction projects.

Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper.

LandLibrary Resource
National Policies
Asia occidental

The Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) is a multi-sectoral national strategic document of the Republic of Armenia covering the period from 2003 to 2015. Its main objective is ensuring sustainable and high economic growth and the implementation of efficient social protection policies.The PRSP among others is concerned with agricultural development.

Décret n° 2-10-250 pris pour l'application de la loi n° 25-10 relative à l'aménagement et à la mise en valeur du site de la lagune de Marchica.

LandLibrary Resource
África septentrional

Il est créé dans le site de la lagune de Marchica, une zone d'aménagement et de mise en valeur dont les limites sont fixées conformément au plan annexé à la présente loi.

Provincial Land Use Policies Regulation (Man. Reg. 184/94).

LandLibrary Resource
América Septentrional

The present Regulation lays down provisions relating to provincial land use policies. In particular, they are intended to promote sustainable development. They serve as a guide to provincial and local authorities undertaking and reviewing land use plans. The Policies may be refined and adapted at the local level to suit the needs of different areas of Manitoba.

Kerala Conservation of Paddy Land and Wetland Act, 2008 (Act No. 28 of 2008).

LandLibrary Resource
Asia meridional

This Act aims to regulate the conversion and development of paddy fields and protect wetland areas in order to promote agricultural growth, ensure food security and sustain the ecological system in the State of Kerala.The Act provides for the establishment of a Local Level Monitoring Committee in each Panchayat or Municipality, a State Level Committee and a District Level Authorized Committee i