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Decree by the Council of Ministers No. 2015/7941 regarding declaration of the Saraçlı area in Ünye district in Ordu as area under risk of natural disasters.

LandLibrary Resource
Asia occidental

This Decree sets forth that the Council of Ministers declares that Saraçlı area in Ünye district in Ordu to be an area under risk of natural disasters, based on Article 2 of Law No. 6306 on restructuring of areas under risk of natural disasters, upon request of the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization.

Resolución Nº 940/2015 – Modifícase la Resolución Nº 515 de 2006, que crea el Programa para la Gestión Ambiental de Sitios Contaminados.

LandLibrary Resource
América del Sur

La presente Resolución reemplaza el artículo 3º de la Resolución Nº 515 de 2006, que establece los objetivos del Programa para la Gestión Ambiental de Sitios Contaminados.

Decision No. 120/2009/QD-TTg approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Binh Thuan province up to 2020.

LandLibrary Resource
Viet Nam
Asia sudoriental

This Decision approves the master plan on the socio-economic development of Binh Thuan province.This Decision aims at raising to the utmost all resources to improve the quality of economic growth, boosting the economic restructuring towards industrialization and modernization, combining economic growth with social development, hunger eradication, poverty reduction and social justice.The main ob

Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972.

LandLibrary Resource

This Act, consisting of 68 sections divided into eight Parts, provides for the protection, recognition and preservation of Aboriginal cultural heritage in Western Australia.The Act provides for the establishment of the Aboriginal Cultural Material Committee and defines its internal organization and its functions, which include: to evaluate on behalf of the community the importance of places and

Loi n° 26 - 2012 du 24 septembre 2012 portant création de l’Institut National de Recherche en Sciences Exactes et Naturelles.

LandLibrary Resource
África Central

La présente loi crée l’institut national de recherche en sciences exactes et naturelles ayant pour missions de: organiser, conduire et exécuter toute recherche fondamentale et appliquée visant la promotion du développement national dans les champs disciplinaires constitutifs des sciences exactes et naturelles; mettre en œuvre une programmation scientifique autour des axes prioritaires pour le d

Localism Act 2011 (2011 Cap. 20).

LandLibrary Resource
Reino Unido
Europa septentrional

This Act contains a wide range of measures to devolve more powers to councils and neighbourhoods and give local communities greater control over local decisions like housing and planning. It also concerns a wide variety of matters affecting the environment.

Crown Lands (General Reserves) By-law 2001.

LandLibrary Resource

This By-law provides for the implementation of the Crown Lands Act 1989 by providing specifications on Trust Boards (Part 2, div. 1) and other administrative matters, on the access to and use of reserves (Part 3) and on various matters related to the management of reserves (Part 4). The attached schedule provides a lists of the reserves to which this By-Laws applies.