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Regional Law No. 76-OZ “On forest management, conservation, protection and reproduction of forests growing on urban land”.

LandLibrary Resource
Europa oriental

The scope of this Regional Law shall be management, conservation, protection and reproduction of forests located on urban land. Urban forests shall be registered within the boundaries of urban areas and shall be destined for recreation of the population and conservation of favourable environment.

Regional Law No. 379-KZ “On forest management, conservation, protection and reproduction of forests growing on urban land”.

LandLibrary Resource
Europa oriental

The scope of this Regional Law shall be conservation and improvement of environmental, protective and other beneficial qualities of urban forests. Urban forest shall not be included in state forest fund, but shall be classified as public forest managed by regional administration.

Regional Law No. 185 “On forest management, conservation, protection and reproduction of forests growing on urban land”.

LandLibrary Resource
Europa oriental

The scope of this Regional Law shall be management, conservation, protection and reproduction of forests located on urban land. Urban forests shall be registered within the boundaries of urban areas and shall be destined for recreation of the population and conservation of favourable environment.

Legislative Decree No. 152 approving the Code on the Environment.

LandLibrary Resource
Europa meridional

This Legislative Decree approves the Code on the Environment, which sets out the legislative framework applicable to all matters concerning environmental protection.The Code is composed of six Parts. Part I (arts. 1-3) defines the application scope and lays down general provisions applicable to all areas covered by the Code. Part II (arts.

Ley Nº 2.715/05 – Declara Area Silvestre Protegida al Banco San Miguel y la Bahía de Asunción.

LandLibrary Resource
América del Sur

La presente Ley declara como Área Silvestre Protegida, con la categoría de manejo Reserva Ecológica, al Banco San Miguel y la Bahía de Asunción y sus lechos y álveos, quedando sujeta el área a las disposiciones de la Ley Nº 352/94 y sus reglamentaciones.

Act No. 85 of 2005 relating to legal relations and management of land and natural resources in the county of Finnmark (Finnmark Act)

LandLibrary Resource
Europa septentrional

This Act provides for the management of land and natural resources in the county of Finnmark. This shall be done in a balanced and ecologically sustainable manner for the benefit of the residents of the county and particularly as so as to enhance Sami culture, reindeer husbandry, use of non-cultivated areas, commercial activity and social life.

Use and Development of Government and Other Land - Chapter 68 of 21 GCA “Real Property”.

LandLibrary Resource

This Chapter regulates the use of Government land and defines uses for specific purposes and for specified parts of Guam. The Director with the approval of the Governor is authorized to grant permits for the use of any suitable government real property, not otherwise occupied or in use, and for any lawful purposes.

Law on land consolidation in Brcko District.

LandLibrary Resource
Bosnia y Herzegovina
Europa meridional

This Law defines and prescribes all necessary measures, standards and rules governing the land consolidation (agricultural and other land) and all other aspect (administrative, technical and legal) of the land tenure, property, use and/or consolidation.Land consolidation is carried out in accordance with the regional plan (development, environmental plan or other plans such as agricultural refo

Ordonnance nº 2005-867 portant actualisation et adaptation du droit domanial, du droit foncier et du droit forestier applicables en Guyane.

LandLibrary Resource
Guayana francesa
América del Sur

La présente ordonnance complète le dispositif législatif en matière forestière et donne un fondement juridique à l'intervention de l'Office national des forêts (ONF) et aux actes de gestion durable : elle étend l'essentiel du code forestier à la Guyane, avec les adaptations et dispositions spécifiques rendues nécessaires par le contexte et les enjeux particuliers de la forêt guyanaise.

Mining Act 1992.

LandLibrary Resource
Papua Nueva Guinea

This Act provides for mining, including alluvial mining, and regulates in detail various aspects of mining tenements, i.e.

Legislative Decree No. 59 implementing Directive 96/61/EC concerning integrated pollution prevention and control.

LandLibrary Resource
Europa meridional

By way of implementation of Directive 96/61/EC, this Legislative Decree aims at the integrated prevention and control of pollution which arises from the activities specified in Annex I. There are established particular measures intended to prevent and reduce emissions into the air, water and land, comprising general principles in matter of waste management.